Media Players

Media Players

Media Players Overview

"Media Players" lists all media players configured at your location(s).

Media players are the devices on which in-store advertisements or other visuals run. In Control Center, there is a separate "Display" module under the Signage section where you upload these displays (advertisements or other promotional visuals). You can assign or change the display from "Media Players." 

When a media player is configured at any of your locations, "Media Players" automatically shows it in the list. You can view and edit the media player's details, settings, and message-related functions from "Media Players. 

This article includes information about: 
  1. How to access the media player information.
  2. How to edit the media player information.
  3. How to delete a media player.

1. Reaching "Media Players" 

  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Devices
  3. Step 3: Choose Media Players
Figure 1.1 below will help you understand the navigation better.

Figure 1.1

2. Understanding the "Media Players" Layout

The Media Players screen shows the list of all your media players. Please refer to Figure 2.1 and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the layout of "Media Players.

Figure 2.1
Column Titles: Each column title indicates the type of information in the column. You can filter the list using the title to search for any specific media player. 
1: Edit Media Player: This button lets you edit the media player details. 
2: Mass Assignment: This button lets you change the display for all selected media players simultaneously. 

3. Viewing & Editing the Media Player Details

The Edit Media Player screen will open when you click the Edit icon highlighted in Figure 2.1 or the media player's name shown in the Item Name column. You can view or edit the information based on your requirements. 

You can edit the following sections of a media player: 
  1. Display
  2. Paired Menu Kiosk
  3. Display Orientation
  4. Boot/Run Settings
  5. Face Recognition Settings
  6. Welcome Message Settings
Please follow the steps below to edit the media player details: 

Figure 3.1

The Edit Media Player screen can be broken down into seven sections:

[1] Details
[2] Settings
[3] Message
[4] License Information
[5] Device Logs
[6] Device Information
[7] Action Buttons

3.1 Details

The Details section shows the media player's basic details, as Figure 3.1.1 shows. This section is editable. 

 Figure 3.1.1
  1. Friendly Name: The Friendly Name field shows the name given to the media player. 
  2. Paired Display: The Paired Display field shows the display assigned to the media player. 
    1. If you click the Select Display button, the Choose Display screen will appear, showing the thumbnails of all available displays. You can choose the required display to change it. 
  3. Paired Menu Kiosk: The Paired Menu Kiosk field shows the associated kiosk name. 
    1. Click the Paired Menu Kiosk drop-down to view the list of all available kiosks, as Figure 3.1.2 shows. You can choose the required kiosk to change it.

 Figure 3.1.2

3.2 Settings

The Settings section shows Orientation, Boot/Run Settings, and Face Recognition-Related Settings, as Figure 3.2.1 shows. 

Figure 3.2.1
  1. Orientation: This drop-down shows the display's current orientation, i.e., landscape or portrait. You can use this drop-down to change the display's orientation.
  2. Boot/Run Settings:
  1. Idle Timeout (minutes): This field shows the number of idle timeout minutes. You can change it based on your requirements. 
  1. Face Recognition Settings:
  1. Enable Facial Recognition: Use this button to turn on or off the media player's face recognition feature. 
  2. Recognition Distance: Enter the distance in feet for which you want the media player to recognize the face. 
  3. Tracking Time: Enter the time in seconds for which you want the media player to track the face. 

3.3 Message

The Message section is editable and lets you view, edit, or configure the message on the media player.

Figure 3.3.1
  1. Enable Welcome Message: Use this button to turn on or off the welcome message on the media player.
  2. Welcome Title: Enter the welcome message title in this field. 
  3. Welcome Message: Enter the message text in this field. 

3.4 License Information

The License Information section shows the media player's license information. This section is not editable. 

 Figure 3.4.1
  1. License Status: This field shows the license's status, i.e., Active, Unassigned, etc. 
  2. License Key: This field shows the license key.
  3. License Type: This field shows the license type, such as Standard, Trial, or Expired.
  4. From Invoice: This field shows the license's invoice number.
  5. Activated On: This field shows the date when the license was activated.
  6. Last Check-In: This field shows the date of the last check-in. 
  7. Expires On: This field shows the license's expiration date.

3.5 Device Logs

The Device Log section shows the media player's log information, if any. This section is not editable.

 Figure 3.5.1

3.6 Device Information

The Device Information section shows the media player's device-related information, as Figure 3.6.1 shows. This section is not editable. 

 Figure 3.6.1
  1. Location: This field shows the device's information.
  2. Device Key: This field shows the device's key. 
  3. Mobile Identifier: This field shows the device's mobile identifier. 
  4. LAN IP: This field shows the device's LAN IP.
  5. External IP: This field shows the device's external IP.

3.7 Action Buttons

Figure 3.7.1
Cancel: This button allows you to cancel the changes made to the media player details. 
Save & Close: Click this button to save the changes and close the Edit Media Player screen.
Save: This button allows you to save the changes made at any time. 
Please make the required changes and click the "Save" or "Save & Close" button to edit the media player's information.

4. Applying the Mass Assignment

The Mass Assignment function lets you simultaneously change the display for some or all selected media players. 

Please follow the steps below to perform a mass assignment: 
  1. Click the "Mass Assignment" button in Figure 2.1. 
  2. The Mass Assignment - Display Content screen will appear, as Figure 4.1 shows.
    shows. Select the required media players and desired display to apply the mass update. 

Figure 4.1
1: Select Filter: You can select media players using three filter parameters: By LocationBy Location Group, and By Media Player.
  1. By Location: If you select "By Location," the system will show the names of your locations in the Filter Items section. If you select a location from it, the system will select all media players configured at the location for the Mass Assignment operation. 
  2. By Location Group: If you select "By Location Group," the system will show the names of your location groups in the Filter Items section. If you choose a location group from it, the system will select all media players configured at the location group for the Mass Assignment operation. 
  3. By Media Player: If you select "By Media Player," the system will show the names of all media players installed at your locations in the Filter Items section, as Figure 4.2 shows.

 Figure 4.2
  1. If you want to view the media players of a specific location, you can use the Location drop-down to choose the location. The system will show the list of media players located only at the selected location.

Figure 4.3
2: Filter Items: The Filter Items section lists locations, location groups, or media players based on your Select Filter selection.
  1. Check the checkboxes to make the required selection.
3: Choose Display: Use the Choose Display drop-down to select the required display.

Figure 4.4
4: Selected Filter Counts: This field shows the number of selected locations, location groups, or media players.
5: Apply Mass Update: This button applies the Mass Update operation. 
  1. Select and display the required media players, then click the "Apply Mass Update" button. The system will update the display of all media players.

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