Cost Changes Between Dates Report

Cost Changes Between Dates Report

Cost Changes Between Dates Report Overview

The "Cost Changes Between Dates Report" will list cost changes for pricebook zones between specific dates and the details of what and where they changed.
The system will display records of the cost changes for products only for the specifically selected date range. The system will also display the UPC, product name, old cost value, new cost value, date and time stamp when the old cost was changed to the new, and the change notes for each cost change record.

1. Reaching the "Cost Changes Between Dates Report"
To reach the "Cost Changes Between Dates Report," follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Reports
  4. Step 4: Choose Inventory Reports
  5. Step 5: Choose Cost Changes Between Dates
See Figure A. You will see many types of inventory reports that will be useful to your retail business. By clicking the "Choose Report" drop-down selection, you will see the different types of inventory reports.

                                                                        Figure A

By clicking on "Cost Changes Between Dates," you will be redirected to the "Cost Changes Between Dates Report" page, where you can see relevant filtering and sorting options.

                                                                                Figure B

2. Generating the "Cost Changes Between Dates Report" 

To generate the "Cost Changes Between Dates Report," follow the steps below. (See Figure B above.).
  1. On the "Inventory Report" page, you will see the "Choose Report" drop-down selection.
  2. By clicking the drop-down selection, you will see different types of inventory reports in alphabetical order.
  3. Search for "Cost Changes Between Dates" from the list and click on it.
The following data gets fetched in tabular format when you click on the "Generate Report" button in the top right corner. The "Cost Changes Between Dates Report" will be displayed as highlighted in Figure C.

                                                              Figure C
  1. UPC: It stands for Universal Product Code (UPC), which helps in tracking items at the store. This UPC column displays the UPCs of the items listed for the Cost Changes Between Dates Report.
  2. Item Name: This column displays the real name of the item.
  3. Pricebook Zone: It is a set of costs and prices assigned to the item(s) existing in your inventory. Select the applicable pricebook zone for which you wish to generate the Cost Changes Between Dates Report.
  4. Old Cost: This column displays the previous cost of the item (the buying price of an item).
  5. New Cost: This column displays the current cost of the item.
  6. Change Notes: This column displays the reason for which the cost was updated.

2. Location Filters

You can generate the report for Cost Changes Between Dates for chosen store locations or location groups.

                                                                                    Figure D
  1. You will see two different tabs to filter the items to generate the Cost Changes Between Dates Report.
  2. To fetch the report with already saved filters, you can click on "Manage Filter," as highlighted in Figure D.

2.1 Manage Filters

The "Manage Filters" button will open the list of the saved custom filters, as you can see in "TEST1," adjacent to the "Manage Filter" button.

Figure E
  1. Here, you can save multiple filters and apply them to generate a customized report for item cost changes between the selected dates. 
  2. You can select the saved filter from the list to generate the desired report.
  3. Select the filter from the list, and then click on the "Select Filter" button.
  4. Or you can directly select location(s) or location groups, as highlighted in Figure D.

2.2.1 Save Filters

You can also save the configured custom filters for future use. Make the changes by selecting filters; by clicking the "Save Filters" button, a pop-up will appear to allow you to enter the name of the custom filter.

                                                                                               Figure F

2.2 Date Range

You can filter your sales data in the report between the dates and select a specific time from the Start Date and End Date drop-down calendars.
  1. By clicking the edit box, you will get a tiny calendar to select the specific date range. You can also enter the date manually in mm/dd/yyyy format.
  1. You can also generate a report with a specific time duration (until morning/evening), and you can select the particular time (hour and minutes) from the date selection. See Figure G and Figure H.

                                                                                Figure G

                                                                                                Figure H

2.3 Presets

Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the report for Cost Changes Between Dates according to the selected time period. See Figure I.

                                                                                             Figure I

Generating the "Cost Changes Between Dates" Report After Applying Filters and Date Range

  1. Once you apply the desired filter, it will take you back to the "Cost Changes Between Dates Report" main page.
  2. Then click on "Generate Report" to generate the filtered report.  

                                                                                                Figure J

The report highlights the list of items whose cost has changed, and the Cost Changes Between Dates are displayed according to the various filters applied.

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