Mass Updates

Mass Updates

Mass Updates Overview 

"Mass Updates" allows you to create various data changes quickly and easily. For example, you can update discounts and display screens from any device or make price changes for multiple locations in seconds. The Mass Updates feature is a powerful tool that brings accuracy, efficiency, and scalability to data management.  

FTx Cloud POS offers numerous possibilities to perform mass update operations from two points: from each module where applicable and from "Mass Updates. 

"Mass Updates" enables you to
  1. Apply mass updates to "n" number of selected products, allowing a wide range of data changes. 
  2. Schedule mass updates to "n" number of selected products, allowing a wide range of data changes.  

1. Reaching "Mass Updates"

  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Pricebook 
  4. Step 4: Choose Products
  5. Step 5: Choose Mass Updates

2. Understanding "Mass Updates" Layout

  1. Please refer to Figure 2.0.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the layout of "Mass Updates." 

Figure 2.0.1
  1. 1.1: Queue Enabled: This toggle button lets you turn on or off the queue formation of the mass update requests.
  1. If you disable this button, the system will execute the mass update changes without submitting them in Queued Changes.
  2. If you enable this button, the system will submit the mass update changes in Queued Changes. You can later review and process the changes from there. 
InfoHowever, the system will execute all changes done under the Utilities action except for the Other utility changes without submitting them in Queued Changes, even though this button is enabled. 
  1. 1.2: Print: This button enables you to print the mass update changes report. 
  2. 1.3: Choose Actions: This button enables you to select the action you wish to apply to the products chosen. 4. Mass Update Actions explains more about it. 
  3. 1.4: Queued Changes: This lets you view and process all queued changes.  

  1. 2.1: Columns: This drop-down lets you choose which information you want to see in the product list columns.   
  1. Click the Columns drop-down to select or deselect the product list columns.

Figure 2.0.2
  1. 2.2: Link Types: This drop-down enables you to filter the product list using five parameters: All Items, Standalone Only, Child Only, Parent Only, and Standalone & Parents.  
  2. 2.3: Settings: This button enables you to filter the product list. When you click this button, the Mass Update Settings screen will appear, as Figure 2.0.3 shows. 

Figure 2.0.3
  1. Tag Groups Visible: This drop-down will show the list of all tag groups created from Product Tags. Use this drop-down to filter the product list based on tag groups. 
  2. Item Type: Use this drop-down to filter the product list based on two parameters: All Items and Items Not Eligible For Discount.
  3. Product Aliases: Use this drop-down to filter the product list based on two parameters: All Items and Product with Aliases.
  4. Product Status: Use this drop-down to filter the product list based on four parameters: Only Active Items, All Items, Only Inactive Items, and Deleted Items
  1. 3: Product List: This section shows the product list based on the filters you have applied. You can use the respective checkbox to select the product. Use the Control (Ctrl) button on your keyboard to select multiple products. Use the Shift button to select a group of items all in a row by clicking the top selection and the lowest selection.
  2. 4: Load All Items: Click this button to load all products without applying any filters. 
  3. 5.1: Undo: This button enables you to undo the mass update changes and restore the old changes. 
  1. When you click this button, the Restore Old Changes screen appears. You can select the Date Range to view the change records. Select the record(s) and click the "Undo" button to undo the changes. 
  1. 5.2: Schedule: This button enables you to view the scheduled changes. You can further update the planned date or delete the scheduled changes. 6. Updating the Scheduled Date and 7. Deleting the Scheduled Changes explains the details. Only the admin user has permission to update the scheduled date.
  1. 5.3: Compare: This button lets you compare the product cost and price of any selected pricebook zonesWhen you click this button, the Compare Pricebook Zones screen appears. You can select two pricebook zones and view the cost and price comparison list.
  1. 5.4: Vendor: This button enables you to filter the product list based on the vendor.  
  1. 6: Search UPC/Description: This filter enables you to filter the product list based on a specific parameter. 
  2. 7: Categories: This section enables you to filter the product list based on a category or subcategory. It shows all categories and their respective subcategories in a tree view.
  1. Use the Plus (+) and Minus (-) icons to expand or collapse the category and/or subcategory list.
  1. 8: Custom Filters: This button lets you view the product listing based on your specific requirements. For more information, please refer to 2.1 Custom Filters
  2. 9: Clear All: Use the "Clear All" button to remove the selection. 
  3. 10.1: Pricebook Zone: This drop-down lets you filter the product list based on a pricebook zone.  
  4. 10.2: Price Type: This drop-down lets you filter the product list based on the Price Type, such as All, Standard, Pik a Pak, Mix Match, Open Price, and Weighted Price.   

