Smart Till Settings

Smart Till Settings

Smart Till Settings Overview

"Smart Till Settings" enables you to configure the notification rules for different variance levels in the stores' SMARTtill cash drawers.  

The SMARTtill cash drawer is an intelligent till option from FTx Cloud POS that you can integrate with your FTx POS system at your stores. It can record all cash activity in real-time and reconcile it to sales made in-store. The designated individuals can get notifications when different variances occur in the store cash drawers. "Smart Till Settings" is where you define the rules for when the system should send the notifications and add the recipients for the notifications.

"Smart Till Settings" enables you to: 
  1. Configure the notification rules. 
  2. Add the notification recipient information.
  3. Apply the configured rule to the specific location(s) or location group(s) as per the requirements. 
  4. View all notification rules created so far. 
  5. Delete a notification rule.

1. Reaching "Smart Till Settings" 

  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Maintenance
  4. Step 4: Choose Settings & Panels
  5. Step 5: Choose POS (Point of Sale Settings) 
  6. Step 6: Choose Smart Till Settings
Figure A below will help you understand the navigation better.

Figure A

2. Understanding "Smart Till Settings" Layout

  1. Please refer to Figure B and the description of the buttons and fields below to understand the layout of "Smart Till Settings." 
  Figure B
1.1: Save & Close: If you click this button, the system will save the notification rule or any other changes and navigate you to the Administration tab of the Point of Sales Settings screen. 
1.2: Save: This button lets you save the changes you have made at any point. When you create or edit any notification rule, you must click this button to save the changes.
1.3: Cancel: This button lets you cancel the notification rule or the changes made to any notification rule.  
2: + Add Smart Till Setting: This button helps you add a new notification rule.  
3: Notification Rules: All created notification rules are visible on the screen. You can scroll down to view or edit any specific notification rule.

3. Configuring a Notification Rule

When you configure the notification rule and add the recipients, the system sends them notifications when a variance occurs, as defined in the rule. Please refer to "3.1 How Does the Overall Process Work?" to learn about the notification rule configuration process.  

3.1 How does the overall process work? 

The Notification Rule Configuration process works as explained below. 
  1. You can configure the notification rules for two types of notifications using their respective toggle buttons. 
    1. Notification Per Sale: If you enable this notification type, the system will send a notification soon after the sale occurs that has a pre-defined variance value. 
    2. Notification Per Shift Close: If you enable this notification type, the system will send a notification when the shift closes that has a pre-defined variance value.
You can configure both types of notifications under the same rule if required. 
  1. You define the variance value. For example, if you define variance as $1, the system sends a notification when the variance on the store cash drawers is below or above $1. 
  2. You add the recipient information using three parameters. 
    1. User: You select the user from the drop-down. You can select multiple users. 
    2. Custom Email: You enter the required email address(es) 
    3. SMS: You enter the mobile number(s) 
You can use multiple parameters. The system will send a notification to all of them. 
  1. You can make the notification rule location-specific.
    1. The system will default enable this notification rule for all locations and location groups. However, you can make it specific to a particular location(s) or location group(s) using the Manage Assignments section. 
  2. You can save this notification rule using the "Save" button. The system will notify the added recipient when the defined variance occurs.

3.2 Configuring a Notification Rule 

Please follow the steps below to configure a notification rule:

  1. Click the "+ Add Smart Till Setting" button highlighted in Figure B. 
  2. The rule configuration section will appear, as Figure C shows. If any configuration rules are added, the rule configuration section will appear below those rules. Please scroll down to it. Enter the appropriate information or values in the fields as described.

  Figure C

Fields and Buttons:
Rule Name: Enter a friendly name for the rule. 
Notify Per Sale: If you enable this notification type, the system will send a notification soon after the sale occurs with a pre-defined variance.  
Variance: This variance field is relevant to the Notify Per Sale type. Enter the variance value. For example, if you define variance as $1, the system sends a notification when the variance on the store cash drawers is below or above $1. 
Notify on Shift Close: If you enable this notification type, the system will send a notification when the shift closes that has the pre-defined variance value.
Variance: This variance field is relevant to the Notify on Shift Close type. Enter the variance value. For example, if you define variance as $1, the system sends a notification when the variance on the store cash drawers is below or above $1. 
Users to Alert: From this drop-down menu, select the user(s) to whom you need to send the notification.  
Custom Emails: Sometimes, you may need to send notifications to individuals who are not your registered users. Enter their email addresses in this field to send them notifications.  
SMS Alert List: Enter the mobile numbers to send notifications via SMS.
Manage Assignments: In this section, you can assign a specific location(s) or location group(s) to the notification rule. 2.2.1 Manage Assignments explains more about it.  
Save & Close: If you click this button, the system will save the notification rule and navigate you to the Administration tab of the Point of Sales Settings screen. 
Save: Click this button to save the notification rule. When you create a notification rule, you must click this button or the "Save & Close" button to save the changes each time.
Cancel: Use this button to cancel the notification rule or the changes made to any notification rule. 

3.2.1 Manage Assignments

The system will enable the notification rule for all locations and location groups. Please follow the steps below to make the notification rule specific to a particular location or location group:
  1. Click the Select Locations drop-down and select By Locations or By Location Group as per your requirements. 

Figure D
  1. For example, you select By Locations. The "Manage" button will appear, as Figure E shows. 

Figure E
  1. The Manage Locations screen will appear, as Figure F shows. It shows a list of locations. You can select the required locations from it. Please read the description of the fields and buttons. 

Figure F
1: Use this "Search" box to search for a specific location.  
2: Utilize this drop-down to view the locations that belong to a specific Pricebook Zone precisely.
3: Use this drop-down to view the locations based on three parameters: All Locations, Only Active, and Only Deleted
4: The Results section shows the list of locations. By default, it shows all locations. If you have made specific selections in 1, 2, or 3, it will show the location list accordingly.
5: Select the locations where you need to add the notification rule. 
6: Click the green Arrow button to move the selected locations to the Selected List.
  1. The Manage Locations screen will look like the one shown in Figure G.

Figure G
1: If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. You can remove any record from the list by clicking the Remove (x) icon.
2: Click "Apply" to apply the selection. 
  1. As Figure H shows, your selected locations will be visible in the Manage Assignment section. 

Figure H
Use the respective "Delete" icon to delete a location from the selection. 

4. Editing a Notification Rule 

Please follow the steps below to delete a notification rule. 
  1. The Smart Till Settings screen shows all notification rules, as Figure B shows. Scroll down to the rule you need to edit. Make the required changes to the rule and click the "Save" button.
  1. You can make the following changes to a notification rule: 
    1. Change the notification type
    2. Change the variance
    3. Change the recipient information
    4. Change the assigned location or location group

5. Deleting a Notification Rule

Please follow the steps below to delete a notification rule:
  1. The Smart Till Settings screen shows all notification rules. Scroll down to the rule you need to delete and click the "Delete" icon highlighted in Figure I below.

  Figure I
  1. A warning message will appear, as Figure J shows. 

Figure J
  1. Click "OK" to delete the notification rule. 
  2. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.
  1. Click the "Save" button shown at the top right corner.

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