Auto Price Changes

Auto Price Changes

Auto Price Changes Overview

"Auto Price Changes" allows you to implement a trigger that will update the price when the cost changes done via invoice based on preset parameters. This article will focus on setting up and utilizing the "Auto Price Changes" feature.

"Auto Price Changes" Initial Setup

There are 2 main parts that need to be configured prior to utilizing Auto Price Changes in FTx Cloud POS, Vendor Setup and Settings Configuration. Both of these configuration steps will be under the "Maintenance" module.

1. Vendor Configuration for Use with "Auto Price Changes"

Vendor configuration in relation to "Auto Price Changes" is extremely simple to get to, and address by following the steps below:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Maintenance
  4. Step 4: Choose Vendors

Figure 1.0

Once selected you will want to choose the Vendor you wish to allow Auto Price Changes to work with (See Figure 1.0) and select the toggle at the bottom of the "Details" section (The default section when opening a vendor) labeled Auto Apply Price Change.
When set to Yes, this will allow invoices made on the vendor to automatically adjust the price based on the cost changes.
When set to No, cost changes on invoices for this vendor will have no effect on price.
Once you set it to Yes, finish up this step by selecting one of the 3 Save options in the top right of the page.

2. Settings & Panels Configuration for Use with "Auto Price Changes"

Settings & Panels is where we need to go to set the rest up to enable the "Auto Price Changes" feature to get to the proper location in Control Center. (See Figure 2.1.)
For full Settings & Panels information, please see Inventory Settings for more information on this module.

  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Maintenance
  4. Step 4: Choose Settings & Panels
  5. Step 5: Choose POS
  6. Step 6: Choose Inventory 

Figure 2.0

Scroll down until you see the Advanced Receiving Configuration settings, and locate the settings highlighted below:

Figure 2.1

Auto Apply Invoice Cost Changes When Applying Invoice: This setting MUST be set to Yes before you will be able to see the Auto Apply Price When Invoice Cost Change settings.
Auto Apply Price When Invoice Cost Change: Once set to Yes, we will see the rest of the settings that need to be configured to enable this feature. (See Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3.)

Figure 2.2

Cost Exception Threshold Percent: This setting will allow you to select what cost change percent will contribute to the Automatic Price change. For example, in Figure 2.2, we have selected a 10% difference between the old cost and the new cost. What this means is that any cost change that is equal to or less than a 10% change in cost from the old cost to the new cost will cause the Automatic Price Change to take effect. Any cost changes higher than 10% will not result in a price increase automatically.
Price Round Up/Down: If set to Yes, the settings in Image 2.3 will appear for you to select from Using these settings will allow you to utilize rounding to the nearest 5 or 9 digit.
For example, if "Round 5 Up" is selected and the auto price change sets a price of $3.22, the system will round up to a new sale price of $3.25.

Figure 2.3

No Rounding: If selected, no rounding will take place.
Round 5 Up: If selected, the last digit will be rounded up to the number 5.
Round 9 Up: If selected, the last digit will be rounded up to the number 9.
Round 5 or 9 Up: If selected, the last digit will be rounded up to the number 5 or 9.
Round 9 Up or Down: If selected, the last digit will be rounded up or down to the number 5 or 9.

3. Reaching "Auto Price Changes"

Once an invoice with cost changes has been applied when the previous settings have been set (see the Invoice Overview KB article for information on creating and applying invoices), we can now see the actual price changes by going to the "Auto Price Changes" tab in the "Products" tab of the "Pricebook" module. (See Figure 3.0 below.)
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Pricebook
  4. Step 4: Choose Products 
  5. Step 5: From the drop-down, choose Auto Price Changes

Figure 3.0

Proceed to select one or multiple stores with the box labeled "No Filter Selected" in the top right corner. (See Figure 3.1.)

Figure 3.1

From here we can select which store or stores that we want to see the automatic price changes.  Select the checkbox next to the store(s) name(s) and use the double arrow between the results box and the selected list box to move the store or stores over, when happy with the store or stores selected, click "Apply" in the lower right-hand side. (See Figure 3.2.)
                                                       Figure 3.2

Once we have our store(s) selected, we can then move on to our filters. (See Figure 3.3.)

Figure 3.3

Filter By: This selection is mandatory. You have 2 options here: Show All and Customer Filter.
Show All: This will show all items in the Pricebook that have been automatically price changed via an invoice cost change.
Custom Filter: This option will let you select which items you wish to see. You have many options to choose your items from; see Figure 3.4 for more information.

Figure 3.4

Once you have decided on whether or not to use all items or the custom filter, we then want to address the Status Filter. See Figure 3.6 below.

Figure 3.5

Status Filter:
All Changes: If selected, all changes pending or applied will be displayed when the "Filter" button is pushed.
Only Pending Changes: If selected, only changes that are awaiting the close of an invoice will be shown when the "Filter" button is pushed.
Only Applied Changes: If selected, only changes that have already happened due to a closed invoice will be shown when the "Filter" button is pushed.

Filter Date Range: By checking the Filter Date Range checkbox, it will expand the filter giving us our option for Start Date and End Date. We can manually select a range or use the "Presets" button to select from a set of common date ranges as shown in Figure 3.6 below.

Figure 3.6

Column Selection: This section will allow us to select which columns we want to see in our results. Not every column can be removed, only the columns shown in Figure 3.7 below can be removed.

Figure 3.7

Finally, once we have gone through the configuration explained above, and we have applied an invoice with cost changes, we will see the results as shown below in Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.8

Item Name: The name given to the product in the Pricebook.
UPC: The UPC assigned to the product in the Pricebook.
Pricebook Zone: The selected Pricebook one associated with the change.
Old Cost: The cost of the product prior to the newest invoice.
Old Price: The price of the product prior to the newest invoice.
Old Margin(%): The margin of the product prior to the newest invoice.
New Cost: The cost of the product after the newest invoice was applied.
New Price: The price of the product after the newest invoice was applied.
New Margin(%): The margin of the product after the newest invoice was applied.
Location: The name of the store where the price has changed.
Store #: The number of the store where the price has changed.
Invoice #: The number of the invoice that altered the price. 
Invoice Date: The date of the invoice that altered the price.
Vendor: The vendor from which the invoice was received.
Vendor Part #: The vendor part number associated with the product's price changed after the invoice was applied. 
Applied Date: The date on which the invoice was applied, which altered the price.
Created At: The date and time at which the invoice was created at which altered the price.

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