POS Panels Overview
"POS Panels" enables you to create POS panels that you assign to POS devices installed in your stores.
The POS device installed at the payment point is hardware. It includes the POS panel software part, which makes it functional. Each window that appears on the POS device is a panel. Each button in the panel enables the cashier to perform an action or operation or navigate to another panel. FTx Cloud POS allows you to create custom panels specific to your requirements.
"POS Panels" enables you to:
- Create a POS panel
- Edit the POS panel
- Copy the POS panel
- Delete the POS panel
1. Reaching "POS Panels"
- Step 1: Log into Control Center
- Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
- Step 3: Choose Maintenance
- Step 4: Choose Settings & Panels
- Step 5: Choose POS Panels
Figure 1.1 below will help you understand the navigation better.
Figure 1.1
2. Understanding "POS Panels" Layout
Please refer to Figure 2.1 and the description of the buttons and fields below to understand the layout of "POS Panels."
Column Titles: Each column title indicates the type of information in the column. You can filter the list using any title to search for a specific panel.
1: Add New: This button lets you add a new panel.
2.1: Edit POS Panel: This button lets you edit the panel.
2.2: Delete POS Panel: This button lets you delete the panel.
2.3: Copy POS Panel: This button lets you copy the panel.
3. Adding a POS Panel
Once you add a POS panel in Control Center, you can assign it to the POS device. All added panels will be available in the POS Panels drop-down in the Edit POS Device screen.
Please follow the steps below to add a new POS panel.
- Click the "+ Add New" button highlighted in Figure 2.1.
- The Create POS Panel screen will appear, as Figure 3.1 shows. Please read the description and follow the process.
Figure 3.1
Fields, Tabs, and Buttons:
1: Name: Enter the panel name in this field.
2: Button Panel: This panel shows buttons. You can click the "+" button or drag the other buttons and drop them to the desired place in the desired panel.
- The point 3.1 How Does the Overall Process Work? explains each step of adding a button in detail.
3.1: + (Add Panel Icon): This icon enables you to add a new panel. The system adds a new panel when you click this icon, as Figure 3.2 shows. Double-click on the panel to rename it.
Figure 3.2
3.2: Main Panel: The "Main Panel" opens first when a cashier opens the POS. It includes all significant functions and navigation to the other panels.
3.3: Sub-Total Panel: The "Sub-Total Panel" opens when the cashier clicks the "SUB TOTAL" button on the main panel. It includes payment-related buttons such as Cash, Check, Credit Card, Debit Card, Gift Card, and programmable buttons that indicate other amounts for payment, etc.
3.4: Cashier Functions: The "Cashier Functions" panel opens when the cashier clicks the "Cashier Functions" button on the main panel. It includes buttons such as Time Clock, Starting Till, Safe Drop, Pay In, Pay Out, Sell Formula, Ordering Kits, Register Z, etc.
3.5: Lottery: The Lottery Panel opens when the cashier clicks the "Lottery" button on the main panel. It includes lottery operation-related buttons such as $1 Lottery Pick, $2 Lottery Pick, Pay Out - Lotto, Pay Out - SCRATCH, etc. All stores may not have this panel.
4: Remove Item: Use this button to remove any selected button from the panel.
5: Cancel: This button lets you cancel the POS panel or the changes made to the POS panel.
5.1: Load From Template: Use this button to load the POS panel template from the existing panels. This button is useful when creating a new panel like the existing one but with a few changes.
- The Load From Template screen will appear when you click on this button, as Figure 3.3 shows.
Figure 3.3
- The Templates drop-down shows the list of all panels created so far in your account. Select the desired panel and click "Apply." The system will load the same panel. You can make other changes if required.
5.2: Save & Close: If you click the "Save & Close" button, the system will save the POS panel and navigate you to the POS Panels home screen.
5.3: Save & New: If you click the "Save & New" button, the system will save the POS panel and open the new Create POS Panel screen, where you can add another panel.
5.4: Save: This button lets you save the changes you have made at any point.
- Add the panel tabs as per your requirements.
