House Account Discount Levels

House Account Discount Levels

House Account Discount Levels Overview

These discount levels are also called "Department Level Discounts for House Accounts customers.These are assigned value in the Departments for the discount levels created under the "House Account Discount Levels" module.
This discount type is not a flat discount; different departments can have different discount level percentage values.
For example: If the created Discount Level 1 is set with a 10.00 percent discount on the department level for a particular house account, then the house account customer can purchase the product from that department with a 10% discount on the retail price.
In this article, you will learn about creating a House Account Discount Level, assigning a percentage value, and editing and deleting the created house account.

1. Reaching "House Account Discount Levels"

To reach "House Account Discount Levels," follow the steps below: 
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose House Accounts
  3. Step 3: Choose House Account Discount Levels

                                                                             Figure 0.0
  1. By clicking "House Account Discount Levels," you can see its page with various fields.

Understanding the "House Account Discount Levels" Layout

After clicking "Point of Sale," you can select "House Accounts" from the drop-down. Once open, you can select "House Account Discount Levels" from the drop-down where you can see the House Account Discount Levels functions.

                                                                           Figure 0.1

The House Account Discount Levels page displays the following information:
  1. Name: The name of the House Account Discount Level.
  2. # of Members: The number of members is the number of house account customers that are associated with a particular level.
  3. Created At: The date and time of the creation of the House Account Discount Level.
  4. Updated At: The date and time of the most recent update of the House Account Discount Level.
  5. Action Buttons: Action buttons for Edit and Delete.

1. Adding a New House Account Discount Level

Follow the steps below to add a new House Account Discount Level: 
  1. Click the “Add New” button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to add a new House Account Discount Level. 
  2. The form highlighted in Figure 1.0 will appear on your screen.

                                                                              Figure 1.0
  1. Fill in the required information in each field to add a new House Account Discount Level.
  2. Finally, you may save, or close using the highlighted buttons.

1.1. Assigning Percentage Value to Created House Account Discount Level 

  1. Once the House Account Discount Level is defined, it reflects under Departments >> House Account tab. 

                                                    Figure 1.1.0
  1. The house account discount percentage is set at the department level.

                                                           Figure 1.1.1

To reach the Departments for assigning value to the House Account Level, follow the steps below: 
1) From Control Center >> Point of Sale
2) Go to "Maintenance" module
3) Select "Departments"
4) Refer to Add/Edit Departments page
5) Select "House Accounts" tab

                                                                                Figure 1.1.2                                          
  1. Set the percentage for the created House Account Discount Level is set here as highlighted in Figure 1.1.2 above.

1.2. Utilizing House Account Discount Levels

  1. The added discount levels are used in House Accounts >> Settings >> House Account Discount Level.
  2. The House Account Level Discount will be utilized in managing discounts for house accounts. See Figure 1.2.0.

                                                     Figure 1.2.0

2. Editing a House Account Discount Level

Follow the steps mentioned below to edit the House Account Discount Level.
  1. Click the Edit button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to edit the House Account Discount Level. See Figure 0.1 above.
  2. The form highlighted in Figure 2.0 will appear on your screen.

                                                                             Figure 2.0
  1. Edit the required information in the field to edit the theme, save, and close using the highlighted buttons as shown in Figure 1.0 above.

3. Deleting a House Account Discount Level

The House Account Discount Level can also be deleted from the Edit House Account Discount Level page. See Figure 2.0 above.
Follow the steps mentioned below to delete a House Account Discount Level:
  1. Click the Delete button highlighted in Figure 0.1 above to delete a House Account Discount Level.
  2. A dialog box highlighted in Figure 3.0 will appear.

                                                 Figure 3.0
  1. Click “Yes, Delete” to delete the House Account Discount Level.
  2. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.

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