Employee Groups

Employee Groups

Employee Groups Overview

The admin can create, manage, and use a “Group” assignment for employees to simplify permissions. This allows you to set up permissions based on a role and assign employees without having to individually manage employee permissions. With this, you can still override at the location level, or you can simply inherit the attributes/permissions from the group at each or some of the locations. The permissions are inherited from the account and then passed down to all the employees.

Reaching the Employee Groups Module

To reach the Employee Groups module:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Maintenance
  4. Step 4: Choose User/Employees
  5. Step 5: Choose Employee Groups

Understanding the Employee Groups Module Layout

Please see the image below labeled Figure A for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen.

                                                                                                            Figure A

Add New Employee Group

To create an employee group, go to the account section, select the Employee Group Tab, and click on “Add New."
Follow the steps mentioned below to add a new employee group:
  1. Click the “Add New” button highlighted in Figure A above to add a new employee group.
  2. The form highlighted in Figure B will appear on your screen.

                                                                       Figure B

Dashboard Settings

Dashboard settings affect how much control an employee has over the cloud dashboard. 
  • Allow Pricebook: It gives permission to utilize the Pricebook module in the POS, allowing any change to take place in areas such as prices and costs.
  • Allow Vendor Parts: If you disable vendor parts, you won’t have the right to play with vendor parts.
  • Allow Skip Cycle Count Counted Prompt: As a store employee, you will do the inventory. You count products on the shelf and compare what you physically count to what the store physically has on the shelf.
  • Allow Transfers: This option lets you create transfers for items if toggled to YES.
  • Allow Receiving: This is an inventory-based option that allows receiving of items if it is set to YES.
  • Allow Order Conversion: If this order is toggled to YES, it converts a purchase order into an invoice. If you set this to NO, you can create a purchase order but not an invoice. 
  • Allow Send EDI: If toggled to YES, this will let you send the purchase order electronically. If this is set to NO, then you can view and edit that purchase order, but you cannot send an EDI. This will require someone else who has permission to do that. Since a person with permission is only allowed to send an EDI, the order is always going to be correct.
  • Allow Daily Recon: If set to YES, this will allow you to do daily reconciliation. Generally, the store managers have this permission.
  • Allow Department Groups: If it is turned ON, the Department Group is directly related to its respective module in the Maintenance module. If it is turned OFF, then you cannot see these options.
  • Allow POS Flags: If this field is turned ON, then you have the right to add, edit, and remove POS Flags.
  • Allow Vendors: This field is enabled and will give you the privilege to add, edit, and delete vendors in its module.
  • Allow View Cost: This is more of a global setting. If this is set to YES, then you can see the cost of their products. Most of the time, this is toggled to NO because owners don't let their store-level managers see the price of the product to avoid the assumption of how much margin is being made.
  • Allow Suggested Transfers: If this toggle is turned ON, you will be able to access suggested transfers. This transfer from one location to another is recommended by the system over manually placing everything. 
  • Allow Adjustments: If this option is toggled ON, then you are allowed to make an adjustment and even edit it; if it is toggled OFF, then you can't adjust the purchase order.
  • Allow Scheduler: If set to YES, you can access the scheduler; if set to NO, you cannot access.
  • Allow List Reports: The list reports won’t be visible to you whose permissions are toggled OFF.
  • Allow Inventory Reports: You won't be able to see the inventory reports if your permission for inventory reports is set to NO.
  • Allow Cost Editing: This is always turned off for both managers and non-managers. The corporate owner is only allowed to manage the cost of the products.
  • Allow Edit Non-Working Order If toggled to YES, you are permitted to add, remove, and edit items on an order form. You can't if this is set to NO. 
  • Allow Verify Invoices: If the option is toggled to YES, then you are allowed to verify invoices; if it is set to NO, then you are not allowed to. Generally, cashiers don’t have this permission because cost and inventory modules are sensitive to committing mistakes. Hence, only managers are given permission.
  • Allow Buydowns: Commonly, you don’t have permission to deal with buydowns, and depending on the location, even managers don’t have permission for this.
  • Allow Cycle Counts: You can have permission to add, edit, and remove cycle counts if this option is set to YES.
  • Allow Spot Checks: If the spot checks option is enabled, it will let you edit the spot checks on the inventory level.

  • Transfer Approval Type Transfer Approval is categorized into 3 categories:
    1. No Approval is Required
    2. Corporate Approval Required
    3. Store Approval Required
    The right option can be chosen accordingly.
  • Allow Reorder: You can also make changes in the order form based on whether the permissions are set to YES or NO.
  • Allow Complete Orders: If the purchase order is sent as an EDI or converted to an invoice, then the purchase order is already complete.  If this is not the case and if this option is enabled, then you can complete the order. 
  • Allow Shift Recon: All cashiers at the store have permission for shift reconciliation. If you are ending your shift, it will directly go to shift conciliation. If you are running registers, then you are responsible for your cash drawer.
  • Allow Departments: If toggled to YES, you can edit the department form.
  • Allow Employees: If this option is set to YES, then you can edit the Employees module.
  • Allow Taxes: If the taxes are toggled to YES, then you can make changes in the Taxes form.
  • Allow POS Editor: If the POS Editor is set to YES, then you have the right to edit the POS editor. 
  • Allow Message Delete: Sometimes, the message that is sent from corporate to the store comes with the authority to delete. If this option is set to NO, the delete button will not be visible. If the message is not sent to one user, then any logged-in user can read the message and only managers can delete the message.
  • Allow Lottery: This option will allow you to do the lottery reconciliation if the option is toggled to YES.
  • Apply Adjustments: This option is different from Allow Adjustment; with it, you are just allowed to view, edit, and remove the adjustment, but with Apply Adjustment, if permissions are given, you can make changes on the inventory level.
  • Allow Travel: Gives permission to manage the travel module on POS.
  • Allow Sales Reports: If this option is set to YES, you will be able to schedule, print, or generate a sales report.
  • Allow Price Editing: This option is always set to NO because no user is given the right to edit the price of the products.
  • POS Settings

    POS settings allow you to control the employee's permissions on the POS thin-client application.

