

Discounts Overview

System discounts are considered a method of discounting the retail price and/or the cost of a product(s) automatically by following a set of rules that must be met during a transaction. Discounts are diverse in how they can be configured, such as having day/time/store/quantity limits, different taxation rules, and house account rules.
The FTx system will automatically handle these discounts and give detailed reports on all different values.
This article includes discount creation, editing, deletion, and managing discount sets and groups in Control Center.

Reaching "Discounts" 

To reach the "Discounts" module: 

  1. Log into Control Center
  2. Choose Point of Sale
  3. Choose Pricebook
  4. Choose Discounts/Buydowns
  5. Choose Discounts

                                                                                  Figure 0.0                         

Understanding "Discounts" Layout

Please see the image below labeled Figure 0.1 for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen. 

                                                                                    Figure 0.1

1. Add New: This button will bring up the New Discount Creation Form allowing you to start creating your new Discount. 
2. Edit Discount: This button will open the Edit Discount Form for an existing discount. 
3. View Notes: This displays the created notes about any change in discount with a timestamp, note, and user who made the change.
4. Copy Discount: This button will help you copy the selected discount.
5. Delete: This button lets you permanently delete the discount record from Control Center.
6. Mass Update: This button will update a list of discounts that have already been created in a go.
7. Manage Discount Groups: This button will help you manage (add, edit, and delete) discount groups. 
8. Manage Discount Sets: This button will help you manage (add, edit, and delete) discount sets. 

1. Adding a New Discount

Follow the steps mentioned below to add a new discount: 
  1. Click on the “Add New” button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to create a new discount.
  2. The form highlighted in Figure 1.0 will appear on your screen.

  Figure 1.0

The fields and buttons highlighted in Figure 1.0 are explained below:
1. Details Tab: This tab lets you define the general attributes of the Discount
2. Schedules Tab: This tab is to define the scheduling option if required.
3. Options Tab: Under this tab, you can configure settings for the new discount that is being created.
4. Uplift Configuration Tab: You can select the loyalty customers from here to apply this discount as a loyalty discount.
5. Action Buttons: Various saving buttons are provided to save the changes made.


1.1 Details Tab

1.1.1. Fields

  1. Name: Give a unique name to the new discount.
  2. Scan Data Name: The entered name is defined for the discount Scan Data Report.
  3. Discount Group: This field allows you to group the created discount with the selected group from the drop-down discount group.
  4. Discount Set: You can select Discount set from the drop-down list. Any system discount can be added to a discount set, but only one discount per set can activate, regardless of the "Stackable" setting.
  5. Online Title: It allows you to add the title that you want to display as a Discount Title online for Ecommerce. (Max. 75 characters allowed).
  6. Online Description: This text field allows you to add a discount description (Max. 500 characters allowed), i.e., a kind of instruction/explanation that the customer can easily understand online.
  7. Type: This button helps you define the type of discount from the list of options. See Figure 1.0

                                                Figure 1.0
  1. Dollar Off Each: When the quantity is met, this discount type gives a Dollar Amount Off on each item. The quantity option represents the number of items required for the discount to apply. The amount option will be the value to discount from the items.
InfoFor example: If "Qty= 4," and "$ Off Each Item = $1.00" with the "Or More" set to YES, this discount will trigger when a customer buys 4 or more quantities of trigger item(s), and they will get $1.00 off on each item. 

                                                                          Figure 1.1
  1. Percentage Off Each: This discount gives a percentage off on each item. The quantity option represents the number of items required for the discount to apply. The amount option will determine the value to discount from the items based on the percentage of their retail price.
For example: If "Qty= 4,and "% Off Each Item = 1.00%" with the "Or More" set to YES, this discount will trigger when a customer buys 4 or more quantities of trigger item(s), and they will get 1.00% off on each item.

                                                                    Figure 1.2
If the Or More toggle is turned ON, it means the discount will trigger if the customer buys an item for a set quantity or more. e.g., if the value for QTY field is 10 and the Or More toggle is turned ON, when the customer buys 10 or more items on which a discount is applied, he will get a set Percentage Off on each item bought.
  1. Buy X Get Y Free: Using this discount option, you can set up a Buy X get Y Free deal. The buy option allows you to choose the quantity that is required to trigger this deal, and the quantity option is the amount you will give free once we hit the trigger amount.
InfoFor example: If "Qty= 4," and "% Off Each Item = 1.00%" with the "Or More" set to YES, this discount will trigger when a customer buys 4 or more quantities of trigger item(s), and they will get 1.00% off on each item.