- Add buttons and assign the relevant action or operation to each added button. The point 3.1 How Does the Overall Process Work? explains each step of adding a button and assigning an action or operation to the button in detail.
- Click the "Save & Close," "Save & New," or "Save" buttons to save the created panel.
3.1 How Does the Overall Process Work?
The process of creating a new panel is explained below.
- You click the "Add New" button and enter the panel name in the Create POS Panel screen.
- The system shows a partially configured panel in the Create POS Panel screen. You need to complete the configuration as per your requirements.
- The system will add four panel tabs: the "Main Panel," the "Sub-Total Panel," the "Cashier Functions" panel, and the "Lottery" panel. You can add more panel tabs or remove the existing ones, depending on your requirements.
- Once you have ensured the required panel tabs, it's time to add the required buttons to each panel tab individually.
- First, you drag the button from the Button panel and drop it to the desired place in the panel.
Figure 3.1.1
The buttons in the Button Panel show the actual size of the panel. When you drag and drop the button, please ensure you have an empty place in the panel. Figure 3.1.1 will help you understand the drag-and-drop activity better.
- If you click the "+" button, the system will add a 1x1-sized button to the panel.
- Drag and drop the "1x1" button to add a 1x1-sized button to the panel.
- Drag and drop the "2x1" button to add a 2x1-sized button to the panel.
- Drag and drop the "2x2" button to add a 2x2-sized button to the panel.
- Drag and drop the Number Pad button to add a number pad. However, the system adds the Number Pad button to any panel by default.
- As soon as you drop the button, the Add New Button screen appears, as Figure 3.1.2 shows.
Figure 3.1.2
Fields and Buttons
Button Name: Enter the button name that you want to display on the button. For example, if you need to use this button to handle returns, enter Return Item.
Choose Color: Choose the button's color from five color options.
Choose Button Type: Choose a button type: "Basic" or "Icon Button."
- If you choose "Basic," the button will only show the button name. In Figure 3.1, all buttons have the Basic Button type.
- If you choose the "Icon Button," the system will show the icon and name. When you select "Icon Button," the Choose Icon section will appear, as Figure 3.1.3 shows. Please select the desired icon from it.
Figure 3.1.3
The button with the Icon Button type looks like the one in the image below.
Figure 3.1.4
Save changes: Click this button to save the button or modifications made.
- As soon as you click the "Save changes" button shown in Figure 3.1.3, the Button Settings belt and screen will appear in two spots, as Figure 3.1.5 shows.
Figure 3.1.5
1: Button Settings Belt: The Button Settings belt will appear whenever you click on any button in the panel when creating or editing the panel.
2: Button Settings Screen: This Button Settings section will appear as soon as you save the button for the first time. Then, this screen will reappear when you click on the "Choose Action" button in the Bottom Settings belt.
[1] Button Settings Belt
Figure 3.1.6
Fields and Buttons:
Button Text: Use this field to change the button's name.
Choose Color: Use this field to change the button's color.
Border Radius: Use Border Radius to apply a rounded border to the button.
Button Type: Use this drop-down to change the button type from Basic to Icon Button or vice versa.
Choose Options: This section shows more selection options.
- If you have selected the "Basic" button type, this section will show only the "Choose Action" button, as Figure 3.1.6 shows. Click on it to open the Button Settings screen.
- If you have selected the "Icon Button" button type, this section will show the "Choose Icon" and "Choose Action" buttons, as Figure 3.1.3 shows. Click the "Choose Icon" button to change the button's icon and the "Choose Action" button to open the Button Settings screen.
[2] Button Settings Screen
Figure 3.1.7
Fields and Buttons:
Choose Button Type: Here, you choose the action or operation that will be performed by the button you are adding or editing. 3.2 Button Type explains each action or operation available in this drop-down.
Panel List: This drop-down shows the list of panels, including the four default panels and any other panels if added. Select the panel to which you want to add the button.
Figure 3.1.8
Manager Override Required: Enable this button to make the manager's override mandatory to perform this action.
