Employee Scheduler

Employee Scheduler

Employee Scheduler Overview

Employee Scheduler is a tool that helps in assigning work schedules as per the working hours of the store to the respective employees 3 days in advance so that the store functions undisruptedly. This can be done only for three days in advance, and once the employee clocks in on the POS, they can view their schedule. 

POS Scheduler Settings

Each location should have specific "Scheduler" settings before you create an employee schedule via Employee Scheduler. See Figure 1 below.

                                                                                     Figure 1
  1. Starting day of the week: This field has an attached drop-down day list, from which the week of the store starts its week.
  2. Prevent Employee Punch In When Not Scheduled: When the toggle is set to YES, it prevents the employee from punching in when it is not scheduled. If NO is selected, then the employee can punch in.
  3. Part Time Hours: This field is set for part-time employees, the amount of hours a part-time employee is supposed to work for a particular store location.
  4. Full Time OT Hours: The maximum overtime hours an employee can work.
  5. Full Time Salary Hours: The maximum full-time salary hours that are configured for a particular store location are set here.
  6. Max Part Time Hours Per Week: The maximum part-time salary hours that are configured for a particular store location can be set here.
  7. # Of Weeks To Average Part Time Hours: This field has a drop-down value list that is used to set the number of weeks to average part-time hours.

1. Reaching the Employee Scheduler

To reach the "Employee Scheduler," follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center

                                                                            Figure A
  1. Step 2: Choose Scheduler
  2. Step 3: Choose Employee Scheduler
By clicking "Employee Scheduler," you can see its page. 
                                                                               Figure B
  1. Click on the time period (one week) for which you wish to assign the shift.   
                                                                               Figure C
  1. The list of locations is displayed for the employee scheduler, as highlighted in Figure C. 
  2. Click on any location for which you wish to schedule employees.
You can also select a location group to apply similar scheduler settings to a group of locations.

                                                                                Figure C1

Say, if you have selected "Middletown," it will redirect you to the form as highlighted in Figure D. 

                                                                        Figure D

As depicted in Figure D, the gray color part represents the non-working hours of the location of the store. You can add employee shifts only where the white area is displayed on the scheduler page.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Figure E
Fields and Buttons:
Weekdays are the number of days (working/non-working days for that store location) that are there in the selected Date Range.
  1. Back: This button will take you back to the previous page of the employee scheduler module.
  2. Switch to Grid View: The system has two view types for the employee scheduler: calendar view and grid view. By default, the employee scheduler is displayed in the calendar view, as highlighted in Figure E above. The user can choose either view type as per his convinience.
  3. Print Schedule: This button will print and download the employee schedule in PDF format for hardcopy purposes.
  4. Copy Schedule: This button will copy the current-opened schedule and will copy it to the same or other employee(s).
  5. Lock Scheduler: This button will lock the scheduler to avoid editing by anyone without access.
  6. Add Scheduler: This button will add the shift schedule for the selected employee.

                               Figure F
  1. Save Changes: This button helps in saving the changes made.
  2. Manage: This button helps you select by searching the employee name in the textbox provided for whom employee scheduling is to be done.
  3.  Reviewed Toggle: Once the work schedule is set for the employees, it will be reviewed by the corporate user or store manager. If reviewing is done, the toggle is set to YES. 
  4. Add Notes: This button will help you add extra notes that will prompt the employee with some useful tip or message. 
  5. Time Period (←,→ ): These buttons, if clicked once, will take you to one week before the employee schedule (backwards arrow) and one week after the employee schedule (forward arrow) of the selected week. See Figure G.

                                Figure G
12. Settings: This button displays the employee scheduler settings.

                                                                            Figure H
                                             Figure H1
  1. Time Format: The time format is predefined while store locations are created; hence, it is disabled.
Locations >> Details >> Timezone

                                                             Figure H2
  1. Accounting: This option displays the allotted time against scheduled time in Accounting format.

                                  Figure I

                Figure I1
  1. Total: This option displays the allotted time against scheduled time in Time format.

  2.                                   Figure J1

                                        Figure J2
  3. Location Settings: This button lets you define the location settings for the store location.

                                   Figure K
You can set text fields according to your needs and wants.
  1. Minimum Staff: This field lets you choose the minimum number of employees that should be there at the store.
  2. Pre-Opening Time: This field lets you set the pre-opening time. Say, if the store opening times are 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and this field is set to 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, or 60 min, then the store will open "X mins" (the selected time) before.
  3. Post Closing Time: This field lets you choose the pre-opening time. Say, if the store opening timings are 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and if you set this field to 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, or 60 min, then the store will close "X mins" time after.
  4. Weekly Budget Hours (Suggest): This field displays the total number of hours that an employee is expected to work on a weekly basis. By clicking on the "Suggest" button, the system will suggest what the best weekly budget hours are. Once done, click on "Save" to save the changes made. 
  1. Manage Scheduler Settings: This button lets you define the scheduler settings for the store location.