                                                                                     Figure 1.3
  1. X items for Y Dollars: With this discount type, you can set up an X Items for Y Dollars deal using this option. The buy option allows you to choose the quantity that is required to trigger this deal, and the for option is the amount we will mark the products (together). Example: 2 Items for $3.
For example: With this discount type, if a customer buys the same set of items configured in the "Buy" option (e.g., 4), they will get it for the fixed discounted amount set in the "For" option (say, $5.00).
                                                           Figure 1.4
  1. Buy X Get Y% Off: This discount type sets up a Buy X Get Y% Off deal. This allows you to choose the quantity of items that is required to trigger this deal (X) and the percent off (%) from the discounted items. 
For example: With this discount type, if a customer buys the trigger item(s) configured in the "Buy" option (e.g., 4), it will trigger this discount type and will offer "% off" (e.g., 10%) on quantities set in "For Qty" (e.g., 2)

                                           Figure 1.5
  1. Buy X get Y for Z Dollars: This discount option allows you to set up a buy X get Y for Z Dollars discount type. The Buy X option allows you to choose the quantity required to buy. The Get Y option is the number of items being given the total price of Z Dollars.
For example: With this discount type, if a customer buys the trigger item(s) configured in the "Buy X" (e.g., 4), the discount will trigger to "Get Y" (e.g., 2) for "Z dollars" (e.g., $5). 

                                        Figure 1.6
  1. Spend X Dollars on Y Products & Get Z Products for Free: The Spend X Dollars and the Y Products options allow you to set the amount and number of products that are required to trigger this deal. Z Products is the list of items you will get free.
For example: With this discount type, if a customer spends "X Dollars" ($50) on trigger item(s) with a certain quantity of Y products (e.g., 3), then they will get Quantity ≤ 4 free from Z Products' list
                                            Figure 1.7
  1. Spend X Dollars and Buy Y Products & Get Z Dollars Off Each: This discount type allows the set up for Spend X Dollars (on Trigger Items) and Buy Y Products (Discounted Items) & Get Z Dollars Off each (Discounted Items) using this option. Spend X Dollars on trigger items and Y Products as the number of discount products that are required to trigger this deal. With this discount, Z Dollars Off Each will be taken off per discounted product.  
For example: With this discount type, if a customer spends "X Dollars" ($50) on trigger item(s) with a certain quantity of Y products (e.g., 3), then they will get Z Dollars off each on Z products' list

                                                 Figure 1.8                                                   
  1. Spend X Dollars (on Trigger Items) and Buy Y Products (Discounted Items) & Get Z% Off Each: This discount lets you set up a Spend X Dollars (on Trigger Items) and Buy Y Products (Discounted Items) & Get Z% Off each (Discounted Items) using this option. Spend X Dollars on trigger items and Y Products as the number of discount products that are required to trigger this deal. Z% Off Each will be taken off each discounted product.
InfoFor example: With this discount type, if a customer spends "X Dollars" ($50 or more; If the Or More Toggle is set to YES) on trigger item(s) with a certain quantity of Y products (e.g., 3), then they will get Z% off each on Z Products’ List

                            Figure 1.9
NotesIf the Or More toggle is turned ON, it means the discount would trigger if a customer spent the set amount of dollars or more. For example, if the value for X dollars is 100 and the Or More toggle is turned ON, so when the customer spends $100 and Or More on discounted products, they will get a set percentage off on each discounted item bought.

1.1.2. Manage Assignment

See Figure below.

  1. Manage Assignment: This part is also called location assignment. You can assign or remove location(s) or location group(s) from the Manage Location Assignment section.
  2. When you assign location(s) or location group(s) to a discount, the users of those location(s) or location group(s) will be able to see the added discount in their system.
  3. The system assigns All location(s) and location group(s) to a discount. You can assign only the required location(s) or location group(s) to a discount group if needed. 
  1. Follow the steps mentioned below to assign a location(s) or location group(s) to a discount group:  
  1. By Locations: Select this option to assign specific location(s) to the discount. 
  2. By Location Group: Select this option to assign the location group(s) to the discount. 
  3. All: Select "All" to apply the discount to all your business locations. 
  1. Click on "By Locations" or "By Location Groups" from the Select Locations drop-down as per your requirements. Use the "Manage" button to select and add the location(s) and location group(s) for the discount. You can delete the selected location(s) and location group(s) too.                        
  1. Click on "Manage.Figure will appear.