Employee Override Required: Enable this button to make the employee's override mandatory to perform this action.
Require Loyalty Customer: Enable this button to make this action specific to the loyalty customer.
Close: Use this button to close the Button Settings screen without saving any changes made.
Save Changes: This button lets you save the changes you have made in the Button Settings screen.
- Apply the appropriate settings and click the "Save Changes" button in the Button Settings screen.
- The system will navigate you to the Create POS Panel screen. Click the "Save & Close," "Save & New," or "Save" buttons to save the created panel.
The Choose Button Type drop-down in the Button Settings screen shows sixty-two button type options for assigning an action or operation to the button. You just need to select the appropriate button type for the button. FTx Cloud POS is intelligently designed so that the button will perform the action or operation you have chosen.
Please read the description of each button type carefully. Where required, it explains how the button will look and which screen will appear when the cashier clicks it on the POS device.
3.2.1 Add Blacklist ID
Use the Add Blacklist ID button type to create a button that allows the cashier to add the blacklist IDs to the system.
- Once it is created, the Add Blacklist IDs button will look like the one shown in Figure below. You can keep the button text the same or different as required.
- Once the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the "Add Licence Number" screen will appear, as Figure shows.
- When the cashier enters the licence number and clicks "Save," the licence will be added as a blacklisted ID in the system.
3.2.2 All Kits
Use the All Kits button type to create a button that opens a list of ordering kits, and the cashier can select any ordering kit category from the list.
- When the cashier clicks the "All Kits" button on the POS device, the Create Order screen will appear, where they can select the kits and add them to the sale. The image below is an example of the Create Order screen.
- Note: The Ordering Kits are added in Control Center from the "Ordering Kits" available under "Online Ordering."
3.2.3 Automatic Tip
Use the Automatic Tip button type to create a button that shows the calculated tip for the current transaction.
- When you select Automatic Tip in the Choose Button Type drop-down, two additional fields will appear, as Figure shows.
Department List: Click in this field and select the departments you want to add for automatic tip calculation.
Percentage: Enter the percentage for the tip calculation. For example, if you enter three in this field, the system will calculate the tip as 3% of the current transaction's value of items belonging to the selected departments.
- When the cashier clicks this button, the system calculates and shows the tip amount based on the predefined percentage for the current sale and records it as an open department sale.
3.2.4 Breakdown
Use the Breakdown button type to create a button that removes a parent from the inventory and adds the appropriate number of children. This button is proper when the cashier needs to sell a few child items from the parent item.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Breakup screen will appear, as Figure shows. Using the "Breakup" button, the cashier can proceed with the sale.
3.2.5 Cancel Sale
Use the Cancel Sale button type to create a button that cancels the current sale when clicked. However, the cashier operating the POS device must be permitted to use the "Cancel Sale" button.
3.2.6 Choose Salesman
Use the Choose Salesman button type to create a button that allows another cashier to log in when a cashier is already logged in.
- When you select the Choose Salesman button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Option List drop-down will appear, as Figure shows. Select an appropriate option: "Prompt for Login" or "Prompt for Salesman."
- Suppose you have selected "Prompt for Login":
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Salesman Login screen will appear, as Figure shows. The new cashier can log in using their employee ID and password.
- Suppose you have selected "Prompt for Salesman":
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Cashier List drop-down will appear, as Figure shows. The new cashier can be selected from the list.
3.2.7 Clear Digits
Use the Clear Digits button type to create a button that deletes the currently typed digits when clicked.
3.2.8 Clear Tenders
Use the Clear Tenders button to create a button that clears all tenders from the current sale when clicked.
3.2.9 Damaged Product Inventory
Use the Damaged Product Inventory button type to create a button that allows the cashier to add the product to the damaged product inventory.
- If the cashier is authorized, they can add the product to the damaged product inventory.
- The manager's override will be required if the cashier is not authorized.
3.2.10 Digital Coupon
Use the Digital Coupons button type to create a button that allows the cashier to scan or manually enter the code of a digital coupon.
