The "Swag Shop Items Report" provides a comprehensive analysis of the shop's performance over a specific period. This report aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the items redeemed by customers, including detailed information on the corresponding delivery dates.
Reaching the "Swag Shop Items Report"
To reach the "Swag Shop Items Report," follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Log into Control Center
- Step 2: Choose Loyalty
- Step 3: Choose Reports
- Step 4: Choose Item Reports
Figure 1.1
- Step 5: Choose "Swag Shop Items" from the drop-down menu.
Figure 1.2
By clicking "Swag Shop Items," you will be redirected to the Swag Shop Items page with relevant filter options.
Filtering the "Swag Shop Items" Report
Gender Filter
This filter offers you different gender-based options.
Figure 1.3
- All: This option, when chosen, will display a report for all genders.
- Male: If this option is chosen, it will display the report for male customers.
- Female: If this option is chosen, it will display the report for female customers.
Filter by Time
This filter is used to fetch the report for the selected date range or time period.
Figure 1.4
- All Time: This is the default setting. It will generate a report of all the items to date.
Figure 1.5
- Between Dates: This option will allow you to select a specific date range. To select the date range, input the Start Date and End Date with the associated drop-down calendars.
- Presets: The Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the report with that.
Item Type
Figure 1.6
- All Items: Choosing this option will generate the report of both merchandise and coupon reports.
- Merchandise: Choosing this option will generate the report of physical products.
- Coupon: Choosing this option will generate the report of digital coupons.
Coupon Type
Figure 1.7
- All: Choosing this option will generate the report of all coupon types.
- Dollar Amount Off: Choosing this option will generate the report for those items on which dollar amount off is applied.
- Free Item: Choosing this option will generate the report for those items on which the free item offer is applied.
This filter option will filter the report by customer. Select the customer's name from the list, and the report will be displayed only with the customer's name.
Figure 1.8
- Show All: This is the default setting. It will generate a report on all customers.
- Filter By Customer Filter (Manage): If you would like to look at a specific customer, select this option. Once you click on the "Manage" button, you will be able to set up the filters. You will be able to select a customer or multiple customers from here to be brought up in the report. By clicking the "Manage" button, a Manage Filters window will pop up.
Figure 1.9
- You will see different customer names to select the items for the "Swag Shop Items" report.
- Click the checkbox next to whichever customer(s) you wish to see on the report to move them to the Selected List area on the right side.
- Once you select the records from the list, click on the Green right-sided arrow (Move/Next button) to move the records to the Selected List area.
- By clicking the Move button, the selected records will be moved to the Selected List.
- Once you click on "Apply," the "Swag Shop Items" report will be generated with the selected records only.
Order By
This field will let you sort the report in 10 different ways:
Figure 2.1
- Redemption Date Descending: Select this option to sort and display the report with token redemption dates from newest to oldest.
- Redemption Date Ascending: Select this option to sort and display the report with token redemption dates from oldest to newest.
- Item Name Descending: This option will sort the item names in descending alphabetical order and display the report based on this arrangement.
- Item Name Ascending: This option will sort the item names in ascending alphabetical order and display the report based on this arrangement.
- Customer Email Descending: This option will sort the customer email in descending alphabetical order and display the report based on this arrangement.
- Customer Email Ascending: This option will sort the customer email in ascending alphabetical order and display the report based on this arrangement.
- Total Tokens Descending: This option will sort the total tokens in descending order (from higher to lower) and display the report based on this arrangement.
- Total Tokens Ascending: This option will sort the total tokens in ascending order (from lower to higher) and display the report based on this arrangement.
- Delivered Date Descending: This option sorts the report by delivered dates in descending order, displaying the most recent dates first.
- Delivered Date Ascending: This option sorts the report by delivered dates in ascending order, displaying the earliest dates first.
Filter by Column
This field will let you filter the report in two different ways:
Figure 2.2
- Item Name
- Barcode
Once you select the Item Name or Barcode, the option to enter the value will be displayed.