  1. Use this Search box to search for a specific location. 
  2. Use this drop-down to view the locations that have a specific Pricebook Zone.
  3. Use this drop-down to view the locations based on three parameters: All Locations, Only Active, and Only Deleted. 
  4. The Results section shows the list of locations. By default, it shows all locations. If you have made specific selections in 1, 2, or 3, it will show the location list accordingly. Select the Locations you need to assign to the discount by checking the checkboxes against the location name.
  5. Click the Green Arrow button to move the selected locations to the Selected List.
  6. Clear Selection: If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. You can remove any record from the list by clicking the Remove (x) icon. Delete Single Store Location will help clear the location adjacent to the "Delete" button, and the discount will no longer be applied to that location.
  7. Apply: Click "Apply" to apply the selection. 

1.1.3. Discount Filters:

See Figure
This part allows you to add discount filters with respect to trigger option.

                               Figure 1.3.0

1Add Filter Type: This filter dropdown allows you to choose the method of what items are in the discount, either by choosing specific items (that are assigned manually) or by a department/tree categorization of item(s). See Figure 1.3.1.

                                                                                Figure 1.3.1

                                               Figure 1.3.2
To select "Products" for Discount Filters, follow the following steps.

                                                                       Figure 1.3.3
  1. Manage Filters (Fields and Buttons) 
  1. Results: This is a list of items displayed that can be selected for the discount that is being created.
  2. Move Next Button: This button lets you move ahead with the selection of the items.
  3. Selected List: This side of the form displays a list of selected items.
  4. Clear Selection: This button helps you clear the complete selection of the items.
  5. Delete Single Selection: This button is for deleting a single item from the selection.
  6. Various Buttons: With these buttons, you can manage the data filled in the Manage Filter Form.
  1. Change All Discount Multiplier Values: This button helps you change all values for discount multipliers for all the selected items in one go. 
With respect to the Discount Type, the Discount Multiplier multiplies the discount value when the discounted items are purchased.   
                                                           Figure 1.3.4
  1. You can change the discount multiplier value as per the requirements.
    1. Apply: This button will apply the changes made in the main Manage Filter Form, as highlighted in Figure 1.3.4.
    2. Close: This button will help you close the form without saving the form.
7. Remove Single Product: This button will let you delete a single item selected once filtered.
2. Preview All Zones:
See Figure 1.3.1
This button will allow the users to preview the effective sale price of all the items for all the selected items via Add Item Type. 
  1. If you have selected Products as Item Type, the effective sale price after the discount is applied and the price with no discount of the product is displayed under Manage Product section.
  2. The zone and queued prices specially in the case of Products, item type is displayed as it is. See Figure 1.3.5 below.
  For "Products" Item Type:
                                            Figure 1.3.5
  1. Action Buttons on the (Item Type: Products & Departments) Header:
  1. View Button: In this case, the new pop-up page will contain all the items falling under that specific Item Type filter with the effective sales price. In this case, the Item Type is Product(s) directly.  

                                                                          Figure 1.3.6
1. Select Pricebook Zone: This dropdown contains the list of all the pricebook zones assigned to the discount. Use the checkbox beside each pricebook zone to select one or more pricebook zones. “All” option allows you to view discounted prices of All zones. The data is generated depending on the selection.  
2. Queued Price: Set this to Yes to preview the sale price after including all the queued changes during the period the Discount is active. 
  1. Remove: This button will remove the entire Item Type as selected as opposed to remove button displayed in front of individual items.  Figure 1.3.5
  2. Manage: This button will let you manage (add/remove) the item type.  Figure 1.3.5
  1. For Departments/Brands/Other Item Types:
  1. If you have selected different Item Type as highlighted in Figure 1.3.7.

                                            Figure 1.3.7
  1. View Button on the (Manage Departments) Header: If you click this button, the pop-up page will display the discount details for all items in the Selected Department(s) for Selected or All zones. 