3.2.11 Discount Coupons
Use the Discount Coupons button type to create a button that allows the cashier to scan or manually enter the discount coupon code.
3.2.12 Dollar Discount
Use the Dollar Discount button type to create a button that allows the cashier to scan or manually enter the code of a dollar discount coupon.
3.2.13 Gift Card Balance
Use the Gift Card Balance button type to create a button that displays the gift card balance for a specified gift card and shows an option to print the balance, too.
3.2.14 Gift Card Sale
Use the Gift Card Sale button type to create a button that logs a sale to the specified gift card department for the entered dollar amount.
3.2.15 House Account Lookup
Use the House Account Lookup button type to create a button that allows the cashier to add a house account to the sale.
3.2.16 House Account Payment
Use the House Account Payment button type to create a button that enables the cashier to accept the payments on house accounts.
3.2.17 Item Search
Use the Item Search button type to create a button that launches the item search screen to allow the cashier to search for items by description or PLU/UPC number and add them to the sale.
3.2.18 Kit Category
Use the Kit Category button type to create a button that opens a list of ordering kits based on a given category group.
3.2.19 Launch Module
Use the Launch Module button type to create a button that opens up the predefined report on the employee dashboard.
- When you select the Launch Module button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Open List drop-down will appear, as Figure shows. You can select the required option, such as New Item Report or Commission Report.
3.2.20 Multiply Quantity
Use the Multiply Quantity button type to create a button that multiplies the quantity of the selected item by the selected number.
- If the customer buys ten pieces of a product, the cashier needs to scan the product just once, and then they can multiply it by 10 using this button.
3.2.21 No Sale
Use the No Sale button type to create a button that opens the cash drawer without a sale. However, the cashier operating the POS device must be permitted to use the "No Sale" button.
3.2.22 Open Department
Use the Open Department button type to create a button that logs a sale to the selected department as an open department sale. The cashier needs to enter the amount and click this Open
Department button to log the sale as an open department sale.

This button is commonly used for items that do not have a barcode/PLU and for which inventory information is not needed. It is also used in conjunction with a negative department for lottery payouts.
- When you select "Open Department" in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Consider As A Loss and Department List and Open Department fields will appear on the right side, as Figure shows.
- Consider As A Loss: If you enable this button, the system will consider the open department sale transaction as a loss.
- Department List: Click on this field and select the
departments for which you want the sale to be considered an open
department sale. It is mandatory to select at least one department in this field. Please create the required departments in "Departments" to log the open department sale.
- If you select a single department in this field, the system will log all open department sales for it.
- If you select multiple departments in this field, the POS | Department Price Prompt will appear, prompting the cashier to select one.
- Open Department Sale Note: These note fields let you add the drop-down options for the POS | Open Department Description screen.
- When the cashier enters the amount and clicks the Open Department button, (and select the required department if applicable, as shown in Figure, the POS | Open Department screen appears. The notes you add in the Open Department Sale Note field will appear as the description options.
- However, if you enable the Include Global Department Notes button, the system will also include the notes added from Register Settings in Control Center.

Note: The notes for the Description drop-down shown in Figure can be added from two touch points:
[1] From Register Settings (under POS Global Settings) in Control Center.
[2] When configuring the Open Department button in "POS Panels," as explained in this article.
The difference is:
- When the Notes are added from Register Settings in Control Center, they will always be visible as the option regardless of the department you select in the Department List field or even if you don't add any notes.
- However, if you enable the Open Department Sale Notes and add notes when configuring the Open Department button in "POS Panels," you can only show the notes you have added for the specified department(s) or include the notes added from rom Register Settings in Control Center. You can choose to enable or disable the Include Global Department Notes button for the same.
3.2.23 Open Local Program
Use the Open Local Program button type to create a button that launches a local program specified by a path.
- When you select "Open Local Program" in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Enter File Path field will appear, as Figure shows. Enter the local program's file path.
- The system will open the program when the cashier clicks this button on the POS device.
3.2.24 Open Website URL
Use the Open Website URL button type to create a button that launches the predefined URL's browser.