2.1 Custom Filters 

The "Custom Filters" button lets you create and save specific filters so that you don't have to search for the specific items again and again. Please follow the steps below to create custom filters.  
  1. Click the "Custom Filters" button. 
  2. The Manage Filters section will appear, as Figure 2.1.1 shows.

 Figure 2.1.1
  1. Save: Use this button to save the custom filters. 
  2. Load: Use this button to open the existing filters. 
  3. Add: Use this button to add custom filters. 
  1. If you click the "Add" button, the Add Filter screen will appear, as Figure 2.1.2 shows. Select the required parameter from the required parameter from the Add Filter drop-down. 

Figure 2.1.2
  1. The selected parameter will be added to the Manage Filters section, as Figure 2.1.3 shows. For example, Departments. 

 Figure 2.1.3
  1. Click the "Manage" button to select the departments. The Manage Filters screen will appear, as Figure 2.1.4 shows. 

Figure 2.1.4
  1. 1: Use this Search box to search for a specific product. 
  2. 2: Selection Checkboxes: You need to select the required products by ticking the checkbox. You need to follow the same process for any of the five tabs.
  3. 3: Arrow: Click the green Arrow button to move the selected products to Selected List
  1. The Manage Filters screen will look like the one shown in Figure 2.1.5.

Figure 2.1.5
  1. 1: Clear Selection: If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. You can remove any record from the list by clicking the Remove (x) icon.
  2. 2: Apply: Click "Apply" to apply the selection. 
  1. The selected products will be visible in the Manage Filters section, as Figure 2.1.6 shows. 

Figure 2.1.6
  1. You can use multiple parameters at the same time and view the list of products. The process of selecting the parameters will be the same as explained above. 

2.1.1 Save & Manage Custom Filters 

Please follow the steps below to save the configured custom filters for future use and manage the existing custom filters.
  1. Click the "Save" button shown in Figure

  1. The Name pop-up will appear, as shown in Figure  Enter the name of the custom filter and click "OK." The system will save the filter.
  2. You can use the saved custom filter whenever you need it and delete it when you don't need it anymore. Click "Load" and use the steps shown in Figure according to your requirements. 


2.2 Right-Click Options

You can perform four operations using the right-click options: Edit Product, Flag Item(s) as Inactive, Delete Product, and Filter Based On Selection
Please follow the steps below to use the right-click options:
Select the desired product(s) using the respective checkbox. Use the Control (Ctrl) button on your keyboard to select multiple products. Press the right click of your mouse device. The system will show four options, as Figure 2.2.1 shows. 

       Figure 2.2.1
  1. Edit Product: Use this option to edit any of the product details. The respective Edit Product page will open when you click this option. 
This option can be used for one product only. If you want to edit multiple products, you can do it one by one. 
  1. Flag Item(s) as Inactive: Use this option to flag a single or multiple items as Inactive.
  2. Delete Product: Use this option to delete a single or multiple items. 
  3. Filter Based On Selection: Use this option to remove any unselected items from the mass update queue, leaving only the selected items.

2.3 Viewing QOH in Other Stores

If the QOH option is selected in the Columns drop-down, you can view the QOH column. It will display the current total QOH. If you click on this current QOH number, the See On Hand Qty screen will appear, showing the quantity at all of your locations, as Figure 2.3.1 shows. 

Figure 2.3.1

3. Applying the Mass Update Changes

To apply the Mass Update changes, you need to:
  1. Select the products. 
  2. Create changes using Action.
  3. Process or schedule the created changes.

3.1 Creating the Mass Update Changes

Please follow the steps below to create the mass update changes: 
  1. Enable or disable Queue Enabled as per your requirements. 
  2. Filter the product list as per your requirements using the filters explained in 2. Understanding "Mass Updates" Layout
  3. Select the products to which you wish to apply the Mass Update operation and click the "Choose Actions" button highlighted in Figure 3.1.1.

