Inventory Definitions

Inventory Definitions

Inventory Definitions Overview

"Inventory Definitions" lets you create definitions for stock verification processes such as cycle counts and spot checks. 

"Inventory Definitions" is available to corporate or store employees with relevant rights. They define the products, locations, and permissible days for conducting the inventory count in an inventory definition.  

When the store employee starts performing the cycle counts or spot checks process using the handheld device, they select an inventory definition. Though the system allows performing cycle counts without selecting any definition under the No Definition option, in general, the store employee performs cycle counts using inventory definitions. An inventory definition allows them to count specific products that you add to the inventory definitions. Products for inventory definition can be selected based on various parameters outlined in this article. Choosing a specific manufacturer implies that all items from that manufacturer in the store's inventory will be included in the count.

"Inventory Definitions" enables you to:
  1. Create a definition of location- and product-specific inventory.
  2. Edit or delete the inventory definition.  

1. Reaching "Inventory Definitions"

  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Inventory
  4. Step 4: Choose Inventory Counts
  5. Step 5: Choose Inventory Definitions
Figure A below may help you understand the navigation better: 

Figure A

2. Understanding "Inventory Definitions" Layout

  1. Please refer to Figure B and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the layout of "Inventory Definitions." 

 Figure B
1: Add New: This button lets you add a new inventory definition. 
2.1: Edit Inventory Definition: This button lets you edit the inventory definition. 
2.2: Delete Inventory Definition: This button lets you delete the inventory definition. 

3. Adding a New Inventory Definition

Please follow the steps below to add a new inventory definition.
  1. Click the “Add New” button highlighted in Figure B. 
  2. The Create Inventory Definition screen will appear, as Figure C shows.

 Figure C
Create Inventory Definition includes four sections: 
[1] General Information
[2] Manage Inventory Definition Filters
[3] Manage Acceptable Days Locations 
[4] Action Buttons 

[1] General Information 
  1. Name: Enter a friendly name that matches the nature of the selected products or locations.
  2. Acceptable Days Since Counted: Enter the number of days to define the interval for regular cycle counts. If you enter ten here, the system will consider that the selected store must run the cycle count process every ten days for the selected products (filters) in this definition.
[2] Manage Inventory Definition Filters 

In this section, you can select the products based on specific parameters to add them to the inventory definition.
  1. Click the Filter by drop-down. The list of parameters will appear, as Figure D shows.

 Figure D

Drop-down options:
  1. Filter by Category: This option allows you to select the products based on the category. Please follow the steps below to select the required category.
    1. Select the Filter by Category option and click the "Manage" button. 

Figure E
1: Use this Search box to search for a specific category. 
2: Use the Arrow icon to expand a category.
3: Click the "Select" button to move the selected categories to the Selected List.  
    1. The Manage Filters screen will look like the one shown in Figure F.

Figure F
1: If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. You can remove any record from the list by clicking the Remove (x) icon.
2: Click "Apply" to apply the selection.
    1. The Manage Inventory Definition Filters screen will display the selected categories, as Figure G shows.

 Figure G
  1. Filter by Department: This option allows you to select specific departments for the inventory definition. Please follow the steps below to select the required departments(s.)  
    1. Select the Filter by Department option and click the "Manage" button.
    2. The Manage Filters screen will appear, as Figure H shows.

Figure H
1: Use the Search field to search a specific department. 
2: Select the required departments by ticking the checkbox. 
3: Click the green Arrow button to move the selected products to the Selected List
    1. The Manage Filters screen will look like the one shown in Figure I.

Figure I
1: If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. You can remove any record from the list by clicking the Remove (x) icon.
2: Click "Apply" to apply the selection.
    1. The Manage Inventory Definition Filters section will show the selected departments(s,) as Figure J shows. 