- When you select the Open URL button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Enter URL field will appear, as Figure shows. Please enter the required URL in it. The system will open this URL when the cashier clicks on this button on the POS device.
- Note: When you use this button type, it is recommended that you give the button a URL-related name. For example, if you enter the IRS website URL here, you would name the button "IRS Website."
3.2.25 PLU Entry
Use the PLU Entry button type to create a button that can be used after entering a PLU number to ring up items that do not scan manually.
3.2.26 Pour My Beer Balance
Use the Pour My Beer Balance button type to create a button that displays the Pour My Beer card balance for a specific gift card and shows an option to print the balance, too.
3.2.27 Panel Navigation
Use the Panel Navigation button type to create a button that navigates the cashier to the specified panel.
- When you select the Panel Navigation button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Panel List drop-down will appear, as Figure shows. It will show all panels, such as the Main Panel, Sub-Total Panel, Cashier Functions, Lottery, and any other panel tabs if added.
- Select a panel from the drop-down.
- When the cashier clicks the button, the system will navigate them to the panel you selected here.
3.2.28 Pay In
Use the Pay In button type to create a button that allows the cashier to add the specified amount of cash to the drawer.
- When you select the Pay In button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Account drop-down will appear, as Figure shows. Please select the account to which you want to add the added money.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Pay In screen will appear, as Figure shows. The cashier can enter the amount and description to add the money.
3.2.29 Pay Out
Use the Pay Out button type to create a button that allows the cashier to deduct the specified amount from the cash drawer.
- When you select the Pay Out button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Account drop-down will appear, as Figure shows. Please select the account from which you want to subtract the deducted money.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Pay Out screen will appear, as Figure shows. The cashier can enter the amount and description to deduct the money.
3.2.30 Percent Discount
Use the Percent Discount button type to create a button that applies a percentage-based discount to the selected items.
- When you select Percent Discount button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the fields and a button shown in Figure will appear.
Amount: Enter the discount percentage. For example, if you enter five in this field, the system will give a 5% discount.
Departments: Click on this field and select the departments for which you want to give a discount.
Apply Tax Before Discount: If you enable this button, the system will apply the tax before the discount.
The above three fields are optional.
- Suppose you have specified the discount percentage and department when the cashier clicks this button on the POS device during a sale. In that case, the system will deduct the specified discount from the bill for the products belonging to the selected departments.
- If you haven't specified the discount percentage and department, the system will prompt the cashier to enter the discount percentage when the cashier clicks this button on the POS device during a sale.
3.2.31 Pour My Beer Card Sale
Use the Pour My Beer Card button type to create a button that logs a sale to the specified Pour My Beer Card department for the entered dollar amount.
- When you select the Pour My Beer Card button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the PMB Department drop-down will appear, as Figure shows. Select the appropriate department from the drop-down.
3.2.32 Price Changes
Use the Price Change button type to create a button that launches the Price Changes report when clicked.
3.2.33 Price Check
Use the Price Check button type to create a button that allows the cashier to see detailed information about an item, including the price, image, buydown, and promotions. Based on the register settings, the cashier will also have the option to view QOH and cost information.
3.2.34 Print Label Items
Use the Print Label Items button type to create a button that launches the print label items utility.
3.2.35 Print Labels
Use the Print Labels button type to create a button that launches the print labels utility.
3.2.36 Print Receipt
Use the Print Receipt button type to create a button that allows the cashier to reprint a previously recorded sale receipt. The cashier will also have the option to print a gift receipt on which the dollar values will be obscured. The past three days' worth of receipts are available.
3.2.37 Print Sale
Use the Print Sale button type to create a button that prints the current sale to the receipt printer before completing the transaction.
3.2.38 Heartland Reboot
Use the Heartland Reboot button type to create a button that reboots the Heartland Terminal when clicked.
3.2.39 Heartland Propay Reboot
Use the Heartland Propay Reboot button type to create a button that reboots the Heartland Propay Terminal when clicked.