Figure 3.1.1
  1. Click the checkbox in the Title Bar to select all products, or use the Control (Ctrl) button to select multiple products.
  2. The "Choose Actions" button shows the number count of all selected products. 
  1. The Mass Update Actions screen will appear, as Figure 3.1.2 shows. Choose the required action from the Choose Mass Update Action drop-down.

Figure 3.1.2
You can choose any of the actions below. 4. Mass Update Actions explains the detailed steps for each action.  
  1. Standard Price Manual 
  2. Standard Price Gross Margin 
  3. Standard Price Markup
  4. Cost Updates
  5. Utilities
  6. Zone Utilities - Price
  7. Zone Utilities - Zone
  8. Uplifts
  9. Update Fields
  10. Min/Max Updates
  11. Online Order Settings
  12. In-Store Locations
  1. Make the required changes as per the chosen action.
  2. Click the "Preview" button highlighted in Figure 3.1.3.

Figure 3.1.3
  1. The Change Preview screen will appear, as Figure 3.1.4 shows. Review the changes carefully. 

Figure 3.1.4
  1. You can apply the selected Mass Update action to the multiple pricebook zones here. 
    1. Select the pricebook zones and click "Add to Apply List." The system will consider the selected pricebook zones and navigate you to the Mass Update Actions screen. 
    2. Click "Apply Mass Update."
  2. If you don't need to select any other pricebook zone, click "Apply Mass Update.
  1. The Changes to be applied screen will appear, as Figure 3.1.5 shows. Click the "Apply Changes" button.  

Figure 3.1.5
  1. If you have disabled the "Queue Enabled" button, the system will apply the changes. 
  2. If you have enabled the "Queue Enabled" button, the system will submit the mass update changes in Queued Changes. 
  3. Use the "Queued Changes" button to process or schedule the created changes.    

3.2 Processing or Scheduling the Mass Update Changes  

Again, if you have enabled the "Queue Enabled" toggle button and clicked the "Apply Mass Update" button when performing the Mass Update operation, the system will submit the mass update requests in "Queued Changes.You can use the "Queued Changes" button to process or schedule the changes. 

3.2.1 Processing the Mass Update Changes 

Please follow the steps below to process the changes:  
  1. Click the "Queued Changes" button highlighted in Figure 2.1.1. 
  2. The Queue Items screen will appear, as Figure shows.

  1. Click the "Process Queue" button. The Queue Items message will appear, as Figure shows.

  1. Click "Yes, Apply Changes.
  2. The system will apply the changes and show the success message. 

3.2.2 Scheduling the Mass Update Changes

Please follow the steps below to schedule the changes:  
  1. Click the "Queued Changes" button highlighted in Figure 2.0.1. 
  2. The Queue Items screen will appear, as Figure shows.
  3. Click the "Schedule" button. The Queue Schedule message will appear, as Figure shows.

  1. Click in the Schedule Date field. 
  2. The drop-down calendar will appear. Select the required date and time, and click "Done.

  1. The Queue Schedule message will show the scheduled date and time, as Figure shows. Click "Apply."

  1. The system will schedule the changes and show the success message. 

4. Mass Update Actions 

The changes you apply using the mass update operation will impact the data in all respective modules. It is significant to understand Actions details. Please find the information below about Actions.

4.1 Standard Price Manual 

The Standard Price Manual action lets you change the product's standard price. 
  1. Please refer to Figure 4.1.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Standard Price Manual action.

Figure 4.1.1
  1. Price Update Type:
  1. Set Price: Use the Set Price action to set a specific price for all selected products. The Round Up option will not be available for this action. 
    1. Select this option and enter the specific amount in the input value field. For example, enter twenty if you want to keep the price at $20 for all selected products. 
  2. Add $ To Price: Use the Add $ To Price action to add a specific amount to the current price of all selected products.    
    1. Select this option and enter the specific amount in the input value field. For example, enter three if you want to add $3 to the current price of all selected products.
    2. Choose the respective Round Up option.  
  3. Add % To Price: Use the Add % To Price action to increase all selected products' prices by a specific percentage.        
    1. Select this option and enter the specific amount in the input value field. For example, enter five if you want to increase the prices of all selected products by 5%. 
    2. Choose the respective Round Up option.  
  4. Remove $ From Price: Use the Remove $ From Price action to reduce a specific amount from the current price of all selected products.    
    1. Enter the specific amount in the input value field highlighted in Figure 4.1.1. For example, enter one if you want to reduce $1 from the current price of all selected products.
    2. Choose the respective Round Up option.  
  5. Remove % From Price: Use the Remove % From Price to decrease all selected products' prices by a specific percentage.  
    1. Select this option and enter the specific amount in the Input value field. For example, enter six if you want to decrease all selected products' prices by 6%.   
  1. Field to Enter the Change: Enter the new amount or % value in this field as per your requirements.
  2. Update Child Price: Enable this toggle button to apply the specified price changes to the respective child products, if applicable.  
  1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Standard Price Manual action: 
    1. Select the required Price Update Type and its respective Round Up option. 
    2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes.  

