Product List Report Overview
The "Product List Report" lists products based on a variety of filters with their applicable details and pricing from specific pricebook zones.
1. Reaching the "Product List Report Report"
To reach the "Product List Report," follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Log into Control Center
- Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
- Step 3: Choose Reports
- Step 4: Choose List Reports
- Step 5: Choose Product List
See Figure A. You will see many types of list reports that will be useful to your retail business. By clicking the drop-down selection, you will see the different types of list reports.
Figure A
You will see the "Report Data is Empty" message initially. You need to select the date range to check the Product List Report. See Figure B.
Figure B
2. Generating the Product List Report
When you navigate to the page, you will see the options pre-selected by default. You can generate the Product List Report for the selected fields. See Figure C.
Figure C
- Price Type: This column displays the price type, which is defined when creating the item.
- Standard: This price type is most commonly used for a single static price.
- Pik A Pak: This price type, when used, displays multiple prices as the menu on the POS.
- Mix Match: This price type, when used, displays a mix-match scheme such as 2 for $1.00.
- Open Price: This price type enables the cashier at the POS to enter the price.
- Weighted Price: This price type is dependent on the weight of the product bought.
- Name: This column displays the name of the product.
- UPC: It stands for Universal Product Code (UPC), which helps in tracking items at the store. This UPC column displays the UPCs of the items that are listed.
- Cost: The cost at which the product is bought from the vendor/manufacturer is mentioned here in this column.
- Price: The price at which the product is being sold at the store is mentioned here in this column.
- Margin: The value of this column is calculated as the difference of (Price-Cost).
- Vendor Part: The part number that is added to the vendor part module in the concerned field is mentioned here.
- Department: This column displays the department to which it is added (departments are already created in the system).
- Major Category: This column defines the major category (Level 1 in category hierarchy) that is set under the "Products" module.
- Category: This column defines the category of the product to which it belongs.
- Manufacturer: This column describes the name of the manufacturer who supplies that product.
- POS Flag: This column gives information if there is any POS flag applied for age restrictions, food stamp eligibility, tax group assignments, and sales level excise taxes (if any).
3. Filter Items:
This filter gives you the option to choose whether you wish to display the report for Show All or Custom Filter.
- Show All: This option will display vendor parts, departments, categories, etc. that they are tied to, and details based on a set of filters that are set to narrow down parts.
- Custom Filter: This filter will display the filtered report as per the selection.
- Department: If you select "Department," you will see a report of items that are transferred department-wise.
- Manufacturer: If you select "Manufacturer," you will see the manufacturer-specific inventory data in the report of the items that are transferred.
- Category: If you select "Category," you will see the product's category-wise data in the list report. You need to select the level from the "Category" drop-down selection.
- Tag: If you select "Tag," you will get the tag-wise data for the group that is entered in the product details. When you select "Tag," the specific tag group will be enabled.
- Vendor: If you select "Vendor," you will get vendor-specific data for the group that is entered in the product details.
- Department Tag: If you select "Department Tag," you will get the department-tag-wise data for the group that is entered in the product details.
For the selected department, the resultant product list would be shown as highlighted in Figure E.
Figure E
4. Pricebook Zone
The pricebook zone contains costs/prices for products that are sold. Every product gets its cost/price from a pricebook zone "container" that is assigned to one or more stores. So, this field consists of all the pricebook zones that are created in Control Center. Select the pricebook zone from the associated drop-down menu if you wish to display the list of products associated with the selected pricebook zone.

Figure F
The Report:
Figure G
5. Show Parts From
This field has an associated drop-down list containing different vendor part options. Select the option for which you wish to display the report related to the selected vendor part.
Figure H
Figure I
6. Discount Eligibility
Discount eligibility offers three options for generating the Product List Report with respect to discounts.
Figure J
As highlighted in Figure J, the products that are eligible/not eligible for a discount are categorized into three categories:
- Any Discount Eligibility: If this option is selected, the product list report will display the products that don't fall under the Eligible for Discounts and Not Eligible for Discounts categories.
- Eligible For Discounts: When this option is selected, the product list report will display the list of products with any discount.
- Not Eligible for Discounts: If this option is selected, the product list report will display the products that are not eligible for discounts.
7. Date Range Type
This filter will display the products according to the selected date range in which they were created in the system.
Figure K
- All Products: If this option is selected, then the report will display all the products, regardless of the date when it was created in the system. See Figure C.
- Product Made Between Date Range: This option will display only the products that were created between the selected date range. The date range can be entered from the associated start date and end date drop-down calendar for the date-range-specific report to display.
Figure L
- Products Made in the Last X Days: If this option is chosen, the products displayed are the ones that were created in the last (X) days. The number of days can be entered in the Made in Last X Days field.
Figure M
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