Broad Counts

Broad Counts

Broad Counts Overview

"Broad Counts" allows the customer to save the inventory counts at a very broad level, thus allowing them to save time as compared to existing detailed inventory counts. Broad Counts will not use existing inventory definitions but rather new broad count definitions. Broad count definitions support filters based on a single department or a single category only. You can create and assign broad count definitions as per locations.

Reaching "Broad Counts"

To reach "Broad Counts," follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Inventory

                                                                                    Figure 1
  1. Step 3: Choose Inventory Counts
  2. Step 4: Choose Broad Counts

Understanding "Broad Counts" Layout

Please see the image below labeled Figure 2 for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen.
                                                                                      Figure 2 

1. "Broad Counts" Settings

Under Dashboard Settings for Employee Group, set the Allow Broad Counts toggle to YES for the employees who will be allowed to access "Broad Counts" and carry out the process. See Figure 3.

                                                                                    Figure 3

Additionally, location specific override can also be added for “Allow Broad Count” setting for the Employees under Permissions. Based on this setting, the Broad Counts module will be visible to employees. By Default, setting will be enabled for the Employee Group. You can also make a location-specific override for the employee. See Figure 3.1.


                                                                                  Figure 3.1

2. Start Count

This button will open up the Start Count form, as highlighted in Figure 4.

                                                      Figure 4

Fill in the details as per the fields explanation.
  1. Definition: The Broad Count Definition drop-down populates with only those broad count definitions that are assigned to that location for which that day’s Broad Count is still pending.
  1. System Count: This field represents a system-calculated count that is visible to the user only if the setting for Show System Count to employee is set to YES. Otherwise, this field will be displayed with value as N/A.

                                      Figure 5
  1. Notes: Notes to be saved with the count. Based on the setting for the selected definition, this field will be required before the count can be saved/submitted.
  1. + Start Count: Clicking on this button will start the broad count. Once done, the message highlighted in Figure 6 appears.

                                             Figure 6
Once the broad count is completed, you can update that before submitting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Figure 7
1. Update Count: This button lets you update the created broad count in case there's variance in the user count vs. the system count.
2. Finish Count: Click this button to finish the count and submit it to the corporate user for review. When done, it is submitted to the corporate user for review.

3. Broad Counts Module Admin/Corporate User Side

                                                                                Figure 8

When the admin/corporate users access the Broad Counts module, it displays the grid with the list of broad counts that are submitted by the employees. as shown in Figure 8 above. 

Action Buttons:

  1. Edit: This button will open up the Broad Count Details page with the details of the selected broad count. You can Review, or Review with Variance from this Edit screen as well. See Figure 9.

                                                                         Figure 9
  1. View History: This action button will open a pop-up to display the history of user entered counts along with the notes for that broad count.

                                                                                  Figure 10
  1. Snapshot: This button shows the broad count history for the selected broad count. See Figure 11.

                                                                           Figure 11

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