3.2.40 Redeem Loyalty
Use the Redeem Loyalty button type to create a button that allows a loyalty customer to redeem their loyalty reward tokens.
- The cashier selects the customer on the POS device, clicks this button, and proceeds to the redemption process.
3.2.41 Redemption - Manual
Use the Redemption - Manual button type to create a button that initiates a redemption prompt for amounts manually triggered.
3.2.42 Register X/Z
Use the Register X/Z button type to create a button that prints "Register X" or "Register Z" when clicked. A "Register X" will print a small report showing summarized sales information, tax collected, tender information, and drawer details. A "Register Z" prints the same information but also closes the shift. A "Register Z" should be performed at the end of every shift.
- When you select the Register X/Z button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, a button and drop-down will appear, as shown in Figure
- Hide Dollar and Sale Amounts: Enable this button to keep the dollars/sales amount blank in the report.
- Type: Select "X Register" or "Z Register" in this drop-down.
Generally, stores keep both "Register X" or "Register Z" buttons on their Cashier Functions panel. The cashier must have the Register X or Register Z permission to use this button.
- For example, when the cashier clicks the "Register Z" button on the POS device, the Confirm Z screen will appear, as Figure shows.
- When the cashier clicks the "Yes" button, the system will print Register Z and show the success message along with the "Re-print" option, as Figure shows.
3.2.43 Remote Sale Lookup
Use the Remote Sale Lookup button type to create a button that looks for the remote sale by the receipt and the location.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Remote Sales screen appears, as Figure shows. The cashier can select the remote sale and proceed with the payment.
3.2.44 Heartland - Reset
Use the Heartland - Reset button type to create a button that resets the Heartland terminal when clicked.
3.2.45 Heartland Propay - Reset
Use the Heartland Propay - Reset button type to create a button that resets the Heartland Propay terminal when clicked.
3.2.46 Reset Smart Till
Use the Reset Smart Till button type to create a button that resets the Smart Till when clicked. This button will be functional if you have installed SMARTtill.
- The SMARTtill cash drawer is an intelligent till option from FTx Cloud POS that you can integrate with your FTx POS system at your stores. It can record all cash activity in real-time and reconcile it to sales made in-store. The designated individuals can get notifications when different variances occur in the store cash drawers.
3.2.47 Resume Sale
Use the Reaume Sale button type to create a button that resumes a previously suspended sale.
3.2.48 Return Item
Use the Return Item button type to create a button that allows the cashier to return items previously purchased.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Return screen will appear, as Figure shows.
- The cashier can either scan/manually enter the barcode or scan the receipt, which displays a list of all items on the receipt and chooses what to return. However, to use this button, the cashier must have permission to handle the Item Return operation.
3.2.49 Round For Charity
Use the Round For Charity button type to create a button that adds the change or additional money to the charity.
- When you select the Round For Charity button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Department drop-down appears, as Figure shows. Select the department you have created to accept charity.
3.2.50 Safe Drop
Use the Safe Drop button type to create a button that deducts the specified amount of cash from the drawer. However, the cashier operating the POS device must have permission to perform the safe drop operation.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Safe Drop screen will appear, as Figure shows. The cashier can enter the safe drop amount and description and click the "POP Cash Drawer" button to proceed.
Use the Sell Formula button type to create a button that displays eLiquid formula calculations and logs a sale of the specified item.
- When you select the Sell Formula button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, a button and field will appear, as Figure shows. Click it to open the list of products and select the products. Enter the size in the Size field.
Choose: Click this button to open the list of products and select the products.
Size: Enter the size.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Formula Selection screen will appear, as Figure shows. The cashier can select the strength, stock, and item and proceed with the sale.
3.2.52 Sell Item
Use the Sell Item button type to create a button that logs a sale of the specified item.
- When you select the Sell Item button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the "Choose" button will appear, as Figure shows. Click it to open the list of products and select them.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Choose Item screen will appear, displaying the added products in alphabetical order, as Figure shows. The cashier can select the item and proceed with the payment.