                                                                Figure 1.3.8
  1. View Button for Individual Department: If you click this button, the pop-up page will display the discount details for all items in the Selected Department (Food) for Selected or All zones. 

                                                                    Figure 1.3.9
  1. Preview All Zones:
  1. In case, you wish to view it in a detailed form for All the zones for All the selection (item type), then click on Preview All Zones button.

                                                                              Figure 1.3.10
Table Columns & Buttons:
  1. Name: This column displays the name of the products on which the created discount is set.
  2. UPC: This column displays the UPC for the added products.
  3. Item Type: This column displays the item type, i.e., is a Product, Category, Department, Department group, Manufacturer, Brand, or Tags.
  4. Discount Count: This column displays the total number of discounts applicable to each item. This discount count is actually clickable that helps you to view the details of the applied discount on the same page.


The Discount Details pop-up will display the following discount information in a sortable grid format:
  1. Discount Name: It is displayed as a hyperlink; clicking the Discount Name, will open the respective Discount’s Edit Discount page in a new tab.

  1. Amount: This column will display the discount amount applied to the item. The discount amount may vary at runtime based on the applicable discount.
  2. Start Date: This is the start date for the discount.
  3. End Date: This is the end date for the discount. 
  1. Price in Zone CAThis column displays the non-discounted price of the product for Zone CA pricebook zone.
  2. Discount in Zone CA: It displays the discount amount that is being applied to that product with the discount type configured.
  3. Sale Price in Zone-CA: It displays the discounted sale price of the configured product for that pricebook zone.

Pre-requisite options:
1. Select Pricebook Zone: This dropdown contains the list of all the pricebook zones assigned to the discount. Use the checkbox beside each pricebook zone to select one or more pricebook zones. “All” option allows you to view discounted prices of All zones. The data is generated depending on the selection. 
2. Queued Price: Set this to YES to preview the sale price after including all the queued changes during the active period of the discount.

1.3.2. Trigger Option:
(See Figure 1.3.11).

                                         Figure 1.3.11
  1. Trigger List: Choosing this option will only activate the discount if it is set for a selected list of items.  

                                   Figure 1.3.12

1. Trigger Quantity: This button sets the trigger quantity to activate the discount for the trigger list of items.
2. Manage Trigger Items: This button will help manage and select the items that are to be added under the Trigger Items List. See Figure 1.3.13
On Manage Filter Page, you will see the list of items under Results section. You can select the items directly or you can filter them department/manufacturer/brands/tags wise. 

                                                                      Figure 1.3.13
  1. Use this Search box to search for a specific product.
  2. Select item Type displays the options such as Product, Category, Department, Department Group, Manufacturer, Brand, Tags, etc. Upon selecting an option, a corresponding window will display such as “Manage Category” will appear.
  3. The Results section shows the list of Item Type By default, it shows all. Select the item type that needs to be assigned to the discount by checking the checkboxes against the item name.
  4. Click the Green Arrow button to move the selected Item Type to the Selected List.
  5. Clear Selection: If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. You can remove any record from the list by clicking the Remove (x) icon. Delete Single Store Item Type will help clear the adjacent to the "Delete" button, and the discount will no longer be applied to that Item Type.
  6. Apply: Click "Apply" to apply the selection. Click on "Close" to exit Manage Trigger Items.
  1. Coupon: Choosing this option will only activate the discount for any discount coupon.

                                         Figure 1.3.14
1. Add: This button will add a new row for coupons for different stores.
  1. Type: This field describes the discount type, i.e., online, store, or both.
  2. Coupon Code: The coupon code is generated by the auto-generate button.
  3. Description: The description serves to explain the specifics of the coupon discount type, e.g., 10% off.
2. Auto-Generate: This button will auto-generate the coupon code.
3. Download: This button will let you download the coupon in QR code or barcode format. But for that, you will have to save the changes first.

                                 Figure 1.3.15
  1. For this, click on the "Save" button featured on the top-right corner of the Discount form.
  2. Once done, click on the "Download" button to download the coupon in QR code or Barcode form as required.

                              Figure 1.3.16
4. Delete: This button will delete the created coupon.
  1. Trigger List and Coupon: With this option, the condition for triggering the discount will be set for both options, i.e., there has to be a triggering list of items and a discount coupon for the discount coupon to trigger.

