Hidden Items

Hidden Items

Hidden Items Overview

Hidden Items lets you manage the inventory of items you don't sell directly but include in sales with other specified items. For example, a specific-sized pizza box will be included with each pizza of a specific size, or a cup will be included with each coffee, or a cup carrier will be included with more than six drinks. 

This article includes information about:
  1. How to add, edit, and delete the hidden items. 
  2. How to set rules to track the inventory of hidden items.

1. Reaching "Hidden Items" 

  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Online Ordering 
  4. Step 4: Choose Hidden Items
Figure 1.1 below will help you understand the navigation better. 

Figure 1.1

2. Understanding "Hidden Items" Layout

  1. Please refer to Figure 2.1 and the description of the buttons and fields below to understand the layout of "Hidden Items.

Figure 2.1
  1. Table and Column Titles: The table lists existing hidden items. Each column title indicates the type of information in the column.
  2. 1: Add New: This button lets you create a new hidden item.
  3. 2.1: Edit: This button lets you edit the hidden item.
  4. 2.2: Delete: This button lets you delete the hidden item.

3. Adding Hidden Items

Please follow the steps below to add hidden items:  
  1. Click the "Add New" button highlighted in Figure 2.1.
  2. The Create Hidden Item screen will appear, as Figure 3.1.1 shows.

 Figure 3.1
  1. Name: Enter the name of the hidden item.
  2. Active: Enable this button to mark the item as an active hidden item. The system will not consider it a hidden item or track its inventory until you enable this button. 
  3. 1: Add Rule Group: Add the rule for the rule(s) for the hidden item. Here, you define which item will be included in the sale and with which items. For example:
    1. A specific-sized pizza box will be included with each pizza of a specific size.
    2. A cup will be included with each coffee. 
    3. A cup carrier will be included with more than six drinks. 
    4. To learn how to add the rule(s), please refer to 3.1 Adding Rules to Hidden Items
  1. 2: Action Buttons: 
  1. Cancel: This button lets you cancel the hidden item or any changes made to it.
  2. Save & Close: If you click the "Save & Close" button, the system will save the hidden item and navigate you to the Hidden Items screen.  
  3. Save & New: If you click the "Save & New" button, the system will save the hidden item and open the new Create Hidden Item screen, where you can add another hidden item. 
  4. Save: This button lets you save the changes you have made at any point.
  1. Enter the name of the hidden item, enable the Active button, add the rules based on your requirements, and click the "Save" or "Save & Close" button. 

3.1 Adding Rules to Hidden Items

Process Overview:

Below is the brief process view of adding the rules for the hidden items. 
  1. You select "Item to Include." This will be your hidden item. 
  2. You specify the rules as explained in this section and add the Rule Item, which is the item with which the hidden item will be included in the sale.
  3. You can add multiple hidden items and rule items within a rule based on your requirements. 
  4. If the Rule Item is sold per your specified quantity, the system will reduce the selected hidden item's inventory accordingly.  
Please follow the steps below to add rules to the hidden items. 
  1. Click the "Add Rule Group" button highlighted in Figure 3.1.
  2. The Create Hidden Item screen will appear, as Figure 3.1.1 shows.

Figure 3.1.1
  1. Item to Include: This field lets you select the hidden item included in the sale with the rule item you specify in the Rule Item field. This means when the customer buys the items you specify as the Rule Item, the system will decrease the quantity of this item.  
  2. Qty to Add: Add the number of hidden items to be included in the sale. 
  3. Rule Combination:
    1. Any Are True: Choose this option to include the hidden item in the sale when any conditions are fulfilled.  
    2. All Are True: Choose this option to include the hidden item in the sale only when all conditions are fulfilled.  
  4. Rule Type: Choose the rule type you want to define. 

Figure 3.1.2
  1. Qty: Enter the quantity. 
  2. Rule Item: Select the Rule Item in this field. You can choose an item, a category, or a kit to add as a Rule Item. Click the "Manage" button and choose the required option. 

Figure 3.1.3
  1. Dine-In/Take-Out: Choose the appropriate option.  

Figure 3.1.4
  1. Action: Use the Delete button to delete the rule.  
  1. You can add multiple Rule Items with a single hidden item using the "Add Rule" button highlighted in Figure 3.1.5.

Figure 3.1.5

3.1.1 Selecting an Item

Please follow the steps below to select the hidden items: 
  1. Click the "Select" button associated with the Item to Include field. 

Figure 3.1.1
  1. The Select One Product screen will appear, as Figure 3.1.2 shows. 

Figure 3.1.2
  1. 1: Search Product: Search the product using the Type Product Name field, the Select Category Name drop-down, and the Select Manufacturer Name drop-down. Enter the product name, select the category or manufacturer from the respective drop-down, and click the "Search" button. 
  2. 2: Change Search Parameters: Use the Delete icon to remove the selections made for the Type Product Name field, the Select Category Name drop-down, and the Select Manufacturer Name drop-down, if any.
  3. 3: Product List: The system displays a list of all available products. The system will display the products accordingly if you have used the Type Product Name field, the Select Category Name drop-down, and the Select Manufacturer Name drop-down.
    1. Click on the desired product name to select it.
  4. 4: Apply: Click the "Apply" button to add your selected item to the kit.
The item will be added as the selected item.

4. Editing Hidden Items 

Please follow the steps below to edit an ordering kit: 
  1. Click the Edit button highlighted in Figure 2.1.
  2. The Edit Hidden Item screen will appear, as Figure 4.1 shows. 

 Figure 4.1
  1. Make the required changes and click the "Save" or "Save & Close" button. 

5. Deleting Hidden Items

You can delete the hidden item record from the Hidden Items home screen and the Edit Hidden Item screen. 

Please follow the steps below to delete a hidden item record from the Hidden Items home screen: 
  1. Click the “Delete” icon shown in Figure 2.1.
  2. A warning dialog will appear with two related options, as Figure 5.1 shows.

 Figure 5.1
  1. Click “Yes, Delete” to delete the hidden item record.
  2. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.
  1. To delete the hidden item record from the Edit Hidden Item screen:
  1. Click the Edit icon highlighted in Figure 2.1.
  2. The Edit Hidden Item screen will appear, as Figure 4.1 shows.
  3. Click the "Delete" button. The warning dialog will appear, as Figure 5.1 shows.
  4. Click “Yes, Delete" to delete the hidden item record.
  5. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.

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