                                Figure L
The following options can be defined under this button: 
  1. Full Time OT Hours: This field sets overtime limit for full-time employees.
  2. Full Time Salary Hours: This field sets the total salary hours.
  3. Part Time Hours: This is field that defines the part-time hours for part-time employees.
  4. Max Part Time Hours Per Week: This field sets the maximum part-time hours per week that an employee is allowed to work for.
13. Undo/Redo: These buttons function as usual Undo and Redo buttons. The undo function is used to reverse a mistake, such as adding another employee to the wrong day. The redo function restores any actions that have been previously undone using an undo.

2. Adding Employee Schedule

Follow the steps mentioned below to add a new Employee Schedule:
  1. Click the “Add Schedule” button in Figure E above to add new employee schedule. See Figure E.
  2. The form highlighted in Figure M will appear on your screen.           
                                                                                     Figure M
  1. You can do it by clicking on the white part (opening hours of the store) that is allotted for adding the employee.
  2. Or, you can drag and drop the employee name from the "Manage" button to the opened hours of the store.
  3. Or, you can add it by clicking on the "Add Employee" button.
Fields and Buttons:
  1. Select Employee: This field lets you choose the employee name from the drop-down list. See Figure N.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Figure N
  1. Start Date: This field lets you choose the start date from the attached drop-down calendar to start the time period for the selected employee.
  2. Start Time: This field lets you choose the start time from the attached clock (as per the working hours of the store) for the employee schedule time period for the selected employee.
  3. End Date: This field lets you choose the start date from the attached drop-down calendar to start that employee schedule.
  4. End Time: This field lets you choose the end time from the attached clock for the employee schedule period for the selected employee.
Fill in the information and click on "Apply" to schedule the shift for the selected employee.

3. Copy Employee Schedule

Follow the steps mentioned below to copy Employee Schedule:
  1. Click the “Copy Employee Schedule” button in Figure E above to copy the schedule for another employee working at the same store.

                                                                           Figure O
  1. The form highlighted in Figure O will appear on your screen.  
  2. If the location is already selected, you are allowed to select the time period that you wish to copy for another or the same employee.
It will be reflected as highlighted in Figure O1. 
For example: In this figure, the schedule for 11/28/2023 (Tuesday) is shown. It will be copied to the same day for the employee in the selected time period on the POS, as described below under "Reflection of Employee Schedule on POS."

                                                                           Figure O1 

4. Printing Employee Schedule

  1. Click the “Printing Employee Schedule” button in Figure E above to print the employee schedule of the selected location. 
  2. Once you click on the button, the employee schedule gets downloaded in PDF format as highlighted in Figure P above.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Figure P

5. Locking Employee Scheduler

  1. Click the “Lock Employee Scheduler” button in Figure E above to lock the employee schedule of the selected location.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Figure Q
  1. Click on "Yes, Proceed" to lock the employee scheduler.
  2. You will be prompted with a "SUCCESS" message. Once done, the employer scheduler will be locked and it won't be edited without the rights to do so. 

                                                                         Figure R

6. Switching to Grid View

  1. The Employee Scheduler offers two types of views: grid view and calendar view.
  2. By default, the module is displayed in calender view (as highlighted in Figure D above), which can be switched to grid view (Figure S) and vice versa.

                                                                                Figure S

7. Save Changes

Once all the settings are done and entries have been created, if these entries satisfy the criteria (settings as defined above in Figure 1) of the scheduler, then you can save the changes. If the changes don't match the criteria, then you can either review the entries or proceed with saving the changes anyway. 

                                                                                    Figure T

If you click on the "Review Entries" button, then it will take you to the previous page and let you review the entries. Once done, it will let you save these entries. If you don't wish to review the changes and wish to proceed with the saving anyway, then click on the "Proceed Anyway" button. Both buttons will save the changes.

8. Reflection of Employee Schedule on POS

When the employee clocks in, they will see the "View My Schedule" button. Once they click on this button, they will have the two-week calendar in front of them, and they will see the assigned shift.

                                                                                         Figure U

                                                                                             Figure V
See Figure V, The assigned shift for the clocked-in employee can be seen under "View My Schedule" for Tuesday.

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