Figure 1.0
Figure 1.1
- Dymo Label Writers: Dymo Label Writers are a line of electronic label-making devices that can be used to create and print custom labels quickly and easily. They typically print using thermal technology, meaning no ink or toner is required. Some popular Dymo Label Writer models include the Dymo 4XL, Dymo 450, and Dymo LabelWriter 550 series.
- Zebra Label Print: These offer excellent print quality for thermal transfer printing up to 8 inches per second with a permanent acrylic adhesive that offers high adhesion to corrugated surfaces.
Figure 2.0
Follow the steps mentioned below to delete a print template:
Figure 3.0
1.1. Select Location for Data/Pricing: From the drop-down list of store locations, select one for which you wish to generate labels.1.2. QOH Filter: This field displays the different filters for quantity on hand. Select any one of the options from the drop-down list as per the requirements.
- Only Items > 0: This option will display only items with a QOH greater than 0.
- Only Items < 0: This option will display only items with a QOH lesser than 0.
- Only Items >= 0: This option will display only items with a QOH greater than or equal to 0.
- Only Items <= 0: This option will display only items with a QOH less than or equal to 0.
- Only Items = 0: This option will display only items with a QOH greater than 0.
- Only Items <> 0: This option will display only items with a QOH not equal to 0.
Figure 4.1There are various other ways to manage the addition of products to the label printing queue. These ways are explained below:2. Quick Search UPC: If you wish to print label for a particular product, enter the UPC that you wish to add to the queue for printing.Figure 4.23.1. Advanced Search: This option lets you choose the products in a broad way — not just by name or UPC, but also by department, vendor, active/inactive/all records, and parent/child/standalone items.Figure 4.3
Sections on the Advanced Search page:
- Type Product Name: Use this field to type and search a product.
- All Products: Use this field to choose the product type - Parent, Child, Standalone, or All Products.
Figure 4.3.1
- All Departments: Use this field to choose a particular department or all departments for searching for a product to add.
Figure 4.3.2
- All Vendors: Use this field to choose a particular department or all vendors for searching for a product to add.
Figure 4.3.3
- Search: Use this button to fetch the products as per your requirements.
Figure 4.4See Figure 4.4 above:1. Click on "Search"once the product selection customizations are done.
2. Make the selection of products by checking the checkboxesagainst the product name.
3. Click on "Add Items to Queue"in order to add the selected items to the print label queue.
Figure 4.53.2. Other Add Options: This field lets you choose other add-on options for the products. You can add products to the queue for print labels that have gone under price/cost changes. You can also add products that are on the adjustment worksheet or which are invoiced, i.e., they have just been added to the inventory.
Figure 4.61. Add by Price Changes: Select items from the list of products that you wish to add whose price/cost is changed to the queue for label printing.Figure 4.6.1
- You can search for a product by entering its name or UPC on the basis of cost or price change.
- Check the product to select the product and click on "Add Items to Queue" to add them in the queue.
2. Add by Worksheet: Select the worksheet from the list of worksheets that are displayed after searching. Click "Add Worksheet Items to Queue," and it will add the respective items to the queue for label printing.Figure 4.6.23. Add by Invoice: Select the invoice from the list of invoices that are displayed after searching.
- Click on "Add Invoice Items to Queue," and it will add the respective items to the queue for label printing. Whenever new items arrive at the store with an invoice, it becomes easier to print their labels in time.
Figure 4.6.3
- Once you click on "Add Invoice Items to Queue," you will be prompted with the ALERT message seen in Figure 4.6.4.
Figure 4.6.4
- Select any 1 of the 4 options seen in Figure 4.6.4 and the system will add and display the list of products as per your selected option.
- If you select Invoice # 0011223344 as displayed in Figure 4.6.3 and "All Items on Invoice & Children" from Figure 4.6.4 then the list of products will be added as highlighted in Figure 4.6.5.
Figure 4.6.5
Figure 4.7
Selected Products List Records that are added to the queue for printing:
- Product Name: Here is the name of the product for which the label is to be printed.
- Product UPC: The UPC for the product is mentioned in this column.
- Product Type: The Product Type is mentioned in this column as parent, child, or standalone.
- Qty to Print
: The quantity number is the quantity number that describes how many labels should be printed for the selected products. For example, if the value of the print quantity is 5, the system will print 5 labels for each item. With (+) and (-) signs, you can add or subtract the quantity number.
- Actions: To remove the individual added product, the "Remove Item" button can be used.
Figure 5.1
Figure 5.2
- Avery Format: In case you have selected the Avery option, the customization option as per Avery format pops up, as displayed in Figure 5.3 below.
- Choose Avery Format: Three options for Avery labels are explained below:
Figure 5.3
- Avery 5160: The Avery 5160 label template allows the generation of labels with the product's UPC number, price, and barcode. The label will be generated as shown in Figure 5.4.
Figure 5.4
- Avery 5167: The Avery 5167 label template allows the generation of labels with the product's UPC number and the product's barcode. One major difference between Avery 5160 and Avery 5167 is that it displays only the item name, barcode, and UPC in a smaller font. See Figure 5.5.
Figure 5.5
- Avery 94220: The Avery 94220 label template allows the generation of labels with the product's name, the product's price in bold fonts, and the product's barcode with UPC number. See Figure 5.6.
Figure 5.6
- Show Price: If this toggle is set to YES, it will display the price of the product on the label.
- Show UPC: If this toggle is set to YES, it will display the UPC of the product on the label.
- Include Buydowns: Enable this toggle to include buydowns to show the discounted price on the label.
- Include Discounts: Enable this toggle to include discounts to show the discounted price on the label.
- Use Aliases: If the toggle is Enabled and no aliases are found for the item, the system will automatically display or print the standard UPC without prompting the user.
- If aliases are found, the system will perform the following checks:
- If primary aliases are set for an item, the system will display or print that primary alias.
- If no primary alias is set but the item has only one alias mapped, the system will consider this alias as primary and print it.
- If multiple aliases are mapped and no alias is set as primary, the system will consider the alias that was added first as the primary and print it.
Figure 5.7
- Show Price: If this toggle is set to YES, it will display the price of the product on the label.
- Show UPC: If this toggle is set to YES, it will display the UPC of the product on the label.
- Include Buydowns: Enable this toggle to include buydowns to show the discounted price on the label.
- Include Discounts: Enable this toggle to include discounts to show the discounted price on the label.
- Use Aliases: If the toggle is enabled and no aliases are found for the item, the system will automatically display or print the standard UPC without prompting the user.
If these toggles are set to NO, they will not display the price and UPC of the product on the label.
Figure 5.8
Figure 5.9
Figure 5.10
Figure 5.11
- Choose Dymo Format: There are many predefined formats. Choose the one from the drop-down.
- Choose Printer: Choose the printer from the drop-down list.
- Include Buydowns: Enable this toggle to include buydowns to show the discounted price on the label.
- Include Discounts: Enable this toggle to include discounts to show the discounted price on the label.
- Use Aliases: If the toggle is enabled, and no aliases are found for the item, the system will automatically display or print the standard UPC without prompting the user.
A sample Dymo label:Figure 5.12