Notify Customers through Announcement

Notify Customers through Announcement

Manage Announcements

"Manage announcements to notify customers"

"Announcements" play a crucial role in communicating important information to your customers, whether it's about promotional offers, site maintenance, time changes for pickup, or disabling fulfillment methods.
As an admin user, you have the ability to add announcements to ensure that your customers stay informed about important information. Even an admin user can schedule the announcement to notify customers in future.
In this KB article, we'll walk you through the process of creating and scheduling announcements to effectively communicate with your audience.

1. Reaching Announcement

To set up "Announcements", follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Store Admin
  2. Step 2: Click Announcement (on left side main panel)

Figure 1.1
To access the Announcement, click "Announcement" section from the left side menu. Upon clicking, you'll be redirected to the listing page where all announcements are managed.

Figure 1.2
 If no announcement records are available or added yet, you'll see a "No Announcement" label.

2. Setting Up Announcements

To add a new announcement or manage the existing one, ensure that the "Enabled Announcement" switch is toggled ON. You can add up to 10 announcements if the switch is enabled. Existing announcements are displayed in a tabular format:
Title | Start Date | End Date | Status | Action
- Title: Title of the announcement just for the record purpose.
- Start Date & End Date: If the announcement record is scheduled between dates, only then will the Start & End dates be shown; otherwise, they will be shown (Not Set) by default.
- Status: You can see the four different statuses for the announcement, which are "Enabled," "Disabled," "Scheduled," and "Expired."
- Action: You can "edit" the existing record and "delete" if the record is not required anymore.

Figure 2.1

2.1 Adding Announcement

By clicking the "Add Announcement" button, a pop-up window will appear on the right side. You can set up and manage the following settings for the announcement record:
1. Enable Announcement:
There will be a switch to keep the announcement record enabled for the website; the "Enable Announcement" switch must be turned ON. However, you can disable it whenever required.
2. Title:
You need to set the "Title" for the announcement record just for a record in the listing; it won’t display on the website to customer.
3. Description:
You can enter the content for the announcement that you want to notify to the customers when they land on the home page of the online store or from their mobile app.
- There's a multi-line text box along with the bold, italic, strikethrough, and underline text formats. You are allowed to enter the content of a maximum of 255 words.

Figure 2.1.1.
4. Announcement:
You can schedule any announcement record for the future by ticking the "Announcement Schedule" checkbox.
- Start Date: Enter the start date from where you want to publish live on the website so customers can see when they land to the home page of the online store.
- End Date: Enter the end date till when you want to keep displaying on the website. If you don't want to set the End Date, you can tick the "No End Date" checkbox. By clicking it, the "End Date" will be disabled.
Save and Close: Once you added the content for the announcement and also scheduled the date (if needed), click the "Save and Close" button to save it.

Figure 2.1.2

SAVE: If the "Enable Announcement" checkbox for the record is already enabled and the no schedule for the record, the announcements (records) will start to be displayed on the website after saving the "Announcement" menu. Otherwise, it will be displayed as per the scheduled date.

2.2 Auto sequence for Announcement

How the sequence of the Announcement records will be set:
The sequence of the announcement records managed as per the last added/updated record comes first on the website. So, the newly added record will be displayed in the 1st row in the Announcement pop-up on the website. Suppose if you edit/update the older record, it will update to the latest one, so it will start displaying above all the records.

Figure 2.2.1
Announcements will be prompted only when the customers land on the home page of the online store or mobile app.
Figure 2.2.2

2.3. Disabling & Deleting Announcement

Disabling Announcement Section: 
To disable the overall Announcement section, toggle off the switch for "Enable Announcement" located in the header of the listing page. When the main "Enable Announcement" switch is turned off, customers will no longer receive or check announcements.

Figure 2.3.1
Note: Disabling the main switch will not delete the announcement records but will render them inactive
Disabling Individual Announcement:
To disable an individual announcement record, click the 'Edit' button for that record and toggle off the switch for "Enable Announcement".

Figure 2.3.2
Note: Even if you disable the toggle switch for any announcement record, you can still edit the title, content, and change the schedule of individual announcement records.
Deleting Announcement:
To delete an individual announcement record, click the 'Delete' button for that record. A confirmation pop-up will appear to ensure you want to proceed with deleting the record.

Figure 2.3.3
If an announcement has a scheduled date, it will be displayed until the scheduled time has passed, after which it will be updated as "Expired" but not deleted.

3. Online Store & Mobile App

Announcements are automatically displayed on the online store's home page when customers visit. If customers have already marked an announcement as read, it will not be prompted again unless a new announcement is added, or changes are made to existing ones.
Figure 3.1 Announcement popup on E-Commerce Site & Mobile App

Customers can manually check announcements at any time by clicking the "Announcement" icon located in the header of the website.
Figure 3.2: Announcement icon on E-Commerce Site & Mobile App
By Setting up announcements, you can effectively communicate promotions, maintenance notices, and other relevant details, enhancing the overall customer experience on your e-commerce site.

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