4.2 Standard Price Gross Margin 

Use the Standard Price Gross Margin action to change the product's Standard Price Gross Margin.   
  1. Please refer to Figure 4.2.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Standard Price Gross Margin action. 

Figure 4.2.1
  1. Round Up: Use the Round Up options to round up the final product price for all selected products. 
  2. Field to Enter the Change: Enter the new gross margin percentage as per your requirements. The system will apply the specified new gross margin percentage to the Standard Cost.  
  3. Primary Part Cost: If you enable this toggle button, the system will apply the specified new gross margin percentage to the Primary Part Cost.   
  4. Last Cost + Excise Tax: If you enable this toggle button, the system will apply the specified new gross margin percentage to the sum of the Last Cost and Excise Tax.   
  5. Update Child Price: Enable this toggle button to apply the specified price changes to the respective child products, if applicable. 
  1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Standard Price Gross Margin action: 
    1. Select the Round Up options, enter the percentage for the new gross margin, and enable the toggle buttons as per your requirements. 
    2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes

4.3 Standard Price Markup

Use the Standard Price Markup action to change the product's Standard Price Markup.  
  1. Please refer to Figure 4.3.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Standard Price Markup action.

Figure 4.3.1
  1. Round Up: Use the Round Up options to round up the final product price for all selected products. 
  2. Field to Enter the Change: Enter the new markup percentage as per your requirements. The system will apply the specified new markup percentage to the Standard Cost.  
  3. Primary Part Cost: If you enable this toggle button, the system will apply the specified new markup percentage to the Primary Part Cost.   
  4. Last Cost + Excise Tax: If you enable this toggle button, the system will apply the specified new markup percentage to the sum of the Last Cost and Excise Tax.   
  5. Update Child Price: Enable this toggle button to apply the specified price changes to the respective child products, if applicable. 
  1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Standard Price Markup action: 
    1. Select the Round Up options, enter the percentage for the new markup, and enable the toggle buttons as per your requirements. 
    2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes

4.4 Cost Updates

Use the Cost Updates action to change the cost of all selected products. This is a vendor-specific operation. Please ensure to select products from the same vendor to apply the Cost Updates action. 
  1. Please refer to Figure 4.4.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Cost Updates action.

Figure 4.4.1
  1. Price Update Type:
  1. Set Cost: Use the Set Cost action to set a specific cost for all selected products. 
    1. Select this option and enter the specific amount in the Input value field. For example, enter 20 if you want to keep the cost at $20 for all selected products. 
  2. Add $ To Cost: Use the Add $ To Cost action to add a specific amount to the current cost of all selected products.    
    1. Select this option and enter the specific amount in the Input value field. For example, enter three if you want to add $3 to the current cost of all selected products.
  3. Add % To Cost: Use the Add % To Cost action to increase the current cost of all selected products by a specific percentage.    
    1. Select this option and enter the specific number in the Input value field. For example, enter five if you want to increase the current cost of all selected products by 5%.
  4. Remove $ From Cost: Use the Remove $ From Cost action to reduce a specific amount from the current price of all selected products.    
    1. Enter the specific amount in the Input value field. For example, enter one if you want to reduce $1 from the current cost of all selected products. 
  5. Remove % From Cost: Use the Remove % From Cost to decrease the current cost of all selected products by a specific percentage.     
    1. Select this option and enter the specific amount in the Input value field. For example, enter six if you want to decrease the current cost of all selected products by 6%.     
  1. Field to Enter the Change: Enter the new amount or % value in this field as per your requirements.
  2. Apply to Vendor Part: Check this checkbox to apply the specified change to the Vendor Part Cost.
  3. Update Last Cost: Check this checkbox to apply the specified change to the Last Cost.
  4. Update Child Cost: If applicable, check this checkbox to apply the specified cost changes to the respective child products.
  5. Vendor Selection Drop-Down: Please select the vendor for whom you are updating the cost.
  1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Cost Update action: 
    1. Select the required type of cost update and check the checkboxes as per your requirements. 
    2. Follow the next step, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes.