                                                                                                       Figure C
    1. Allow POS: This is a global setting, if turned ON, it allows the user to log in to the application. The reason this is turned off is that some companies have counting teams/inventory teams. They don't have access to log into the POS because they are not allowed to ring up the sales.
    2. Allow Training Mode: This field allows you to perform actions in the POS like test discounts, test buydowns, or practice ringing of items.
    3. Allow Reg Z: If this is set to YES, then you are allowed to close your shift. It will close the shift and increment about 1z number. If it is set to NO, then they can't.
    4. Allow Reg Void: This is a negative action. If this is turned OFF then the user can't even see these options.
    5. Allow Reg Item Return: This allows the cashier to perform item returns.
    6. Allow Reg Pay-In: This allows the cashier to perform the pay-in action, adding cash to the cash till.
    7. Allow Shift Recon: This allows you to do the shift reconciliation, if set to NO, then you can't.
    8. Is Recon Admin: If this button is set to YES, then the user becomes the administrator. In most cases, the cashier is not allowed to be the administrator, only the manager can become the administrator. So, this will be set to YES for a manager and NO for a cashier to edit/alter/make changes in the reconciliation.
    9. Allow POS Editor: This allows you to make changes to POS buttons and layouts.
    10. Allow Reg X: This allows you to perform register actions, it won't allow you to close the shift, but it will show you your status for the day for sales, total payments, and tenders taken in.
    11. Allow Reg Cancel: If set to YES, the user is allowed to perform this negative action. If toggled to NO, it won’t be even visible. 
    12. Allow Reg Price Change: This will help you change the price temporarily, though this is always turned OFF regardless of the employee’s status at the store.
    13. Allow Reg Temp Price Change: This field also helps you change the price temporarily. Managers and cashiers are not given permission to do so. 
    14. Allow Reg Pay-Out: When enabled, the user is able to perform the pay-out action. 
    15. Allow Reg Safe Drop: If toggled to YES, it will allow the user to perform a safe drop.
    16. Allow Daily Recon: Generally, it is turned ON only for the managers because cashiers do not have this permission.
    17. Allow Loyalty Full Search: If set to YES, this allows the user to search for loyalties by email address, last name, or phone number. If this is turned off, then the user can only search through the phone number on their loyalty card.

    Handheld Settings

    Handheld settings allow you to configure permissions for handheld devices running the retail version.

                                                                                                                    Figure D
    1. Allow Receiving: This is an inventory-based option that allows receiving of items if it is set to YES.
    2. Allow Adjustments: If this option is toggled ON, an employee can manage the adjustment, which gives permission to create both positive and negative adjustments.
    3. Allow Print Labels: If turned ON, it gives permission to manage print labels, which gives permission to scan and send labels to the label queue.
    4. Cycle Counts Blind: It gives permission to manage the cycle count of stock and permits the removal of the snapshot quantity on hand when doing cycle counts.
    5. Allow Pricebook: If this option is toggled ON, it gives permission to manage the price book, which gives permission to scan items and view costs, prices, and quantity on a handheld.
    6. Hide Average Costs: When this option is enabled, it allows management to hide average costs so that the user can remove costs from the Pricebook module on the handheld. 
    7. Receiving Verify Blind: When you scan the product, you don't see how many you should have. So, this is toggled to YES to avoid in-store theft. 
    8. Lottery Recon Blind: If this is set to NO, you won't see what number you are supposed to be on while doing lottery reconciliation.
    9. Allow Reorder: Gives permission to utilize the reorder module in POS, allowing any change to take place, such as creating, altering, or deleting orders.
    10. Allow Time Clock: If this is set to YES, the allowed employee can manage time in, and time out (Time Clock) and utilize time clocks within handheld devices.
    11. Allow Cycle Count: It gives permission to utilize the cycle counts module in POS, allowing any change to take place such as reviewing, deleting, or applying counts.
    12. Allow Spot Check: When this field is set to YES, It gives permission to utilize the spot checks module in POS, allowing any change to take place such as viewing spot checks.
    13. Hide Costs: Permitted employees can hide costs, allowing the user to remove costs from the Pricebook module on the handheld. 
    14. Allow Receiving Verify: Whenever you are scanning the product, you can't see how many products you are supposed to have in the store. It is set NO to prevent in-store theft. 
    15. Allow Lottery Recon: If the option is toggled to YES, it allows you to do lottery reconciliation on the handheld.

    Edit Employee Group

    Follow the steps mentioned below to edit an employee group:
    1. Click the “Edit” button highlighted in Figure A above to edit an employee group.
    2. The form highlighted in Figure B will appear on your screen.

                                                                                                                     Figure E

    Show Employees

    Follow the steps mentioned below to show employees:
    1. Click the “Show Employees” button highlighted in Figure A above to show employees.
    2. The form highlighted in Figure F will appear on your screen.

                                                                                      Figure F

    Delete Employee Groups

    Follow the steps mentioned below to delete the employee group:

    1. Click the "Delete Employees” button highlighted in Figure A above to delete the employee group.
    2. The form highlighted in Figure G will appear on your screen.
                                                               Figure G
    1. Click “Yes, Delete” to continue the process of deleting the employee group.
    2. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.

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