Business Details

Business Details

Business Details

The business details can be set up from the Control Center side while the FTx Commerce Store Admin will provide the read-only view to review the details.
This KB article provides a comprehensive guide on configuring your business details from the Control Center side.

1. Reaching Business Details

As a retailer/store admin, you can set up "Business Details" for the e-commerce site/app on the control center side while you will have read-only view on the store admin side. To find Business Details in Store Admin will vary depending on whether multi-brand is disabled or enabled.

1.1 For Standalone Online Store

When the 'multi-brand' option is disabled in the control center, you have only a single online store/site for your business. Follow the below steps to review the 'Business Details':
  1. Step 1: Log into Store Admin
  2. Step 2: Click Settings -> General
  3. Step 3: Click Business Details

1.2 For Multiple Online Brand Stores

When the 'multi-brand' option is enabled from the control center side, the 'Age Verification' can be set up individually for each online brand store.
Follow the below steps to set up the age verification options for the store individually:
  1. Step 1: Log into Store Admin
  2. Step 2: Click Online Brand Stores
  3. Step 3: Click the 'Settings' icon for online brand store

Figure 1.2.1
  1. Step 4: When you redirect to inside the specific store, click Store Settings -> Business Details

Figure 1.2.2

Note: Whether multi-brand is enabled or disabled, the steps for setting up and managing the Age Verification settings will be the same.

The Business details will have the read-only view in the store admin side while if you want to update or modify the business details that can be done on the control center side

2. Business Details in Control Center

The following details are generally filled in by the control center's team (super admin).
Business Legal Details
  1. Business Name: Enter the business/store name the customers are familiar with. 
  2. Business Legal Name: Enter the official business name that has been registered with the government. The business's legal name is used on business paperwork, tax, and other government forms.
  3. Address Details: Enter the address details of the business/store, i.e., head office, corporate office. You need to enter the zip code, city, and country. You can select the state from the drop-down selection.
  4. Contact Email & Contact Phone: Enter the official email address and phone number associated with your business.
NotesNote: If you need any modification or update for above fields, please contact your onboarding manager or technical support team.
The following details can be added and managed by the retailers/admin users of the Control Center:
[POS -> FTx Commerce -> Store/Brand]

  1. Select Industry: Select the industry type to define your business domain, i.e., tobacco, liquor, retailer, FMCG, electronics, etc.
  2. Customer Service Email & Customer Service Phone: To ensure effective communication with your customers, it's important to provide accurate contact information.
    Enter the email address and phone number specifically designated for customer service inquiries. Customer Service Email is used to trigger order notification emails when customers place orders. Both the customer service email and phone number will be prominently displayed on the customer support details page of your e-commerce site (online store).

Note: For a primary account, you can edit the three fields as explained above while if additional brand/store, you will have the provision to update all fields for the brands/stores.
After configuring your business details, remember to click the "Save" button to save your changes.
  1. Store Name/ID for Fulfillment App: You can find this field only in the FTx Commerce-Store Admin. This Name/ID will be required when store users initiate the fulfillment app for the first time. This field will be auto generated and fetch the tenant's Name/ID from the backend (database).

Although Business Details is typically a one-time setup when your account is initially added, you can contact the customer support team if any modifications are required later.

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