4.5 Utilities

Use the Utilities action to make changes in utilities such as Buydowns, Discounts, Commissions, Vendor Parts, Print Label, Campaigns, Price Exceptions, Item Sales Limits, and Other
  1. Please note the system will execute all changes done under the Utilities action except for the Other Utility changes without submitting them in Queued Changes, even when the "Queue Enabled" button is enabled.

4.5.1 Buydowns

The Buydowns utility action enables you to:
  1. Add the selected products to a buydown.
  2. Remove the selected products from a buydown.  
  1. Please refer to Figure and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Buydowns utility action.

  1. 1: Add To Buydown: Select the required buydown from this drop-down and click "Add" to add the products to the buydown. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen.
  2. 2: Remove Item From Buydown: Select the required buydown from this drop-down and click "X Remove" to remove the products from the buydown. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen. 
  3. 3: Remove From All Buydowns: Click this link to remove the products from all buydowns. The system will remove the products from all buydowns and show the success message.

4.5.2 Discounts

The Discounts utility enables you to:
  1. Add the selected products to the Discount.
  2. Remove the selected products from the Discount.
  1. Please refer to Figure and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Discounts utility action.

  1. 1: Add To Discount: Select the required discount from this drop-down and click "Add" to add the products to the discount. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen.
  2. 2: Discount Multiplier: Enter the appropriate discount multiplier and choose the applicable option from "Discount Item" and "Trigger Item."
  3. 3: Remove Item From DiscountSelect the required discount from this drop-down and click "X Remove" to remove the products from the discount. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen. 
  4. 4: Remove From All Discounts: Click this link to remove the products from all discounts. The system will remove the products from all discounts and show the success message.

4.5.3 Commissions 

The Commissions utility enables you to:
  1. Add the selected products to the commission.
  2. Remove the selected products from the commission.
  1. Please refer to Figure and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Commissions utility action.

  • 1: Add To Commission: Select the required commission from this drop-down and click "Add" to add the products to the commission. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen.
  • 2: Remove Item From Commission: Select the required commission from this drop-down and click "X Remove" to remove the products from the commission. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen. 
  • 3: Remove From All Commissions: Click this link to remove the products from all commissions. The system will remove the products from all commissions and show the success message.
  • 4.5.4 Vendor Parts

    Use the Vendor Parts utility to add vendor parts to existing products.
    1. Please refer to Figure and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Vendor Parts utility action.

    1. Add Vendor Parts To: Select the required vendor from this drop-down and click "Add" to add Vendor parts to the products. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen. If the vendor part number does not match the UPC, do not use this tool in "Mass Updates." This will generate a vendor part for the products that will reflect the UPC.

    4.5.5 Print Label

    Use the Print Label utility to add labels to be printed for the specified products.
    1. Please refer to Figure and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Print Label utility action.

    1. Add To Do Print Label To: Select the required print label from this drop-down and click "Add" to add the products to the print label. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen.

    4.5.6 Campaigns 

    The Campaigns utility enables you to:
    1. Add the selected products to a campaign.
    2. Remove the selected products from a campaign.
    1. Please refer to Figure and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Campaigns utility action.

    1. 1: Add To Loyalty Campaign: Select the required campaign from this drop-down and click "Add" to add the products to the campaign. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen.
    2. 2: Reward Tokens: Enter the applicable reward tokens and choose the appropriate option from Add To Whitelist and Add To Blacklist.
    3. 3: Remove Item From Campaign: Select the required campaign from this drop-down and click "X Remove" to remove the products from the campaign. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen. 
    4. 4: Remove From All Campaigns: Click this link to remove the products from all campaigns. The system will remove the products from all campaigns and show the success message.

    4.5.7 Price Exceptions 

    The Price Exceptions utility enables you to:
    1. Add the selected products to a price exception.
    2. Remove the selected products from a price exception.
    1. Please refer to Figure and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Price Exceptions utility action.

