Inventory Settings

Inventory Settings

Inventory Settings Overview

"Inventory Settings" lets you configure settings that are needed to manage any inventory-related process. You can configure settings related to invoicing, receiving, and alerts regarding product stock and inventory. 

Reaching "Inventory Settings"

To reach "Inventory Settings," follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Maintenance

                                                                                    Figure 1
  1. Step 4: Choose Settings & Panels 
  2. Step 5: Choose POS (Point Of Sale Settings)
  3. Step 6: Choose Inventory (Inventory Settings)

Understanding "Inventory Settings" Layout

Please see the image below labeled Figure 2 for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen.
                                                                                                 Figure 2

1. Inventory Notifications

In this section, you can configure inventory alerts for negative and/or low inventory levels and various other notifications.

                                                                                       Figure 2.1

1.1. Select Unfinished Lookup Period: This setting option lets you choose the lookup time period for which you wish to look at the inventory processes, including invoices that are unfinished.

1.2. Unfinished Run Frequency: The unfinished run frequency will let you choose how frequently you wish to run the unfinished inventory processes, including invoices. 
                         Figure 2.2
1.3. Notify on Every Completed Cycle Count: This toggle, if set to YESwill notify the corporate users whenever any cycle count on any inventory definition is completed. 

1.4. Notify in case of Cycle Count Variance: When this toggle is set to YES, the corporate users will be notified in case there is a variance during the cycle count.

                                                               Figure 2.3

1.5. Notify if a Cycle Count is Started but Not Finished in X Hours/Days: The corporate users will be notified if the cycle count is started but not finished. 

                                                    Figure 2.4
  1. Variance Type: This is a filter type that filters the variance of the cycle count. 
  1. If Variance Greater Than X Dollars: If there is a variance greater than the entered (X) dollars. See Figure 2.4.

                     Figure 2.5
  1. If Variance Greater Than Number of Items: If there is a variance greater than the entered (X) items during the cycle count, when this condition triggers, it will notify the corporate users.

                                                             Figure 2.6
1.6. Notify if an Invoice is Started but Not Finished in X Hours/Days: This option, if toggled to YES, will notify the people whose emails are linked to these settings (in options 4 and 5) if an invoice has started but hasn't finished.
  1. Hours/Days: You can select whether you wish to get notified with the defined days or hours.
  2. Days: This field is dependent on whether you select days or hours.
1.7. Notify if a Adjustment is Started but Not Finished in X Hours/Days: This setting, when set to YES, will notify the person when an adjustment in the inventory has started but not Finished in the defined hours.

1.8. Notify if a Return Worksheet is Started but Not Finished in X Hours/Days: This setting, when set to YES, will notify the person when a return in the inventory has started but not Finished in the defined hours.

                                                                          Figure 2.7

1.9. Choose specific users to receive email notifications for inventory: Here, the email of the person to whom you wish to send the inventory notification can be chosen. See Figure 2.

1.10. Add custom emails to receive inventory notifications (1 per line): You can add additional email addresses/IDs in the text box. See Figure 2.

2. Receiving Configuration

                                                                                Figure 3
2.1. Add Unknown Items During EDI Processing: While you are importing EDI files for invoices, the items that were not ordered or any unknown item will also get added if this toggle is set to YES.
2.2. Automatically Add Back Order Items: If this toggle is turned, it will automatically add the items that were ordered but not received.
2.3. New Item Department: Whenever an item is created in the POS, it is added to the department that is selected from the New Item Department drop-down list.
2.4. Display on Edit Invoice: Depending on your choice made for the options providedCost, Quantity, Cost & Quantitythe Edit Invoice page will add the columns for that in the invoice.

                       Figure 3.1
2.5. Action in case of difference for Invoice: Choosing from the associated options available in the drop-down list.
  1. Disregard Difference: If this option is chosen, then while applying the invoice, the system will discard the difference in the cost and further allow you to apply the invoice.
  2. Warning but Allow: In case this option is chosen, the system alerts you with a warning but allows you to apply the invoice.
  3. Do not Allow: Choosing this option will strictly inhibit you from applying the invoice without taking care of the difference.

