Basic Details at Location Level

Basic Details at Location Level

Basic Details for Specific Location (Store)

Settings -> Locations & Fulfillments -> "Location Details"

When you log in for the first time as a store/business owner, you must enter and set up the basic details for each store individually. The basic details cover the store's physical address and contact details, whether it is the store, warehouse, or both. These details will be synced from the Control Center.

Some other details, such as Google Map Place ID (a location on Google Map), home page template selection, storefront side image, time zone, etc., can be set up for the location individually. When customers access the online store, they need to search for a nearby store by entering the zip code or address details. So, the location details are mandatory to be set up.

1. Reaching Location Details

To reach "Location Details" to configure the location's basic and mandatory details, follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Store Admin
  2. Step 2: Click Settings
  3. Step 3: Log into Locations & Fulfillments

Figure 1.1
  1. Step 4: Click "Action" for a specific Location
    1. By clicking the "action" (ellipsis) icon, you will see the list of setups to configure for the selected location.

Figure 1.3
  1. Step 5: Click Location Details
If any location (store) is recently synced from the Control Center, you will get the "Setup" button instead of the action (ellipsis) icon for that location. It means you need to configure and set up the location from scratch or for the first time.

Figure 1.4
By clicking the "Setup" button, you will be redirected to the location details by default.

2. Location Details

When you redirect to the location details page, you must enter the following fields to configure the store's mandatory details:
1. Basic Location Details
Location Name: Once the location is synced from the Control Center, it will use the location name that was configured in the Control Center.
Phone: You need to enter the official phone number of your store.
Email: You need to enter an official email ID to be contacted for any business-related communication.

Figure 2.1
2. Location Address & Map Details
- Place ID: You can display the store location (push pin) on the Google Map where the store is actually located. The map will be displayed on the dedicated detail page for the location.
                  -> To get the place ID, the store must be registered with Google. You will get the "Place ID" from the location details on the Google Map.
- Address Details: Enter the address details where the store is located physically.

3. Location Type & Template
- Location Type: Select the store's type, whether it is a store, a warehouse, or both.
- Home Page Collection Template: You can set up the home (main) page of your online store when customers select this store to browse products and place an order.
-> You will get the drop-down list of the templates that are created under the "Collection Templates" menu. To learn about it, go through the "Product Collection Template" KB article.
4. Customer Support Contact Details:
- You need to enter the email and phone number for customer support so the customers can communicate with the store executive regarding any queries related to orders, payments, or returns.
- The entered email and phone number will be displayed on the dedicated detail page of the location as well as in the email confirming the details of the order after a customer places it.

Figure 2.2
5. Allow Return Within: Allow the customers to return the product or order within the entered number of days. When the customer places the order, they are eligible to return the product or the whole order within the days that are entered here.
6. Time Zone: Select the time zone for the store. You will get a drop-down to select the time zone as per UTC and GMT.
7. Store Image: Upload a store's image that will be displayed on the dedicated page for the location. The image size should be 640 x 480.
8. Add Employee's Email to be Notified: You can set up the email notification for the store's employees by entering their email IDs manually.
To set up the employees' email IDs, first, enable the "Add Employee's Email to be Notified" checkbox. By enabling the checkbox, a textbox and the Employee's List table will be visible.
- Enter the employee's Email ID into the textbox and click the 'Add' button to add in the list.

Figure 2.3

- You can add up to 10 Email IDs of the store employees. The order notification will be sent on the Email Ids regarding the customer's orders. You can also edit/delete the email ids as per need.

Figure 2.4
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