    1. 1: Add To Price Exception: Select the required price exception from this drop-down. 
      1. The Level field will appear for the price exception. If the selected price exception has multiple levels, it will show multiple levels. Review or update the level information as per your requirements.
      2. Click "Add" to add the products to the price exception. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen.
    2. 2: Remove Item From Price Exception: Select the required price exception from this drop-down and click "X Remove" to remove the products from the price exception. The system will remove the products from the price exception and show the success message.
    3. 3: Remove From All Price Exceptions: Click this link to remove the products from all price exceptions. The system will remove the products from all price exceptions and show the success message.

    4.5.8 Item Sales Limits 

    The Item Sales Limits utility enables you to:
    1. Add the selected products to an item sales limit.
    2. Remove the selected products from an item sales limit.
    1. Please refer to Figure and the description of the buttons and fields below to understand the Item Sales Limits utility action.

    1. 1: Add To Item Sales Limits: Select the required item sales limit from this drop-down and click "Add" to add the products to the item sales limit. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen.
    2. 2: Remove Item From Item Sales Limit: Select the required Item Sales Limit from this drop-down and click "X Remove" to remove the products from the item sales limit. The system will apply the change immediately and navigate you to the Mass Updates home screen. 
    3. 3: Remove From All Item Sales Limits: Click this link to remove the products from all item sales limits. The system will remove the products from all item sales limits and show the success message.

    4.5.9 Other 

    The Other utility enables you to update the subunit/child cost, flag the products as inactive, and flag the products as active. 
    1. If you have turned on the "Queue Enabled" button, the system will submit the changes in Queued Changes.
    2. If you have turned off the "Queue Enabled" button, the system will apply the changes immediately. 
    1. Please refer to Figure and the description of the buttons and fields below to understand the Other utility action.

    1. Update Subunit/Child Cost: Use this button to update the cost of the subunit or child. This operation is practical when you have updated the parent product's cost using any method but not the cost of the subunit or child. You can also use this when you need to confirm that you have updated the cost of the subunit or child. 
    2. Flag Items As Inactive: Use this button to flag the selected products as inactive products. 
    3. Flag Items As Active: Use this button to flag the selected products as active products. 

    4.6 Zone Utilities - Price

    The Zone Utilities - Price action enables you to copy the product price from one pricebook zone to another. You can also make changes when you copy the price.  
    1. Please refer to Figure 4.6.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Zone Utilities - Price action. 

    Figure 4.6.1
    1. Copy from Source Pricebook Zone: Use this drop-down to select the source pricebook zone from which you need to copy the price. 
    2. Copy to Destination Pricebook Zone: Use this drop-down to select the destination pricebook zone to which you need to copy the price. You can select multiple pricebook zones.  
    3. Pricing Options: Use this drop-down to select the required pricing option. 
      1. The Pricing Options drop-down allows you to make changes in the prices when copying them from one pricebook zone to another, as Figure 4.6.2 shows. 

     Figure 4.6.2
    1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Zone Utilities - Price action:
      1. Select the required source pricebook zone, destination pricebook zone(s), and pricing options as per your requirements and click "Add."
      2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes.  

    4.7 Zone Utilities - Cost

    The Zone Utilities - Cost action enables you to copy the product cost from one pricebook zone to another. You can also make changes when you copy the cost.  
    1. Please refer to Figure 4.7.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Zone Utilities - Cost action. 

    Figure 4.7.1
    1. Copy from Source Pricebook Zone: Use this drop-down to select the source pricebook zone from which you need to copy the cost. 
    2. Copy to Destination Pricebook Zone: Use this drop-down to select the destination pricebook zone to which you need to copy the cost. You can select multiple pricebook zones.  
    3. Pricing Options: Use this drop-down to select the required pricing option. 
      1. The Pricing Options drop-down allows you to change costs when copying them from one pricebook zone to another, as Figure 4.7.2 shows.

    Figure 4.7.2
    1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Zone Utilities - Cost action: 
      1. Select the required source pricebook zone, destination pricebook zone(s), and pricing options as per your requirements and click "Add."
      2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes.  

    4.8 Uplifts

    The Uplifts action lets you add the selected products to an uplift campaign. 
    1. Please refer to Figure 4.8.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the Uplifts action.

