Other Settings

Other Settings

Other Settings Overview

POS -> POS Device Global Settings -> "Other Settings"

You can manage and configure the general settings related to specific actions at the POS regarding Reg. Z, Clock In/Out, Time Clock, House Acct Vendors, and Auto-populate tenders during Reg. Z.
-> In this article, you will learn about general settings (flags) for performing such actions and authorization at the POS.

1. Reaching Other Settings

To reach "Other Settings," follow the below steps:
1. Click "Point of Sale"
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
    After logging into Control Center, you need to click Point of Sale -> Maintenance
  2. Step 2: Click Settings & Panels
  3. Step 3: Click POS (Under the "Settings" tab)
  4. Step 4: Click POS Device Global Settings
  5. Step 5: Click Other Settings
2. When the users (employees) log into the Control Center (client's login), they will find the "Settings" option from the main navigation panel on the left side.
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Click Settings
  3. Step 3: Click POS
  4. Step 4: Click POS Device Global Settings
  5. Step 5: Click Other Settings

                                                                                                                                    Figure 1.1

2. Other Settings Glossary

Manage the below settings related to Reg. Z actions, Clock In/Out, Time Clock, House Acct Vendors, and other settings:

1. Print Chit On Clock In/Out: Whenever the cashier clocks in or out using the built-in time clock system, it will print a little paper (a paper slip) from the receipt printer.
-> If a physical copy is required for clocking in/out record purposes, keep this setting enabled.
2. Reg. Z is Blind: It will not print out sales details except the shift number.
3. Reg. Z Show Department Group: After generating the Reg. Z from the POS, it will show the department group-wise total sales in Reg. Z printing. The department group-wise sales data will be generated for the shift.
4. Reg. Z Force Close Suspended Sales: If any suspended sales are in the system under the specific shift, the system will ask forcefully to close the suspended sales before generating Reg. Z. 
5. Default Time Clock Type: When the cashier clocks in or out, it will prompt with the default selection from the drop-down selection. You can see the options in the drop-down: Standard | Sick | Vacation | Holiday | Other.

                                                                                                                      Figure 2.1
6. Detailed Logging: Logs POS actions in detail for FasTrax support usage. All the actions on the POS will be logged into a text file. This file could be used for troubleshooting.
7. Disable Timeclock: It will disable the built-in time clock (FasTrax Time Clock) feature if you are utilizing the third-party time clock system.
8. Force TimeClock Before Using POS: By enabling this setup, the cashier must clock in to move to the POS panel. The cashier must clock in using a built-in time clock to proceed with sales and any POS actions.

9. Force Auth On All TimeClock Entries: Forces authorization on all timeclock entries, with no grace period.
10. Prompt On Exit: When the cashier wants to exit, the system will ask for the employee’s login to exit from the POS.
11. Clock Out on Exit POS: Enable this setting if you want to clock out the employee compulsorily when he/she exits the POS.
-> When the cashier wants to exit from the POS while he/she’s still clocked in, the system will clock out the employee automatically.

                                                                                                                     Figure 2.2
12. Force A Starting Till: Forces the cashier to enter the physical cash in the drawer when the shift is started. The cashier needs to enter the exact cash amount value before beginning the shift.
13. Reg. Z Show Department: After generating the Reg. Z at the POS, the system will show the department-wise total sales in Reg. Z printing. The department-wise sales data will be generated for the shift.
14. Unique Cashier Per Z:  When enabled, only allows a single cashier per shift. Each shift/reg z ties with one cashier only.
15. Use Recon Buckets In Reg Z: On the Z report, it shows the bucket values instead of individual tender values. Lump all the tenders together.
16. Enable TimeClock BreakEnable this setting if you want to provide break time to an employee (cashier) in between shifts. 
-> If this setting is enabled, the cashier will get the "Begin Break" button under the "Time Clock" section on the POS. Generally, if you allow an employee to take a lunch break between shifts or if the employee also handles other activities, in that case, this Break Time setting will be useful.

17. Verify Checks: Allows users to utilize a positive or negative check verification. Positive means accepting checks only from the particular customers that belong in the check file. Negative means not accepting the checks from the particular customer that belongs to the check file.
18. House Acct Vendors: Allows users to define house account vendors for house account invoices.
19. Print House Acct Invoices: Allows cashiers to automatically or manually print house account invoices. The invoice will be printed out for the House Acct Vendors, i.e., transporting liquor across state lines.
-> In some cases, the customer (house acct) needs a standard invoice rather than a receipt for the sales transaction. If the house account customer, who is a vendor, made a sales transaction, choose the option to print the invoice automatically or manually by a cashier.
20. # of House Acct Receipt: Defines the number of receipts that are printed on house account invoices.
21. Tare Weight: If you’re utilizing the integrated scale and using weighted pricing, enter the values for ounces. Defines the tare weights used on the POS, separating values by commas.
22. # Days to Keep Live Rcpts: The number of days receipts are kept alive for the “Reprint Receipts” button to reprint the receipts if required. The cashier will get the list of the receipt to reprint for the last days as per the entered number of day(s). Reprint all the receipts from the E-Journal report.
23. # Days to Keep Archive: The number of days receipt files are kept on the PC before being purged automatically. The more you keep, the more storage space will be occupied.

                                                                                                                                  Figure 2.3
Gift Card Settings
24. Allow Manual Gift Card EntryAllows the cashier to enter a gift card number manually, in addition to scanning the gift card barcode.
25. Print GC On Receipt PrinterPrints gift card barcode on receipt from receipt printer.
Customer Lookup Settings
26. Default Search Type: When the cashier performs the sales transaction for the loyal customers, select the default type to search for the loyal customer by entering the text/number. You will get the search type selection from the drop-down: Phone # | Last Name | Email | License # | ID
27. POS Sales Completed Sound: When the sales transaction is complete, select the success sound (message tone) that will be played on the POS.

After managing and configuring the settings, click the "Save & Close" button or "Save" button to save the recon settings.
The store owner can manage the above settings whenever needed.
Note: "Other Settings" will be applied globally, which means they will be applied to every store (location) for the specific account for which you have logged in. But, you can also configure these settings at the store level for the individual stores (locations).
For that, reach the "Locations" module. Edit the location (store) and click on "Manage POS Settings" to configure the different POS Settings rather than applying the POS Global Settings. So, you can override POS Device Settings for any store as per retail business requirements.

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