What's The Purpose Of Customers In The System?
Customer accounts are available to view from the store (client) views, but the control is limited. Since customer entities are multi-account, we can only provide access to see our current list or include the customer in reports or manage balance assignments for our store or chain account.
Navigating to the Customers Module
To reach the Customers module:
- Log in to Control Center
- Choose Point of Sale
- Choose Maintenance
- Choose Users/Employees
- Choose Customers
Understanding the Customers Module Layout
Please see the image below labeled Figure A for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen.
Figure A
Admin/Super User can view the available customer for company or accounts, They can also check their Association and convert their Customer as Employee.
1. Add New Customer: This button helps you to add a new customer.
2. Merge Customers: This button will merge two customers as one, in case the two customer records hint towards one customer.
3. Edit Customer: Edit button helps one can edit the customer record
4. Delete Customer: This button deletes the customer record.
5. Associations: The User can check the customer association (linked or chained customer) based on Store data
-Select Store: The user can select the store for which they want to check the associated customer.
6. Approved Topics: This button highlights the list of topics that are approved/enabled for a registered customer.
7. Convert to Employee: This button converts the selected customer to an employee.
Adding New Customer
Follow the steps mentioned
below to add a new customer:
- Click the “Add
New” button highlighted in Figure A above to add a new customer.
- The form highlighted in Figure B will appear on your screen.
Figure B
1. Details: This tab explains the general details about the customer.
2. Contact: This tab gives the contact details of the customer.
3. Settings: This tab helps in describing the privileges given to the customer.
4. Save and Close: This button will let you save the changes made and exit the current form.
5. Save and New: This button will let you save the changes made and opens a new customer form.
6. Save: This button allows you to save the changes.
7. Cancel: The cancel button cancels the changes made.
8. Manage: This button helps you manage the list of stores that don't allow access to the customers.
9. First Name: Give the customer's first name here in this field.
10. Last Name: Enter the last name of the customer in this field.
11. Username: Choose a display name for the newly added employee. This is a way to protect the real identity of the employee. In case this field isn't filled out, the first and last name would be displayed on the customer-facing display.
12. Password: Enter a password, preferably numeric.
13. Customer Description: Give the description of the customer to ease
14. Gender: Mention the gender of the customer.
15. Signup Referral Code: Enter the referral code if available.
16. Customer Type: Choose the customer type from the drop-down menu.
Figure C
Contact Tab:
Please see the image below labeled Figure B for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen.
Figure B
1. Details: This tab explains the general details about the customer.
2. Contact: This tab gives the contact details of the customer.
3. Settings: This tab helps in describing the privileges given to the customer.
4. Save and Close: This button will let you save the changes made and exit the current form.
5. Save and New: This button will let you save the changes made and opens the new form.
6. Save: This button saves the changes made in the form.
7. Cancel: The cancel button cancels the changes made.
8. Manage: This button helps you manage the list of stores that don't allow access to the customers.
9. Address Line 1: Provide the first line of the customer's address here in this field.
10. Address Line 2: Fill in more information on the address field, if required.
11. City: Mention the customer's city name.
12. State: Fill in the state name where the customer's city lies.
13. Zip: Give the zip code of the city where the employee resides in.
14. Country Code: Mention the country code of the customer
15. Phone: Fill in the phone number of the customer in this field.
Settings Tab
Please see the image below labeled Figure C for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen.
Figure C
1. Details: This tab explains the general details about the customer.
2. Contact: This tab gives the contact details of the customer.
3. Settings: This tab helps in describing the privileges given to the customer.
4. Save and Close: This button will let you save the changes made and exit the current form.
5. Save and New: This button will let you save the changes made and opens the new form.
6. Save: This button saves the changes made in the customer document.
7. Cancel: The cancel button cancels the changes made.
8. Manage: This button helps you manage the list of stores that don't allow access to the customers.
- Can Text: Toggle this option ON, if the customer is allowed to text back to the store.