    Figure 4.8.1
    1. Add to Uplift Drop-Sown: Use this drop-down to select the required uplift campaign. 
    2. Add to Trigger List: Select this option if you need to add the products to the Trigger List
    3. Add to Sell List: Select this option if you need to add the products to the Add to Sell List
    4. Clear Existing Items On List: Enable this toggle button to clear all existing products on the selected List.  
    1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Uplifts action: 
      1. Select the required uplift campaign and list, and click "Apply Mass Update."
      2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes.  

    4.9 Update Fields

    The Update Fields action lets you change data based on field type. For example,
    1. If you select Department as the field type, you can change the department of all selected products. 
    2. If you select Category as the field type, you can change the category of all selected products. 
    The "Field Types" you can change using this action are: Department, Category, Tag, Manufacturer/Brand, POS Flag, Disclaimer, QOH Recorder Point, Override Order Days, Override Type, Promo, Promo Amount, Unit of Measure, Manufacturer Reinvestment Incentive, Non Member Fee, Track Inventory, Allow Returns, Override Excise Tax, Commission, Force License Scan, Ignore Out of Stock Notifications, Supplier Discount, Supplier Deposit, and Prompt To Sell Parent As Child.
    1. Please refer to Figure 4.9.1 and the description of the buttons and fields below to understand the Update Fields action.

    Figure 4.9.1
    1. Type: Use this drop-down to select the required field type.
    2. Input: Use this drop-down to select the required input.
      1. If you select Department from the Type drop-down, the Input drop-down will show the list of all departments. Select the required department. 
      2. The system may show the Input options differently depending on the field type you select from the Type drop-down. For example, when you select Category in the Type drop-down, the system will show the Category Tree in the Input section.  
    1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Update Fields action: 
      1. Select the required field type and input option from the Type and Input drop-downs, and click "Apply Mass Update."
      2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes.  

    4.10 Min/Max Updates 

    The Min/Max Updates action enables you to change the product's min/max quantity.
    1. Please refer to Figure 4.10.1 and the description of the buttons and fields below to understand the Min/Max Updates action.

    Figure 4.10.1
    1. Choose Location: Use this drop-down to select the specific location, location group, or pricebook zone. 
      1. By default, the system will select "All." Click the drop-down to change it. You will have options to choose from, as Figure 4.10.2 shows.

      Figure 4.10.2
      1. When you select any of the above options, another field will appear in which you can choose the required location(s), location group(s), or pricebook zone(s).
    1. Apply Min: When you enable this toggle button, the Min Qty field will appear, as Figure 4.10.1 shows. Enter the new "min" quantity to change the minimum quantity.
    2. Apply Max: When you enable this toggle button, the Max Qty field will appear, as Figure 4.10.1 shows. Enter the new "max" quantity to change the maximum quantity. 
    1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Min/Max Updates action: 
      1. Make the required selections, enter the desired values for the Min and Max quantities, and click "Apply Mass Update."
      2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes.  

    4.11 Online Order Settings

    The Online Order Settings action lets you update the online order settings if you have an active online ordering process. These settings are available in the Additional Product Information section in the "Products" module.
    1. Please refer to Figure 4.11.1 and the description of the buttons and fields below to understand the Online Order Settings action.

    Figure 4.11.1
    1. Enable Online Order Category Changes: Enable this button and select the required category from the drop-down beneath. This action will change the product's Online Order Category in the Additional Product Information section of the "Products" module.   
    2. Enable Time To Make Changes: Enable this button and select the desired time from the drop-down beneath. This action will change the product's "Time To Make" in the Additional Product Information section in the "Products" module.
    3. Enable Allow In Online Order Changes: A toggle button "Allow In Online Order" in the Additional Product Information section in the "Products" module allows the product to be available for the online ordering process. You can turn on or turn off that button using this Enable Allow In Online Order Changes section.  
      1. Enable the Enable Allow In Online Order Changes button, and then turn on the toggle button beneath to allow the products to be available for the online ordering process.
      2. Enable the Enable Allow In Online Order Changes button, and then turn off the toggle button beneath to forbid the products from being available for the online ordering process.
    1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the Online Order Settings action: 
      1. Make the required selections and click "Apply Mass Update."
      2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes

    4.12 In-Store Locations

    The In-Store Locations action enables you to change Aisle, Section, or Endcap for the selected products.
    1. Please refer to Figure 4.12.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the In-Store Locations action.

