Cycle Count Totals Report Overview
Reports -> Inventory Reports -> "Cycle Count Totals"
The store admin/executive needs to count the inventory of the store using a handheld POS device. It is the definitive way to accurately perform inventory counts in your store using a handheld device that is directly synced with Control Center. At the time of counting the inventories, all the actions are tagged with a timestamp, so that will be recorded for reconciliation as well as reporting purposes.
FTx Cloud POS provides reports on the total quantity and total amount of all the cycle counts that were counted during a specifically selected date range. Depending on your requirements, multiple different types of filters can also be configured. The system will display records of all the cycle counts only according to the selected filter options.
You can easily create an inventory count definition in the system, and based on that, you can count the store's inventory.
The system will also display the total quantity of products in each cycle count, the total amount of products in each cycle count, the status of the cycle count, the name of the inventory definition applied during each cycle count, and the date and time range when a particular cycle count was done.
In this article, you will see:
- How to check the "Cycle Count Totals Report" for the specific store between dates
- How to apply the Customer Filter options to filter the cycle count totals data in the report
1. Reaching the "Cycle Count Totals Report"
To reach the "Cycle Count Totals Report," follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Log into Control Center
- Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
- Step 3: Choose Reports
- Step 4: Choose Inventory Reports
Figure 1.1- Step 5: Choose Cycle Count Totals
By clicking the "Cycle Count Totals" report type, you will be redirected to the "Cycle Count Totals Report" page with relevant filter options.
Figure 1.2
You will see the Report data is empty message initially. You need to make appropriate selections for the date range and click the "Generate Report" button to view the Cycle Count Totals Report. You can use the following filters as per your requirements: Applied, Reviewed, and Group by Location.
2. Generating the "Cycle Count Totals Report"
Please follow the steps below to generate the "Cycle Count Totals Report":
- Navigate to the "Cycle Count Totals Report" page.
- Select the date range using the Start Date and End Date fields.
- Use the filters Applied, Reviewed, and Group by Location as per your requirements. Please refer to points 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 to learn more about these filters.
- Use the "No Filter Selected" button to select the specific stores for generating the Cycle Count Totals Report. 3.7 The Store & Location Group Filter explains more about using this button.
- Click "Generate Report" whenever you change your selection in any field to view the updated report.
Once you click the "Generate Report" button, the system will generate the Cycle Count Totals Report with the location (store) and the inventory definitions that fall under the specific location.
Figure 2.1
The following details can be seen for the cycle count totals:
- Date: This is the date with a timespan when the total number of counts occurred using the handheld device at the selected store.
- Definition Name: This shows the name of the Inventory Definition (created under POS -> Inventory -> Inventory Counts -> "Inventory Definitions") for which items needed to be counted.
- Location: This column shows the location name where the Cycle Count process was performed.
- Employee: This column shows the name of the employee who performed the Cycle Count process.
- Reviewed: This column shows whether the store reviews the submitted Cycle Count manager or corporate user.
- Total Count: This column shows the sum of all the item counts for the inventory definitions.
- Total Cost: This column shows the applicable sum of the costs as per the count.
- Applied: This column shows if the counts are Applied or not.
3. Filter Options
FTx Cloud POS allows you to view the Cycle Count Totals Report records per your needs using various filter options. You can use any single filter or combination of multiple filters to configure the report per your specific requirements.
3.1 Custom Filter
The Custom Filter enables you to select a specific parameter (filter) to get the desired records in the Cycle Count Totals Report. You will find the two options in the Filter Items drop-down selection:
- Show All: By default, this option will be pre-selected. It considers all the data (parameters) to generate the report. The system keeps "Manage" disabled for this option.
- Custom Filter: To customize and get the specific data for the report, select the Custom Filter option. Once you select it, the "Manage" button will be enabled to set up the filters.
Figure 3.1.1
- By clicking the "Manage" button, the Manage Filters window will pop up. You will see the following:
Figure 3.1.2
1. Select the saved custom filter from the drop-down selection (if any). The "Manage Filters" button will open the list of saved custom filters.
2. You will see five tabs: Department, Category, Manufacturer, Tag, and Department Tag. Select the required tab, i.e., "Department," to see the Cycle Count Totals Report specific to the selected departments.
3. The Manage Records screen will show the relevant list for the selected tab. For example, if you have chosen the "Department" tab, it will show the list of all departments. You can search the Search bar for a specific department.
4. You can see the list of departments. You can also search for any department record from the list by entering the text in the Search box.
- You need to select the record by ticking the checkbox.
5. After selecting the record(s), move to the Selected List area on the right side by clicking the green right-side arrow (>>) button. You can see the moved records under the Selected List area.
You have two more operation options in the Selected List area, as shown in Figure 3.1.3.
Figure 3.1.3
1. Use this toggle button to decide whether you want to Include or Exclude the selected records when the report is generated.
2. If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. You can remove any record from the list by clicking the Remove (x) icon.
