Manual Discount Report Overview
Reports -> Sales Reports -> "Manual Discount"
You can provide the manual discount to the customer during the checkout. Although the system discount might be applied if it is applicable, apart from that, a cashier can provide the manual discount as per the need, such as if the product is damaged or the retail price is reduced, etc.
Enabling Manual Discount
Navigate to the "POS Panels" settings [Point Of Sale -> Maintenance -> Settings & Panels -> POS Panels] to set up a Manual Discount action on the POS button. You need to choose the button type from "Button Settings." To apply the manual discount, you will have two options: Dollar Discount | Percentage Discount
- Dollar Discount: The cashier can apply the dollar ($) amount discount manually to the sale during checkout.
- Percentage Discount: The cashier can apply the percentage discount (%) to the total amount of the sale during checkout.
The Manual Discount Report will provide the applied manual discount on the sales transactions. You can also check the employee's name who applied the manual discount and the customer's name if they are already entered in the system.
1. Reaching the Manual Discount Report
To reach the Manual Discount Report, follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Log into Control Center
- Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
Figure 1.1
By clicking "Manual Discount," you will be redirected to the "Manual Discount Report" page with relevant filter options.
- Step 3: Choose Reports
- Step 4: Choose Sales Reports
Figure 1.2
- Step 5: Choose Manual Discount
Figure 1.3
By clicking "Manual Discount," you will be redirected to the "Manual Discount Report" page with relevant filter options.
Initially, you will see the "Report data is empty" message. You need to select the date range to check for which transaction the manual discount was provided.
2. Generating the Manual Discount Report
When you are redirected to the "Manual Discount Report" page, other filter options will be pre-selected by default. You can generate the Manual Discount Report by clicking the "Generate Report" button.
Figure 2.1
When you are redirected to the "Manual Discount Report" page, other filter options will be pre-selected by default. You can generate the Manual Discount Report by clicking the "Generate Report" button.
After generating the Manual Discount report, you will see the applied discount data in tabular format based on the date range and filter options:
- Receipt # (Receipt Number): This column represents the "Receipt Number" that was generated when the transaction was successfully done with the manual discount.
- Employee: This column represents the name of the employee (cashier) who completed the sales transaction along with applying the manual discount.
- Customer: This column represents the name of the customers if they're registered in the system.
- Date/Time: This column represents the time span when the transaction occurred.
- Percent Discount: This column represents the percent value if the employee (cashier) applied a manual discount with a percentage.
- Dollar Discount: This column represents the dollar amount if the employee (cashier) applied a manual discount with a dollar amount.
- Manual Discount: This column represents the applicable amount of the manual discount.
- Register Number: This column represents the Register of the POS system where the transaction occurred.
- Register Z Counter: This column represents the number of the shift reconciliation when an employee has completed the shift for the day.
3. Report Filter Options
Now, let's see how to set up the report filter options to get the applied discount on the sales transaction.
3.1 Date Range
You can filter your sales data in the report by selecting the date range as well as specific times.
By clicking the edit box, you will be taken to a tiny calendar where you can select a specific date range. You can also manually enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
Figure 3.1.1
If you want the sales data in the report for a specific time duration (till morning/evening), you can select the particular time (hours and minutes) from the date selection.
Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the Manual Discount data with that.
3.2 Filter By Employee
You can filter the report data by selecting the specific employees (cashiers) from the list to check if a manual discount was applied by them.
Figure 3.2.1
By clicking Filter By Cashiers from the "Filter By Employee" drop-down, a "Manage Filter" window will open from where you can select the specific cashier.
1. Search for the cashier's name by entering the text.
- You can select more than one cashier by ticking the checkbox next to the cashier's name.
- You must click on the green arrow icon to move the selected cashier(s) under "Selected List."
Figure 3.2.2
3. You can remove any selected cashier name by clicking the "Remove" (x) icon or remove all the selected cashiers from the list by clicking the "Clear Selection" button.
4. Once the cashier(s) selection is done, click the "Apply" button to get the manual discount transaction for the selected cashier(s).
After selecting the cashier(s) from the filter list, click "Generate Report" to get the manual discount for the selected cashier.
Figure 3.2.3
3.3 Filter By Customer
You can filter the report data by selecting specific customers from the list to check the manual discount they got when buying the products.

Figure 3.3.1
By clicking Filter By Customers from the "Filter By Customer" drop-down, a "Manage Filter" window will open from where you can select the specific customer. You can select a specific customer from the list in a similar way to the cashier selection.
Figure 3.3.2
You will get the customer's name only if the cashier has added it during the transaction or if it is already registered in the system.

In this way, you can check the manual discount that was applied during the sales transaction by filtering the employee as well as the customer to get the data in the report.