                                    Figure 1.3.18
  1. Trigger List or Coupon: With this option, the condition for triggering the discount will set either of both options, i.e., there has to be a triggering list of items or a discount coupon for the discount coupon to trigger.

5. Save & Close Buttons: 
These buttons help you save the changes made in the Discount Form or even close the form once the changes are saved.

1.2. Schedules Tab

Follow the steps mentioned below to schedule a discount:
  1. Click the “Schedules” tab highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to schedule a discount.
  2. The form highlighted in Figure 1.2.0 will appear on your screen.

                                               Figure 1.2.0

1.2.1. Fields:

  1. Start Date: This field lets you choose a start date from the attached calendar for the discount to be activated.
  2. End Date: This field helps you select an end date from the drop-down calendar attached, after which the discount becomes inactive.
  3. Use Schedule: If this toggle is set to YES, this activates the discount for selected days and selected time ranges. Generally, this feature is used when business is slower than usual to drive in more customers. 

                                       Figure 1.2.1

1.3. Options Tab 

  1. Click the “Options” tab highlighted in Figure 0.1
     above to set different attributes for the discount. 
  2. The form highlighted in Figure 1.3.0 will appear on your screen. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Figure 1.3.0

1.3.1. Fields

  1. Receipt Text: Enter a short text (40 characters) displayed on the receipt in a discounted transaction (e.g., Discount123 Applied).
  1. Priority: Use this setting to set the triggering priority of a discount, which is helpful when discounts are stacked with “Stackable” feature (explained below). 
  1. Limit Per Transaction: Set this to 0, to allow discounts without limits per transaction. Set the value to 1, 2..., to allow 1, 2...discounts per transaction.  
  1. Stackable: If this toggle is set to YES, it implies that multiple discounts can be allowed on the same product in a single transaction. Set this to YES, to allow multiple discounts on one item in a single transaction. Set this to NO to allow only the highest priority discount to trigger per transaction.
If you have two discounts of 5 cents and 10 cents applicable on an item. If the 10-cent discount has PRIORITY Level 1 and the 5-cent discount has PRIORITY Level 2, and for both, the “Stackable” is set to NO. Whenever the product is rung up on the register, only the 10-cent discount will be applied as it has higher priority. 
  1. Inherit Tax Settings from Group: Set this YES to allow the discount to inherit settings from the group.   
For this, if in the POS setting, Default Discounts to Inherit Settings from Group is set to YES, then you cannot customize tax settings for any discount. By default, it will inherit the properties until set otherwise in Settings & Panels. See Figure 1.3.1.

                                                               Figure 1.3.1
NotesIf you wish to customize the tax settings for discounts, then set this toggle to NO and manage settings for Reimbursable Discounts and Apply Tax Before Discount.
  1. Reimbursable Discount: If the discount is offered by the manufacturer, then it is reimbursable to the store by the manufacturer. Set this to YES, if the discount is offered by the manufacturer and is reimbursable. Else, set to NO.
  1. Apply Tax Before Discount: Depending on the location, discounts may or may not be taxed; it is generally dependent on the Tax code at that location. If this toggle is set to NO in a scenario wherein you have purchased a one-dollar item with a 10-cent discount, the remaining 90 cents will be taxed. If this is set to YES, then you are taxed before the discount is applied.
  1. Apply to Cost: If this is set to YES, then in addition to reducing the retail price, it will also reduce the cost, and if it is toggled to YES, it functions as a buydown, i.e., the discount will be applied to both the cost and the price.
  1. Inventory Clearance: By default, it is set to NO. Set this to YES for the system to investigate and disable the discount for the items tied to the discount as soon as they are sold out and archive the discount.
  1. In Scan Data Report: If this is set to YES, the details for this discount will appear in the Scan Data Report being sent to RJR/Altria (manufacturer). If set to NO, the details for this discount will not appear in the Scan Data Report.
Turning this toggle ON will also lock the selected fields (e.g., Discount Type, Trigger Options, and Start Date from Schedules tab) where the users won't be allowed to make any changes to the locked fields on Edit Discount Page if this discount is marked as to be reported in the Scan Data report.
  1. Discount Commission: If this is set to YES, the Spiff Amount field gets visible. And now this transaction will act as an uplift sale. It will offer a discount as per the discount type selected and will also offer the Spiff Amount commission to the cashier.
  1. Spiff Amount: Set the dollar amount as spiff to be given out to the cashier when sales are promoted, and this discount is triggered.
  1. Commission Trigger Type: The commission has 3 trigger types:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Figure 1.3.2
  1. On Each Discount Item (Once): Select this option to offer a commission only once when the customer purchases the same item multiple times in a transaction with a single discount type. 
InfoFor example, if the customer bought 10 cigars where the discount type is selected as Buy X and Get Y Free is triggered twice when 10 cigars are bought where the value of X=4 and Y=2. With "On Each Discount Item (Once)" the cashier will get the set commission only once. However, if different sets of items are bought with different discount types, the cashier would get the configured commission (spiff) for each trigger.    
  1. On Each Discount Items (Repeated): If the commission trigger type is set to On Each Discount Item (Repeated), then the cashier would get the set commission on each discounted item that they sell.
    1. On Each Overall Discount Fired: If "Each Overall Discount Fired,then the cashier would get the set commission for the overall discounts applied.
  1. Max Qty to Spiff: This field is to set the maximum number of spiffs that is allowed to the cashier in a single transaction, triggering different discounts.
  1. Scan Data Classification: The scan data can be classified into the categories mentioned in the drop-down menu. See Figure 1.3.3 below. You can pick it as Automatic/NoneMultiPackAccount Funded, or Manufacturer Funded. This information is dictated by the manufacturer, like RJR, ITG, or PM/UST.