3. You can generate the report by clicking the "Apply" button or the "Save Filters" button to save the custom filter for future use. You can select the other filters/parameters (from the tab) to get the specific records in the Cycle Count Totals Report.
Once you click the "Apply" button, the system will redirect you to the main page. Click the "Generate Report" button to generate the Cycle Count Totals Report as per the selected filter options (parameter).
You can see the details of the selected filtered data under the Selected Filters (All) label.
Figure 3.1.4
You can set up multiple custom filters at the same time to get a specific report with specific data.3.2 Date Range
You can select the Start Date, End Date, and particular time for both dates to be specific about the report records by following the steps below.
- Click inside the Start Date field. The drop-down calendar will appear, as shown in Figure 3.2.1.
- Select the specific date and time. You can also manually enter the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Click inside the End Date field and follow the same process.
- Click "Generate Report."
Figure 3.2.1
3.3 Presets
Use the Presets drop-down to select the specific duration/interval, i.e., Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, etc., to generate the Cycle Count Totals Report, as shown in Figure 3.3.1.
- Please click on the required timeframe and then click "Generate Report." The system will generate and show the report as per your selection.
3.4 Applied Filter
The Applied filter helps you filter the report records using three parameters: All, Applied, and Not Applied.
- When performing the Cycle Counts operation, the employee can choose any of the actions below as per the requirements:
- Click "Apply" to apply the counts in the system.
- Click "Save & Close" to save the information. In this case, the system will keep them as Not Applied counts.
You can use the Applied filter to view the Cycle Count Totals Report based on whether the counts are applied or not.
Figure 3.4.1
By default, the system selects "All." Click the "Applied" drop-down highlighted in Figure 3.4.1 to change it.
- Select "Applied" if you need to view only applied cycle counts.
- Select "Not Applied" if you need to view the Cycle Count records that are saved but not applied.
Click "Generate Report." The system will show the records as per your selection.
3.5 Reviewed Filter
The Reviewed filter helps you filter the report records using three parameters: All, Reviewed, and Not Reviewed.
- Generally, the corporate user or the store manager reviews the submitted cycle counts.
You can use the Reviewed filter to view the Cycle Count Totals Report based on whether the counts are the reviewed counts or not.
Figure 3.5.1
By default, the system selects "All." Click the "Reviewed" drop-down highlighted in Figure 3.5.1 to change it.
- Select "Reviewed" if you need to view only reviewed cycle counts.
- Select "Not Reviewed" if you need to view not-reviewed cycle counts.
Click "Generate Report." The system will show the records as per your selection.
3.6 Group By Location
The Group By Location filters let you view the records sorted by Location or Location Groups.
Figure 3.6.1
By default, the system selects "None." This means the system will not sort the records by location or location groups. Click the Group by Location drop-down highlighted in Figure 3.6.1 above to change it.
- Select "Location" to view the records sorted by locations. Click "Generate Report." The system will show the records sorted by locations, as shown in Figure 3.6.2.
- Select "Location Group" to view the records sorted by location groups.
- The Include Location Group(s) field will appear. It will select all location groups by default. Use it to deselect any location group if required as shown in Figure 3.6.3.
Figure 3.6.3
- Click "Generate Report." The system will show the records sorted by location groups.
3.7 The Store & Location Group Filter
The Store and Location Group filter enables you to view the Cycle Count Totals for selected stores (locations) and location groups. Please follow the steps below to apply the Store & Location Group filter.
- Click the "No Filter Selected" button in the top right, highlighted in Figure 3.7.1.
Figure 3.7.1
- The Manage Filters screen will appear, as shown in Figure 3.7.2.
Figure 3.7.2
1: Select the saved custom filter from the Manage Filters drop-down selection (if any). The "Manage Filters" button will open the list of saved custom filters.
2: You will see two tabs: Store and Location Group. Select the required tab, i.e., "Store," to see the Cycle Count Totals Report for the specific stores.
3: The Manage Filters screen will show the relevant list for the selected tab. For example, if you have selected the "Store" tab, it will show the list of all stores. You can use the Search bar to search for a specific store.
4: Select the store by checking the checkbox.
5: Move the selected stores to the Selected List area using the Arrow button. You can see the moved records under the Selected List area.
- You have the option to remove the moved Store or Location Group names before you apply or save the filter.
Figure 3.7.3
1: If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. You can remove any record from the list by clicking the Remove (x) icon.
2: You can generate the report by clicking the "Apply" button or the "Save Filters" button to save the custom filter for future use.
- If you click the "Apply" button, the system will navigate you to the Cycle Count Totals main screen. The No Filter Selected button will show the number of selected stores or location groups, as shown in Figure 3.7.4. Click "Generate Report" to generate the report for the selected stores.
- If you click the "Save Filters" button, the Name screen will appear. Enter a desired friendly name and click "OK."
- The system will save the filter. When you need to use this saved filter, you can use the Manage Filters drop-down, as shown in Figure 3.7.6.