- Can Email: Toggle this option ON, if the customer can send an email to the store
- Can Mail: Toggle ON this option if the customer is allowed to send postal mails to the store.
- Can Call: Toggle this option ON, if the customer can be allowed to call at the store.
- Disable Return: Toggle this option ON, if the customer is not allowed to
Editing Customer
Follow the steps mentioned below to edit the customer:
- Click the “Edit” button highlighted in Figure A above to edit a customer.
- The form highlighted in Figure D will appear on your screen.
Figure D
1. Details: This tab explains the general details about the customer.
2. Contact: This tab gives the contact details of the customer.
3. Settings: This tab helps in describing the privileges given to the customer.
4. View Return History: Click on this button helps you view the return history of the customer.
5. Send Welcome Email: This button works as a check box and sends a welcome email.
6. Delete: This button deletes the customer record.
7. Save and Close: This button will let you save the changes made and exit the current form.
8. Save and New: This button will let you save the changes made and opens the new form
9. Save: This button saves the changes made in the
10. Cancel: The cancel button cancels the changes made.
11. Manage: This button helps you manage the list of stores that don't allow access to the customers.
(12-24) Fields are explained in the above section (See Figure B).
25. Best Pals (Store Name)
- Store Locked: Toggle this option ON if the store is locked for the customer.
- Banned from Store: Toggle this option ON, if the customer is banned for the customer.
- Banned Description: Enter the reason for banning the customer.
- Delete: This button will help you delete the store from the list.
26. Home Goods (Store Name)
- Store Locked: Toggle this option ON if the store is locked for the customer.
- Banned from Store: Toggle this option ON, if the customer is banned for the customer.
- Banned Description: Enter the reason for banning the customer.
- Delete: This button will help you delete the store from the list.
27. SC Choice Management (Store Name)
- Store Locked: Toggle this option ON if the store is locked for the customer.
- Banned from Store: Toggle this option ON, if the customer is banned for the customer.
- Banned Description: Enter the reason for banning the customer.
- Delete: This button will help you delete the store from the list.
Follow the steps mentioned below to view the association of customers:
- Click the “Association” button highlighted in Figure A above to view the association of customers:
- The form highlighted in Figure D will appear on your screen.
Figure D
1. Teams: You can choose team view as interactive or hierarchy
2. Interactive: It will show the customer details such as name, store point, registered user, and avatar of the customer.
3. Hierarchy: It will display the levels of associated customer and their registered user.
2. Friends: It will show the linked friend name and the connection as a mutual/shared store.
Approved Topics:
- Click on this button highlighted in Figure A above to view topics that are approved for a customer.
- The form highlighted in Figure E will appear on your screen.
Figure E
Converting Customers to Employees
- Click on this button highlighted in Figure A above to convert a customer to an employee.
- The form highlighted in Figure F will appear on your screen.
- Fill in the fields highlighted in the form above and click on "Convert Customer."
- The form highlighted in Figure G will appear on your screen.
- Cancel: This button discards the changes made.
- Convert Customer: Convert button will convert the selected customer to an employee.
- Enter Employee #: In this field, enter the customer's name that you wish to convert into an employee.
- Can Register Employees: This field works as a toggle option that will allow the customer-turned employee to register more employees.
- Select Manager: This option lets you select a manager from the drop-down list of managers.
Merging Customers
- Click on this button highlighted in Figure A above to merge customers
- The form highlighted in Figure H will appear on your screen.
Figure H
- Select the source customer from the list below.
- Select the destination customer from the list below.
- Click on the "Merge" button to merge the selected customers together.
- The form highlighted in Figure H will appear on your screen.
Figure H
Deleting Customers
Follow the steps mentioned below to delete the customer:
- Click the “Delete” button highlighted in Figure A above to delete the record of the roles assigned to the user.
- The form highlighted in Figure D will appear on your screen.
Figure D
- Click “Yes, Delete” to continue the process of deleting the selected customer.
- Click “Cancel” to close the popup and skip the deletion process.