Figure J
  1. Filter by Department Group: This option allows you to select specific department groups for the inventory definition. The selection of the desired department groups is done using the method described for "Filter by Department."
  2. Filter by Manufacturer: This option allows you to select specific manufacturers for the inventory definition. The selection of the desired manufacturers is done using the method described for "Filter by Department."
  3. Filter by Brands: This option allows you to select specific brands for the inventory definition. The selection of the desired brands is done using the method described for "Filter by Department."
  4. Filter by Tags: This option allows you to select specific tags for the inventory definition. The selection of the desired tags is done using the method described for "Filter by Department."
  5. Random Product: This option allows you to select random products for the inventory definition based on six parameters: Category, Department, Department Group, Manufacturer, Brand, and Tags. You choose any of these parameters. Please follow the steps below to select the random products that meet your requirements. 
    1. Select the Random Products options and click the "Manage" button.  
    2. The Manage Random Products pop-up screen will appear, as Figure K shows.

Figure K
Filter Type: Select the Filter Type from Category, Department, Department Group, Manufacturer, Brand, and Tags - for example, category. 
Item Count: Enter the required counts - for example, ten. The system will show one by default.
Selection: Select an option from All or Custom.
  1. If you select All, the system considers all categories and chooses ten products randomly, as specified in the Item Count field. The Manage Inventory Definition Filters section will look like the one in the image below.

 Figure L
  1. If you select Custom, the Manage Random Products screen will appear, as Figure M shows.

Figure M
1: Filter Type: Use this drop-down to change the parameters.
2: Item Count: You can change item counts if required. 
3: Selection: You can change the option from All to Custom.
4: Use the Search box to search for a specific category.
5: Use the Arrow icon to expand a category.
6: Click the "Select" button to move the selected categories to the Selected List. 
    1. The Manage Inventory Definition Filters section will display the selected category, as Figure N shows.

 Figure N
    1. If you want to check which products are randomly selected, you can click the "View Items" button after saving the inventory definition. This "View Items" button is available in Edit mode. "4. Editing the Inventory Definition" explains the details.  
  1. Top Selling Products: This option allows you to select the required top-selling products for the inventory definition based on six parameters: Category, Department, Department Group, Manufacturer, Brand, and Tags. Please follow the steps below to select the top-selling products that meet your requirements.  
    1. Select the Top Selling Products options and click the "Manage" button.  
    2. The Manage Random Products pop-up screen will appear, as Figure O shows. You can select the required custom parameters using the same process explained for Random Products.

Figure O

    1. When you select the parameter, for instance, Category, set the item count to ten, and opt for All, the system will search across all categories for the top ten best-selling products and include them in the inventory definition.
    2. When you select the parameter, for instance, Category, add an item count of ten, choose Custom, and then select a specific category, the system will search for the top ten best-selling products within the chosen categories and include them in the inventory definition.
  1. Negative Products: This option allows you select the negative for the inventory definition. 
  2. Items from Negative Transactions: This option allows you to select specific products from the negative transactions. When you select the Items from Negative Transactions option, the History Days field will appear. A maximum of 127 days can be selected.

   Figure P
  1. All Items from Negative Transactions: This option allows you to select all products from the negative transactions. When you select the Items from Negative Transactions option, the History Days field will appear. A maximum of 127 days can be selected.  
What is the difference between "Items from Negative Transaction" and "All Items from Negative Transaction"? 

The difference between "Items from Negative Transaction" and "All Items from Negative Transaction" lies in the scope of items included. The system recognizes four types of transactions as negative: Item Return, Void, Cancel, and No Sale. 

During a sale, a cashier may void or cancel an item, or mark it as "Item Return," making the transaction negative. However, not all items in such a transaction contribute to its negativity. The cashier may also sell other items in the same transaction. 
  1. Selecting "Items from Negative Transaction" includes only those items marked as "Item Return," or those voided or canceled by the cashier. 
  2. Choosing "All Items from Negative Transaction" includes every item from a transaction marked as negative.
  1. Inactive Items: This option allows you to select all inactive products for the inventory definition. 
  2. Variances From Cycle Counts: This option allows you to select products that have a difference in quantity from the expected count during the cycle counts for the inventory definition. When you select the Variances From Cycle Counts option, the Number Of Days drop-down will appear. Select the required number of days. If you select thirty in the drop-down, the system will consider the items that have a difference in quantity from the expected count during the cycle counts in the last thirty days. You can select a maximum of sixty days.