- If you need to delete the filter, open the Manage Filters screen again and click the "Manage Filters" button.
- The Manage Saved Filters screen will appear, as shown in Figure 3.7.7.
- Click on the custom filter you wish to delete, then click "Delete."
- A warning message will appear. Click "OK."
4. Scheduling a Report
FTx Cloud POS supports report automation. You can configure a report and schedule it. The system will send the scheduled report to the indicated email IDs as per defined frequencies (Daily, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, etc.).
Prerequisite: Please ensure you have configured a report. This means you have made the required selections for date ranges and filters. (You don't have to click "Generate Report" to schedule a report.)
You can schedule the configured report using the "Schedule Report" button highlighted in Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1
4.1 Creating a New Scheduled Report
Please follow the steps below to schedule a new scheduled report:
- Configure a report as per your requirements using the filters explained in this article.
- Click the "Schedule Report" button highlighted in Figure 4.1 above.
- The pop-up screen will appear, as shown in Figure 4.1.1. Click on "Create New Scheduled Report."
Figure 4.1.1
- The "Schedule Options" pop-up screen will open, as shown in Figure 4.1.2.
Figure 4.1.2
- Fill in the appropriate information in the fields:
- Name: Enter the name for your report.
- Section: For the Cloud POS, the section will be POS by default.
- Run Frequency: Select the run frequency (Daily, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, etc.) as per your requirements from the Run Frequency drop-down.
- Start Time - End Time: These fields appear when the selected run frequency is Daily or Weekdays. Select the Start and End times to indicate the report's time range. When you select the other run frequencies, the below fields appear:
- Run on: This field appears when the selected run frequency is Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly. Select the day you want the system to send the report by email.
- Run Time: Select the time when you want the system to send the report by email.
- Export Type: Select the report format, i.e., PDF, CSV, or Excel, from this Export Type drop-down.
- Users: Select the users to whom you need to send the report.
- Email Addresses: Enter the selected user's email addresses. Please ensure that you write only one email address in one line.
- White Background: Enable this toggle button if you want the report to have a white background.
- Include Header: This toggle button will be enabled by default. Please turn it off to exclude the report's header in the report.
- Print Title on Every Page: This toggle button will be enabled by default. Turn it off if you want to leave the report's header off some pages.
- Click "Schedule Report."
- A success message will appear, and the system will send the scheduled report to the indicated email IDs.
4.2 Replacing an Existing Scheduled Report
Please follow the steps below to replace a scheduled report:
- Configure a report as per your requirements using the filters explained in this article.
- Click the "Schedule Report" button highlighted in Figure 4.1 above.
- The pop-up screen will appear as shown in Figure 4.2.1.
- Click on "Replace Existing Report." The Select Schedule Report pop-up screen will open, as shown in Figure 4.2.1.
Figure 4.2.1
- Click on the report name you need to replace and click "Apply."
- The report will open in Edit mode. Make the required changes and click "Replace."
- A success message will appear, and the system will send the replaced report to the indicated email IDs.
4.3 Managing Scheduled Reports
You can manage all your scheduled reports from any of the report screens. Please follow the steps below to manage the scheduled reports.
- Click on the Schedule Report drop-down and click "Manage Reports."
- The Manage Scheduled Reports screen will appear, as shown in Figure 4.3.2.
- Click the respective Edit button to edit the scheduled report. The Scheduled Report will open in Edit mode. Make the required changes and click "Save."
- Click the respective Delete button to delete the scheduled report. The system will show a confirmation message. Click "Yes, Delete."
5. Printing/Exporting the Report
You can print or export any report as per your requirements. When you use the Print function, the system creates and opens the report's PDF file in a new tab. You can download the soft copy or print the paper copy as per your requirements.

Prerequisite: Please ensure you have configured a report. This means you have made the required selections for date ranges and filters. (You don't have to click "Generate Report" to print a report.).
Follow the steps below to print a report.
- Configure a report and click the "Print/Export Report" button highlighted in Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1
- The Print Options pop-up screen will appear, as shown in Figure 5.2.
Figure 5.2- Make appropriate selections:
- Select Print Option: Select any option: Print Current Page Only or Print All Pages. Depending upon selection, the report will display the results accordingly.
- Preview: Enable this toggle button to view the report preview before downloading the PDF.
- White Background: Enable this toggle button if you want the report to have a white background.
- Show Filters: Enable this toggle button to view filters in the reports.
- Include Header: The system will enable this toggle button by default. Please turn it off to exclude the report's header from the report.
- Print Title on Every Page: The system will enable this toggle button by default. Turn it off if you want to leave the report's header off some pages.
- Send As Email: Enable this toggle button to send the report's PDF file to the email ID. The Email Address field will appear. Enter the email ID(s) and click "Send Email."
Figure 5.3
- Click "Start Print."
- The report's PDF will open in a new tab. Download it using the Download icon, and print it using the Print icon.