                    Figure 3.2
2.6. Show margin on invoice: This will display the profitability by calculating the difference between the Unit Price and the Unit Cost.
2.7. Prompt margin enabled: Setting this toggle to YES will prompt you about the cost-price margin while applying the invoice.
2.8. Prompt margin percent: Here, you can define the margin percentage that will be constant irrespective of any cost change, and it will prompt the user with the margin percent while applying the invoice.
2.9. Prompt Days Left Inventory: When this option is set to 100 (for example), it will prompt the user with the days left when the store has inventory to survive those many days.
2.10. Show Supplier Cost Discounts: Setting this toggle to YES will show the Supplier Cost Discount column in the Invoice Discounts.
2.11 Show Supplier Deposits: Setting this toggle to YES will show the Supplier Deposits column in the Invoice Deposits.
2.12Allow Deletion of Working Order and Non-Complete Purchase Order: When this toggle is set to YES, it will allow the user to delete a working purchase order and also a non-complete purchase order.

3. Advanced Receiving Configuration                                  

                                                                                         Figure 4

3.1. Default Auto Apply To Store: If this toggle is set to YES, it will auto apply the invoice by default to the inventory.
3.2. Reset Store Number when creating new invoice: If this toggle is set to YES, it will reset the store number when you create a new invoice.
3.3. Expand 8 Digit UPCs: When this toggle is set to YES, the system will expand the UPC when entering its initials.
3.4. Allow Items without Vendor Part: If this toggle is set to YES, it will allow the items to process the invoice without vendor parts.
3.5. Disable Deleting Invoices: If this toggle is set to YES, the deletion of invoices will be disabled.
3.6. Show Old cost on Invoices: If this toggle is set to YES, the old cost of the items will be shown on the invoice.
3.7. Allow Zero Cost: If this toggle is set to YES, it will allow zero-cost items or items that came as free on the invoice. 
3.8. Disabled Editing and Deleting applied Invoices: If this toggle is set to YES, it will disable editing and deleting the invoice.
3.9. Append store # To Invoice when creating Invoices: If this toggle is set to YES, it will append store # to invoice while creating the invoice.
3.10. Auto Apply Invoice Cost Changes When Applying Invoice: If this toggle is set to YES, it will update the quantity value in the inventory with the ordered value that is on the invoice.
3.11. Each Vendor has Subfolder: This is a FTP folder configuration for different vendors, so if this toggle is set to YES, the invoices will be fetched from a separate vendor subfolder on the server side. If this is set to NO, the invoices will be saved in one root folder, and invoices will be fetched from there only.
3.12. Auto Apply Excise Tax to Cost Changes: If this toggle is set to YES, it will automatically apply the excise tax to cost changes.
3.13. Auto Delete EDI Files: If this toggle is set to YES, the system will automatically delete the EDI files that are once imported.
3.14. Auto Apply Surcharge to Cost Changes: If this toggle is set to YES, the system will automatically apply the surcharge to the cost of the items on the invoice.
3.15. Auto Apply Misc Fee to Cost Changes: If this toggle is set to YES, it will update the miscellaneous fee if applied to the cost of items on the invoice. 
3.16. Reorder - Filter Locations on Vendor Parts: This setting is for the Reorder Inventory process which, when set to YES, lets you filter the location on the basis of vendor parts.
3.17. Allow Non-Unique Adjustment Types on Adjustment: If this setting is set to YES, it will allow the user to add different categories of items.
3.18. Reorder - Allow Merge Multiple Store: If this toggle is set to YES, it will allow the user to merge the reorder for multiple stores.
3.19. Prevent User From Saving/Reconciling Cycle Count With Open Movement Records: If this setting is set to YES, it will restrict the user from reconciling the cycle count if any of the inventory movement processes are still open that can affect the inventory count.
3.20. Allow FIFO: This setting (First In, First Out), if set to YES, will allow the employee to sell the items that were ordered and arrived first at the store.
3.21.Allow Zone Selection on Cost Changes: If this toggle is set to YES, then the system will allow you to select the zone when there is any change in the cost on the invoice and you wish to apply cost change only to one pricebook zone.
3.22. Cycle Counts Open Inventory Record Notification Limiter: This setting has a drop-down menu attached with three time period options. The system will notify you of the chosen time period for any open inventory record.
3.23. Email When Return Worksheet Sent: This toggle, if set to YES, will alllow the system to send you an email when the return worksheet is sent.

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