                        Figure 1.3.3
  1. Scan Data Code Override: This field lets you override the scan codes for the scan data report. You can use a comma to separate the codes if multiple codes are to be overridden.
  1. Require Loyalty: Set it to NO, for the discount to function for all customers. Set this to YES, for the discount to be given to a registered loyalty customer only. 
  1. Registered in Past X Days: This field gets activated when the Require Loyalty toggle is set to YES. With this field, the discount will require loyalty, but it also has to satisfy the Registered in Past X Days condition. Fill in the value of days for the registered customer.
  1. Customer Daily Limit*: If the limit is set to 1, then only one discount can be taken advantage of by the customer in a 24-hour period.
  1. Customer Weekly Limit*: If the limit is set to 1, then only one discount can be taken advantage of by a customer in a 7-day period. 
  1. Customer Total Limit*: This would be the total number of discounts that can be taken advantage of by a customer during the time period of the discount, ranging from the start date to the end date.
  1. Require House Level: When this toggle is set to YES, the discount will require the house account level information. It also activates House Account Level to select the house level from.
  1. House Account Level: Choose the house account level from the attached drop-down list.
InfoThere are different levels that can be created in the House Account Discount Level. Let's say you select discount Level 2, which is set with a 10.00 percent discount. If the discount is selected for Discount Level 2 for a particular house account, then the house account customer can purchase the product with a 10% discount on the price.

                              Figure 1.3.4
  1. Store Limit: This limit is the total limit of the discount that a store can render during the time period of the discount, ranging from the start date to the end date.
  1. Overall Limit: This limit is the total number of discounts that are divided or offered to all the stores.
  1. Enable Loyalty Club: If this toggle is set to YES, the discounts will only be applicable to loyalty customers.
  1. Club Trigger Qty: If set to YES, the discount will only activate when the set item trigger quantity is bought.

1.4. Uplift Configuration Tab

This section lets you link an uplift to the discount. Please enable the Configure Uplifts Triggers button to do the same.

                                                          Figure 1.4.1
  1. Configure Uplifts Triggers: Click this button to configure the uplift based on your requirements. 
  1. Trigger When: Please select this when you want the uplift to trigger when this discount is applied from the three options shown in Figure 1.4.2.

                                                Figure 1.4.2
  1. Clerk Message: Please enter the message for the clerk/cashier to read as a script. This is an optional field. 
  2. Uplift Message Type: This section lets you select the image for the uplift. 

Figure 1.4.3
  1. Advertisement: The added advertisement list will appear if you choose this option and click the "Choose Advertisement" button. You can select the desired image from it. 
  2. Custom Upload:  The "Manage Custom Images" button will appear if you choose this option. Click it to open the "Manage Uplift Images" screen and choose the required custom image for the uplift.