3.2.53 Single Kit
Use the Single Kit button type to create a button that opens the configuration screen for a specified kit and allows the cashier to add it to the sale.
3.2.54 Starting Till
Use the Starting Till button type to create a button that adds the specified amount of cash to the drawer. This button is commonly used before the shift begins to set the current cash in the drawer.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Starting Till screen will appear, as Figure shows. The cashier can enter the start till amount and description, click the "OK" button, and start the shift.
3.2.55 Suspend Sale
Use the Suspend Sale button type to create a button that puts the current sale on hold to be resumed later.
3.2.56 Tax Exempt
Use the Tax Exempt button type to create a button that removes all tax from the sale. An optional Tax ID # and Tax Name will be displayed on the receipt.
- When the cashier clicks this button on the POS device, the Tax Exempt Information screen will appear, as Figure shows. The cashier can enter the appropriate information if it is available. However, filling in the information is optional.
3.2.57 Temp Price Change
Use the Temp Price Change button type to create a button that allows the cashier to override the price for a selected item. However, the cashier must have the Temp Price Change permission to use this button.
3.2.58 Tender
Use the Tender button type to create a button that allows the cashier to specify how the customer is to pay for the sale.
- When you select the Tender button type in the Choose Button Type drop-down, the Reconciliation Buckets drop-down will appear, as Figure shows. Tender specifics are added based on the tender type you select in this drop-down.
- This button type is commonly used to create the buttons for the sub-total panel.
- You can create buttons such as Gift Cards, Food Stamps, Manufacturer Coupons, etc. using this button type.
- If more than one item is configured, a popup window will appear, prompting the cashier to select one.
3.2.59 Time Clock Utility
Use the Time Clock Utility button type to create a button that launches the time clock utility.
3.2.60 Void
Use the Void button type to create a button that displays a list of items currently on the receipt and allows the cashier to remove unwanted ones. The cashier must have the Void permission to operate this button.
3.2.61 Void Last Item
Use the Void Last Item button type to create a button that removes the last item on the receipt. The cashier must have the 'Void' permission to operate this button.
3.2.62 Waste/Spoilage
Use the Wastage/Spoilage button type to create a button that allows the cashier to remove food waste from inventory.
4. Editing a POS Panel
Please follow the steps below to edit a POS panel.
- Click the Edit button highlighted in Figure 2.1.
- The Edit POS Panel screen will appear, as Figure 4.1 shows. Edit the information and panels based on your requirements and click "Save & Close." The system will save the changes and show the Success message.
Figure 4.1
Additional Buttons:
Copy Panel: Use this button to copy the panel. 4.1 Copying POS Panel explains more about it.
Delete: Use this button to delete the POS panel.
4.1 Copying a POS Panel
Copying the POS panel is time-saving when you need to create a new POS panel with some minor changes from the existing one.
Please follow the steps below to copy a POS Panel.
- Click the "Copy Panel" button shown in Figure 4.1 to copy the POS panel.
- The Copy Panel to Account screen will appear, as Figure 4.1.1 shows.
Figure 4.1.1
Name: Enter a name for the copied panel.
Account: This field shows your account name.
Add: Use this button to add the copied panel to the POS Panels list.
- Enter the name and click the "Add" button.
- The system will copy the panel and show it on the list of POS Panels screen. You can edit it and make changes to it if required.
5. Deleting a POS Panel
You can delete the POS Panel record from the POS Panels home screen and the Edit POS Panel screen.
Please follow the steps below to delete a POS Panel record from the POS Panels home screen:
- Click the “Delete” button shown in Figure 2.1.
- A warning dialog will appear with two related options, as Figure 5.1 shows.
Figure 5.1
- Click “Yes, Delete” to delete the POS Panel record.
- Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.
- To delete the POS Panel record from the Edit POS Panel screen:
- Click the Edit icon highlighted in Figure 2.1.
- The Edit POS Panel screen will appear, as Figure 4.1 shows.
- Click the "Delete" button. The warning dialog will appear, as Figure 5.1 shows.
- Click “Yes, Delete" to delete the POS panel record.
- Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.