    Figure 4.12.1 
    1. Choose Locations: Use this drop-down to select the specific location(s) or location group(s.) By default, the system will select "All."
    2. Apply Aisle: Enable this toggle button. The Select or Add Aisle field will appear. Select an aisle from the drop-down or enter a new aisle as per your requirements. 
    3. Apply Section: Enable this toggle button. The Select or Add Section field will appear. Select a section from the drop-down or enter a new section as per your requirements. 
    4. Apply Endcap: Enable this toggle button. The Select or Add Endcap field will appear. Select an endcap from the drop-down or enter a new endcap as per your requirements. 
    1. Please follow the steps below to apply mass updates using the In-Store Locations action: 
      1. Make the required selections, enter the appropriate information, and click "Apply Mass Update."
      2. Follow the subsequent processes, as explained in 3. Applying the Mass Update Changes

    5. Printing Mass Updates 

    Please follow the steps below to print mass updates:  
    1. Filter the product list as per your requirements using the available filters explained in 2. Understanding "Mass Updates" Layout
    2. Select the products for which you need to print the report and click the "Print" button highlighted in Figure 2.0.1.
    3. The Print Report screen will appear as Figure 5.1 shows.  

    Figure 5.1
    1. Only Current Page: Check this checkbox to print only the current page.  
    2. Print Type: Use this drop-down to select the required Print Type option. Figure 5.2 shows the available options. 

    Figure 5.2
    1. Sort By: Select if you need to sort the report by the Item name or UPC.
    2. Show Queue Cost/Price: Enable this button to view the cost/price of the products in the mass update queue.  
    3. Report Format: PDF, Excel, or CSV. 
    1. Click "Start Print."
    2. The report's PDF, CSV, or Excel will open in a new tab. Download it using the Download icon and print it using the Print icon.

    6. Updating the Scheduled Date

    Only the admin user has the permissions to update the scheduled date.
    Please follow the steps below to update the scheduled date:
    1. Click the "Schedule" button highlighted in Figure 6.1.

    Figure 6.1
    1. The Scheduled Changes screen will appear, as Figure 6.2 shows. It will show the list of all scheduled changes. You can filter the list as per your requirements. 

    Figure 6.2
    1: Use the Search box to search for a specific product using the product name, UPC, or vendor part. 
    2: Use this drop-down to view the scheduled changes list for a specific mass update action, such as Cost Updates, Utilities, or Uplifts. 
    3: Use this drop-down to view the scheduled changes list for a specific pricebook zone. 
    4: Use this drop-down to view the scheduled changes list based on four parameters: All Items, Standalone Only, Child Only, and Parent Only.  
    5: Use these checkboxes to select the scheduled change. Use the Control (Ctrl) button on your computer's keyboard to select the multiple scheduled changes.
    6: Click this button to reschedule the date for the chosen scheduled changes.
    1. Choose the scheduled changes for which you wish to modify the date, then click "Update Schedule." The Update Scheduled Date pop-up screen will appear, as Figure 6.3 shows. Click on the Schedule Date field to open a drop-down calendar. Select the required date and click "Apply.

    Figure 6.3
    1. The system will update the scheduled date for the mass update changes and show a success message. 

    7. Deleting the Scheduled Changes

    Please follow the steps below to delete the scheduled changes:  
    1. Click the "Schedule" button highlighted in Figure 6.1.
    2. The Scheduled Changes screen will appear, as Figure 7.1 shows. 

    Figure 7.1
    1: Use the Search box to search for a specific product using the product name, UPC, or vendor part. 
    2: Use this drop-down to view the scheduled changes list for a specific mass update action, such as Cost Updates, Utilities, or Uplifts. 
    3: Use this drop-down to view the scheduled changes list for a specific pricebook zone. 
    4: Use this drop-down to view the scheduled changes list based on four parameters: All ItemsStandalone OnlyChild Only, and Parent Only.  
    5: Use these checkboxes to select the scheduled change. Use the Control (Ctrl) button on the computer's keyboard to select the multiple scheduled changes.
    6: Click this button to delete the chosen scheduled changes.
    1. Choose the scheduled changes you wish to delete and click the "Delete Scheduled Change(s)" button. 
    2. The system will delete the selected scheduled changes and show a success message.

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