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Dashboard Messages
Dashboard Messages Overview Dashboard Messages are a quick way to send messages to the store(s) for employees to see from the POS and Control Center. This can effectively replace email, as messages are threaded and can even contain attachments. The ...
Vendor Parts
Vendor Parts Overview The vendor provides the vendor part based on how the vendor identifies the product in their system. For a retailer, the vendor part represents the vendor for a product. Using the vendor part, you can identify the vendor for a ...
Back Orders
Back Orders Overview "Back Orders" shows the list of all system-generated back orders. When the vendor cannot completely fulfill an order for any reason, the system logs the quantity difference as a back order. The system creates a back order per ...
Time Clock - POS
Time Clock - POS Overview "Time Clock" is used to log the working hours of the store employees. It can be seen on the home screen just below the cashier’s name in the upper left corner. See Figure 0.0. For information pertaining to the "Time Clock" ...
Scheduled Orders
Scheduled Orders Overview This article outlines the automated purchase order scheduling process, from creating the purchase order to delivering items to various store locations. Once you have figured out your regular ordering needs (quantity, ...