 Figure Q 
  1. Items on Adjustments: This option allows you to select products that are on adjustments for the inventory definition. The Number Of Days drop-down will appear when you select the Items on Adjustments option. Select the required number of days. If you select thirty in the drop-down, the system will consider the items added to the adjustment in the last thirty days. You can select a maximum of sixty days.

 Figure R 
  1. Items on Transfers: This option allows you to select products that are on transfers for the inventory definition. The Number Of Days drop-down will appear when you select the Items on Transfers option. Select the required number of days. If you select thirty in the drop-down, the system will consider the items added to a transfer in the last thirty days. You can select a maximum of sixty days.

 Figure S
  1. Items on Invoices: This option allows you to select products that are on invoices for the inventory definition. The Number Of Days drop-down will appear when you select the Items on Invoices option. Select the required number of days. If you select thirty in the drop-down, the system will consider the items added to the invoice in the last thirty days. You can select a maximum of sixty days.

 Figure T
[3] Manage Acceptable Days Locations 

In this section, you can select the locations. The inventory definition you create will be available to the locations you choose in this section. This location assignment will override the days set in Cycle Counts Open Inventory Record Notification Limiter under the Advanced Receiving Configuration section of Inventory Settings available under Settings & Panels. 

Please follow the steps below to add locations. 
  1. Click the "Add Location" button highlighted in Figure U. 

 Figure U
  1. The Add Location screen will appear, as Figure V shows.

Figure V
Select Location drop-down: Use this drop-down to select the location.  
Acceptable Days: Specify the acceptable days for the chosen location. This will supersede the acceptable days previously entered in the Acceptable days since counted field if the days differ from those initially entered. This field allows for the flexibility to set varying acceptable days for different locations within a single inventory definition.
  1. The Add Location screen will look like the one shown in Figure W. Click "Apply."

Figure W
  1. You can select multiple locations and set different acceptable days for each. Once you make the required selections, the Manage Acceptable Days Location section will look like the one shown in Figure X.

 Figure X
[4] Action Buttons

 Figure Y 
Cancel: This button lets you cancel the inventory definition, or the changes made to the inventory definition. 
Save & Close: If you click the "Save & Close" button, the system will save the inventory definition and navigate you to the Inventory Definitions screen.  
Save & New: If you click the "Save & New" button, the system will save the inventory definition and open the new Create Inventory Definition screen, where you can add another inventory definition.
Save: This button lets you save the changes you have made at any point.

4. Editing the Inventory Definition

Follow the steps mentioned below to edit an inventory definition.
  1. Click the Edit icon highlighted in Figure B.
  2. The Edit Inventory Definition screen will appear, as Figure Z shows. Edit the information as per the requirements and click "Save & Close." The system will save the changes and show the Success message. 

 Figure Z

Additional Buttons:
Print: Use this button to print the products included in the definition. When you click the button, a PDF will be will be downloaded. Print it using the Print icon. Below is the sample PDF:

 Figure A.1

View Items: Use this button to view the products in the inventory definition. When you click this button, the Inventory Definition Products screen will appear, as Figure B.1 shows. 

Figure B.1
Delete: Use this button to delete the inventory definition. 

5. Deleting the Inventory Definitions

You can delete the inventory definition record from the Inventory Definitions home screen and the Edit Inventory Definition screen. 

Please follow the steps below to delete an inventory definition record from the Inventory Definitions home screen: 
  1. Click the Delete icon shown in Figure B.
  2. A warning dialog will appear with two related options, as Figure C.1 shows.

 Figure C.1
    1. Click “Yes, Delete” to delete the inventory definition record.
    2. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.
  1. To delete the inventory definition record from the Edit Inventory Definition screen:
  2. Click the Edit icon highlighted in Figure B.
  3. The Edit Inventory Definition screen will appear, as Figure Z shows.
  4. Click the "Delete" button. The warning dialog will appear, as Figure C.1 shows.  
    1. Click “Yes, Delete" to delete the inventory definition record.
    2. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.

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