2. Editing a Discount

Follow the steps mentioned below to edit a discount:
  1. Click on the Edit button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to edit a discount.
  2. The form highlighted in Figure 2.0 will appear on your screen.

                                                                                    Figure 2.0
The fields are explained above under the Adding Discount section.
1. Copy Discounts: This button helps you copy the discount that you are editing. (Explained below under heading #4.)
2. Printing Discounts: This button lets you print the discount in PDF, CSV, and Excel form.

                Figure 2.1
  1. Include Header: If this toggle is set to YES, then only you will be able to see the below-mentioned two fields. Setting this to YES also means it will include the Discount Name as the header of the file on every page. 
  1. Repeat Headers On Every Page:  Include Header must be set to YES to allow this to work. If set to YES, the Header information will display on each page printed.
  1. Print Title On Every Page: For this to work Include Header must be set to YES to allow this to work. IF set to YES, the Title will print on each page. Figure 2.2 displays a sample discount in PDF form with all three above-mentioned toggles set to True.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Figure 2.2
NotesThese changes can be mapped under the View Notes feature explained below. 

2.1 Customer Tab

This tab lets you select the specific customers to the discount.

3. Add/View Notes

3.1. Add Notes

This feature lets you add a quick note for each change to an existing discount.
Please follow the following steps:
  1. Click on the "Add Note" button highlighted in Figure 3.1.0 below to add discount notes.

                                                                  Figure 3.1.0
  1. Write the note explaining it under 255 characters.
  2. Click "Add" to save the note.

3.2. View Notes

This option lets you view the created notes history about any change in the previously created discount with a timestamp, note, and user who made the change.

Follow the steps:
  1. Click on the View Notes button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above as well as in Figure 3.2.1 below for reference to view discount notes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Figure 3.2.0
  1. The form highlighted in Figure 3.2.1 will appear on your screen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Figure 3.2.1

4. Copying a Discount

  1. Click on the “Copy Discount” button (see Figure 0.1) to copy the attributes of the current discount to another. This feature is accessible from Edit Discount page and from Discounts home screen as well.
  2. On clicking, a form shown in Figure 4.0 appears. 

                                                                          Figure 4.0
1. Fill in the name of the copied discount in the textbox.
2. Set Copy Customer Toggle to include the customer's whitelist while copying a discount, (explained under the heading 4.1)
3. Click on Copy button to copy the discount along with the customer's whitelist (if the Copy Customer is set to Yes).

                                       Figure 4.1
  1. Click on the "Close" button to close the success dialog box.
  2. Click on "Go to the New Discount" button to go to the copied discount.

4.1 Including Customer Whitelist While Copying a Discount

To include the customer's whitelist while copying a discount, please follow the below mentioned conditions:
This option works only for Loyalty Customers hence, to do so, you need to set the Require Loyalty toggle to YES.

                                     Figure 4.1.0
  1. Once Require Loyalty toggle is turned ON, it will enable the "Customers" tab for you.

                                               Figure 4.1.1
  1. Manage: This button lets you select and add a loyalty customer to the discount.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Figure 4.1.2
  1. Once the list is applied, it appears as displayed in Figure 4.1.2

                                                   Figure 4.1.3
When the customers list is added, it will be copied along with the discount that is being copied.

                                                                         Figure 4.1.4
  1. Click on the "Copy" button to copy the discount along with the customer's whitelist (if the Copy Customer is set to Yes).
  2. Click on "Close" to close the Copy Discount dialog box.

5. Deleting a Discount

Follow the steps mentioned below to delete a discount record: 
  1. Click on the “Delete” button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to delete a discount.
  2. The dialog box highlighted in Figure 5.0 will appear on your screen.

                                 Figure 5.0   
  1. Click "Yes, Delete" to continue the process of deleting the discount record. Once deleted, the message acknowledging the discount deletion pops up as displayed in Figure 5.1.

                     Figure 5.1
  1. Click “Cancel” to close the dialog-box and skip the deletion process. 

6. Mass Updates

Follow the steps mentioned below to update the selected discounts or discount group at once. 
  1. Click on the "Mass Update" button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to update discounts on a mass level.
  2. The dialog box highlighted in Figure 6.0 will appear on your screen. 

