Receipt Settings Overview
POS -> POS Device Global Settings -> "Receipt Settings"
"Receipt Settings" is related to printing the details in the customer's receipt after the sales transaction is successfully completed. When the sales transaction is completed, the receipt will be generated with details set by the administrator, such as store details, items with or without UPC and quantity, and other information, such as return information. The administrative users of Control Center can manage the settings related to receipt printing and also keep the minimum details to save receipt paper.
-> In this article, you will learn about the types of receipts that you can enable to be printed and the details that you can include in the receipts.
1. Reaching "Receipt Settings"
To reach "Receipt Settings," follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Log into Control Center
- Step 2: Click Point of Sale
- Step 3: Click Maintenance
- Step 4: Click Settings & Panels
- Step 5: Click POS (Under the "Settings" link)
- Step 6: Click POS Device Global Settings
- Step 7: Click Receipt Settings
Figure 1.1 below will help you understand the navigation better:
Figure 1.1
Note: You can reach "Receipt Settings" by following the path: Control Panel >> Settings >> POS >> POS Device Global Settings >> Receipt Settings.
2. Receipt Settings
You can configure the following sections for the receipt settings:
1. Receipt's header and footer details
2. Settings for printing receipts
Figure 2.1
Enter the header and footer details to be printed on the receipt.
1. Header 1 to 5: Enter the details you need to print at the receipt's header. i.e., store name, address, and city details, etc.
Figure 2.1.1
2. Footer 1 to 5: Enter the details you need to print at the receipt's footer. i.e., thank you notes, return policies, any instructions, etc.
3. Available Tags: Use the provided tags for store-specific details in the header and footer details in receipt printing. The tags are mass/universal settings, so you don't need to add the details store by store. You just need to add the tags, and it will collect the individual store details.
2.2 Settings for Printing Receipts
Manage the below settings to print the details on the receipt for the customer's receipt and the store's receipt for record purposes:
1. Print Every Receipt: Enable this setting if you want to print every receipt after a sales transaction occurs. If this flag is enabled (set to YES), every receipt will be printed after the sale or action is performed.
Note: If the Print Every Receipt setting is disabled, only the enabled receipts will be printed. 2. Print Receipt on No Sale: Enable this setting to print the receipt when the cashier performs the No Sales action from the POS.
3. Print Receipt on Void Sales: Enable this setting to print the receipt when the cashier performs the Void Sales action from the POS.
4. Print Receipt on Cancelled Sales: Enable this setting if you want to print the receipt when the cashier performs the Cancel Sales action from the POS.
Note: The above settings (2, 3, & 4) are considered negative sales, which means the customer either voids the items or cancels the entire sale. 5. Print You Saved Amount on Receipt: Enable this setting if you want to include and print on the receipt the summed total of transaction discounts. The customer can see how much is saved at the bottom of the receipt as per buydowns/discounts/manual discounts applied to the sales amount.
6. Print Number of Items: Enable this setting to print the summed quantity of items on the receipt.
7. Print Receipt With Amount Saved: Enable this setting if you want to print the individual receipt for the total amount saved as per calculating the discounts/buydowns.
8. Print Barcode: Enable this setting if you want to print a scannable barcode identifier at the bottom of the receipt. This barcode will be printed for item return purposes to identify the sale.
9. Show Product Description on Receipt: Enable this setting if you want to display the product details (description) on the receipt.
10. Expand Cashier Receipt: Enable this setting if you want to show the expanded (full) receipt view on the POS panel. If this setting is enabled, the cashier will see the full receipt on the left side.
Figure 2.2.1
11. Print Receipt Logo: Enable this setting if you want to print the store's logo on the receipt. By enabling this setting, the Receipt Logo selection setting will be visible. The system enables it by default. Disable the setting if necessary. If you disable this, the Receipt Logo option will disappear.
12. Receipt Logo: If the printer supports it, it will print a logo at the top of the receipt, a monochrome 256x256.bmp image.
13 Print UPC # on Receipt: Enable this setting if you want to include the UPC details of the item below the item description on the sales transaction receipt.
14. Show Ordering Kit Items: Enable this setting if you want to include and print any ordering kit items on the receipt.
15. Draw Must Be Closed After Sale: Enable this setting if you want to mandate that the drawer be closed after every sales transaction. The cashier/employee will be able to start a new sale (scanning items) only if the drawer is closed. Once you enable this setting, the Draw Must Be Closed After Sale Allow Override field will appear, as Figure 2.2.2 shows.
Figure 2.2.2
- Draw Must Be Closed After Sale Allow Override: Enable this setting if you want a manager's authentication to start a new sale even if the drawer couldn't be closed for some reason.
16. Extra Feed Before Cut: Enable this setting to leave some blank space before the receipt is cut.
17. Show Excise Tax as Summary: Enable this setting if you want to include and print the excise tax details on the bottom of the receipt.
18. # of Credit Card Receipts: Enter the number of credit card receipts (copies) that you want to generate after completing the transaction through a credit card.
Note: Credit card receipts will be printed as per the selected number even if the Print Every Receipt setting is disabled. 19. Enable DVR Feed: Enable this setting if you want POS integration on DVR systems that allow a COM input interface.
20. Hide Receipt Number: Enable this setting if you don't want to print the receipt number on the receipt.
21. # of Columns: Select the width of the printer columns for specific printers, i.e., 40, 42, or 44.
22. Show Excise Tax Number & Tax Breakdown: Enable this setting if you want to show the excise tax number and tax breakdown in the receipt.
23. Show Reprinted Text On Receipt: Setting this to YES will show REPRINT on a receipt that is reprinted.
24. Receipt Text for Discounts Header: Here, you enter the text to be used as "Discount Header" in the receipt.
25. Hide Birthdate on Receipt: Enabling this setting will allow you to hide the birthdate of the loyalty customer on the receipt.
After managing and configuring the settings, click the "Save & Close" or "Save" button to save the receipt settings.
Note: Receipt Settings will be applied globally, which means they will be applied to every store (location) for the specific account for which you have logged in. But you can also configure these settings at the store level for the individual stores (locations). For that, reach the "Locations" module. Edit the location (store) and click "Manage POS Settings" to configure the different POS settings rather than applying the POS Device Global Settings. So, you can override the POS Device Global Settings for any store as per retail business requirements.
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