Location Drawer Variances Report

Location Drawer Variances Report

Location Drawer Variances Report

The Location Drawer Variances Report lists variances by locations and employees, detailing the number of transactions and lowest/highest/average variance values.

1. Reaching the Location Drawer Variances Report

To reach the "Location Drawer Variances Report," follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Reports
  4. Step 4: Choose Smart Till Reports
  5. Step 5: Choose Location Drawer Variances Report
See Figure A. You will see many types of sales reports that will be useful to your retail business. By clicking the "Choose Report" drop-down selection, you will see the different types of Smart Till Reports.

                                                                                  Figure A

By clicking "Location Drawer Variances Report," you will be redirected to the "Location Drawer Variances Report" page with relevant filtering and sorting options.

                                                                                  Figure B

2. Generating the Location Drawer Variances Report

When you navigate to the "Location Drawer Variances Report" page, you will get the options pre-selected by default. You can generate the "Location Drawer Variances Report" by clicking the "Generate Report" button.

                                                                                      Figure C

  1. Location: This column displays the name of the store location.
  2. Employee Name: The name of the cashier present at that register number during a particular shift on a particular date.
  3. # of Transactions: This column displays the number of transactions that happened at that store location in the selected date range.
  4. # of Variance Transactions: This column displays the total number of transactions with variance.
  5. Lowest Variance: This column displays the lowest variance amount found among all the transactions that happened at that store location in the selected date range.
  6. Lowest Variance Transaction Amount: This column displays the transaction amount with the lowest variance.
  7. Avg Variance: The average variance is calculated by the system based on the total variance amount and number of transactions in the selected date range.
  8. Highest Variance: This column displays the highest variance amount found among all the transactions that happened at that store location in the selected date range.
  9. Highest Variance Transaction Amount: This column displays the transaction amount with the highest variance.
If you wish to know more about the Lowest Variance Transaction Amount and Highest Variance Transaction Amount, you can click on the amount value highlighted in blue.

                                                                                Figure D1

                                                                             Figure D2

3. Manage Filter

With this, the report will be displayed as per the selected cashier's name. 

                                                                                                    Figure E

  1. Choose the POS device name to display the filter-specific report.

                                                                                              Figure F
The resultant report:

                                                                                                Figure G

4. Date Range & Presets

You can filter your sales data in the report by selecting the date range as well as specific times.
By clicking the edit box, you will get the tiny calendar to select the specific date range. You can also enter the date manually in mm/dd/yyyy format.
  1. Start Date: This field displays the associated calendar to pick the start date of the date range.

                                                                                           Figure H                                                                         
  1. End Date: This field displays the associated calendar to pick the end date of the date range.

                                                                                              Figure I
  1. Presets: A Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the report.

                                                                                                   Figure J

5. Variance Filter

This filter allows you to display the "Location Drawer Variances Report" in filter-specific form. There are three options highlighted in Figure K in which reports can be displayed.
                                                                            Figure K
5.1. Variance Greater Than:  If this option is selected, it will take a numerical value as input to display the filter-specific report, i.e., the resultant report will display the result with a variance value greater than the entered value. See Figure L for reference. Here, the entered value for variance is $500, thus the report will display the result for variance greater than $500.
                                                                                       Figure L
5.2. Variance Less Than: If this option is selected, it will take a numerical value as input to display the filter-specific report, i.e., the resultant report will display the result with a variance value lesser than the entered value. See Figure M for reference. Here, the entered value for variance is $500, thus the report will display the result for variance lesser than $500.

                                                                                            Figure M

5.3. Variance Equal To: If this option is selected, it will take a numerical value as input to display the filter-specific report, i.e., the resultant report will display the result with a variance value equal to the entered value. See Figure N for reference. Here, the entered value for variance is $2, thus the report will display the result for variance equal to $2.
                                                                                   Figure N

6. Group By:

This filter displays the report by grouping it by location or location groups.

                                                                                              Figure O

5.1. None: This option is selected by default and doesn't affect the general details of the report.
5.2. Location: If this option is selected, the report will be displayed grouped by selected location.

                                                                                                  Figure P

5.3. Location Group: If this option is selected, the report will be displayed grouped by the selected location group.

                                                                                               Figure Q

7. Checkbox Filters

                                                                                                Figure R
  1. Group By Employee: This filter will group the report by employee name.

                                                                               Figure S
  1. Group By Day: This filter will group the report by employee name.

                                                                                 Figure T

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