                                                          Figure 6.0
  1. Check the discount name you wish to edit/update.
  2. To select the "n" number of discounts, hold the Ctrl button and click to select multiple discounts.
6.3. Mass Update's Fields and Buttons:

List: This is a list of all the discounts created in the system.
Attributes: These are the critical attributes of the system discount that can be managed according to needs.
Alter Date Ranges: You can alter the date ranges only when the associated value with the toggle trigger is set to ON. See Figure 6.1. This allows you to change the date range in terms of days, weeks, and months. 

                                                                                          Figure 6.1

There are three methods by which you can alter the date range of the discount:
1) Change Date Range: You can change the date range of the created discount with this Alter Date Range option. This option offers you the liberty to change the start or end date of the discount duration. 
2) Extend Date Range: This option lets you extend the date of discount by X number of days, weeks, and even months.
3) Change End Date: This is another option that will help you alter the date range by changing only the end date of the discount period.

                                        Figure 6.2
  1. Change Stackable To: If the preceding toggle is set to ON, then you are allowed to change the value of "Change Stackable To" True or False as needed in the selected discounts.
  2. Change Apply Tax To: If the preceding toggle is set to ON, then you are allowed to change the value of "Change Apply Tax to" True or False in the selected discounts.
  3. Change Require Loyalty To: If the preceding toggle is set to ON, then you are allowed to change the value of "Change Require Loyalty To" True or False in the selected discounts.
  4. Change in Scan Data Report To: If the preceding toggle is set to ON, then you are allowed to change the value of "Change in Scan Data Report To" True or False in the selected discounts.
Delete Discount: This toggle, if set to ON, will allow you to delete the selected discounts.
Apply Location Changes: Whenever the related flag is set to ON, then you will have the ability to replace the existing locations for which the discount is applied to the selected location(s) from the "Manage" button.
3. Manage: This button will help you replace the existing location(s) with a new location(s) for the selected discounts.
Cancel: This button allows you to cancel all the changes made in the dialog box and takes you back to the previous form.
Update Selected Discounts: This button will help save and update all the selected discounts to new attributes.

7. Manage Discount Groups

Discounts with similar attributes are grouped as one. 
Follow the steps mentioned below to manage the discount group:
  1. Click on the "Manage Discount Groups" button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to manage the discount groups.
  2. The dialog box highlighted in Figure 7.0 will appear on your screen.

                                             Figure 7.0
Fields and Buttons:
1. Discount Group List: This list presents you with a list of discount groups that have already been created.
2.1 Assign Discounts: This button helps you assign discounts from the list of created discounts to the discount groups. 
                                                                            Figure 7.1
2.2 Edit: This button will let you edit/update the discount group name.
2.3 Delete: This button will help you delete the selected discount group.
3.1 Add Discount Group: This button will bring up a popup allowing you to create a new Group.

                                          Figure 7.2
  1. Name: This field is for setting up a name for the discount group.
  2. Apply Tax Before Discount: Depending on the location, discounts may or may not be taxed; it is generally dependent on the Tax Code of that area. If this toggle is set to NO in a scenario wherein you have purchased a one-dollar item with a 10-cent discount, the remaining 90 cents will be taxed. If this is set to YES, then you are taxed before the discount is applied.
  3. Accounting Code: This field requires the general ledger accounting code for the discount group.
  4. Reimbursable Discount: If the discount is offered by the manufacturer, then it is reimbursable to the store by the manufacturer. Turn this toggle ON to apply this setting to this discount group.
3.2: Close: See Figure 7.0 above. This button will discard all the changes made in the dialog box and close it.

8. Manage Discount Sets

Only the highest priority discount in a discount set will be applied in a transaction on the POS.
Follow the steps mentioned below to manage the discount set: 
  1. Click on the "Manage Discount Sets" button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to manage the discount set.
  2. The dialog box highlighted in Figure 8.0 will appear on your screen.

                                             Figure 8.0
1. Add Discount Sets: This button is for adding a new discount set by giving it a name.
2. Discount Sets Name List: This list presents you with a list of existing discount sets that have already been created.
3. Assign Discounts: This button helps you assign discounts from the list of created discounts to the discount sets. See Figure 8.1.
4. Edit Discount Sets: This button will help you edit/update the discount group name.

                        Figure 8.1
5. Delete Discount SetsThis button allows you to delete the selected discount set. See Figure 8.0 above.

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