Scheduling a Report
Reports can be scheduled to run automatically. The system can be configured to send the scheduled report either daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.
Scheduling a New Report
Prerequisite: Please ensure you have configured the report. This means you have made the required selections for date ranges and filters.
To schedule a new scheduled report, perform the following:
- On the Swag Shop Items window, click on "Schedule Report" as shown below:
Figure 2.3
- On the confirmation pop-up, click on "Create New Scheduled Report."
Figure 2.4
- The Schedule Options screen will appear as shown below:
Figure 2.5
- Fill in the appropriate information in the fields:
- Name: Enter the name for your report.
- Section: For Swag Shop items, the section will be Loyalty by default.
- Run Frequency: Select the run frequency (Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, etc.) as per your requirements from the Run Frequency drop-down. The system will display additional options depending on the frequency you choose.
- Run Time: Select the time when you want the system to send the report by email.
- Export Type: Select the report format, i.e., PDF, CSV, and Excel, from this Export Type drop-down.
- Users: Select the users to whom you need to send the report.
- Email Addresses: Enter the selected users' email addresses. Please ensure that you write only one email address per line.
- White Background: Enable this toggle button if you want the report to have a white background.
- Include Header: This toggle button will be enabled by default. Please set it to No to exclude the report's header from the report.
- Print Title on Every Page: This toggle button will be enabled by default. Set it to No if you do not want the title printed on each page.
- Click on "Schedule Report." A success message will appear, and the system will send the scheduled report to the indicated email IDs.
Run Frequency
Use the Run Frequency drop-down to set the report frequency you are scheduling.
- Daily: Choose the Daily option to schedule the report to run every single day. The system will send the configured report to specified email addresses or user IDs daily.
Figure 2.6
- The Start Time and End Time fields specify the time interval for the reports. The system defaults Start Time to 12:00 AM and End Time to 11:59 PM. You can modify it if necessary.
- The Run Time field specifies the time for the report to run. The system defaults to 11:59 PM. You can modify this setting if necessary.
- Weekdays: Choose the "Weekdays" option to schedule the report to run on weekdays. The system will send the configured report to specified email addresses and/or user IDs on weekdays.
Figure 2.7
- The Start Time and End Time fields specify the time interval for the reports. The system defaults Start Time to 12.00 AM and End Time to 11.59 PM. You can modify if necessary.
- The Run Time field specifies the time for the report to run. The system defaults to 11:59 PM. You can modify this setting if necessary.
- Weekly: Choose the Weekly option to schedule the report to run weekly. The system will send the configured report to specified email addresses and/or user IDs every week.
Figure 2.8
- The Run On field specifies the day for the report to run. The system defaults to Run On on Monday. You can change it to any other weekday if necessary.
- The Run Time field specifies the time for the report to run. The system defaults to 11:59 PM. You can modify this setting if necessary.
- Monthly: Choose the Monthly option to schedule the report to run monthly. The system will send the configured report to specified email addresses and/or user IDs every month.
Figure 2.9
- The Run On field specifies the day for the report to run. The system defaults to Run On on First Day. You can change it to Last Day if necessary.
- The Run Time field specifies the time for the report to run. The system defaults to 11:59 PM. You can modify this setting if necessary.
- Daily - Today: Select the "Daily - Today" option to schedule the report to run daily AND include the current day.
Figure 3.1
- The Run Time field specifies the time for the report to run. The system defaults to 11:59 PM. You can modify this setting if necessary.
- Bi Weekly: Choose the "Bi Weekly" option to schedule the report to run bi-weekly. The system will send the configured report to specified email addresses and/or user IDs bi-weekly.
Figure 3.2
- The Run On field specifies the day for the report to run. The system defaults to Run On on Monday. You can change it to any other weekday if necessary.
- The Run Time field specifies the time for the report to run. The system defaults to 11:59 PM. You can modify this setting if necessary.
- Quarterly: Choose the Quarterly option to schedule the report to run quarterly. The system will send the configured report to specified email addresses and/or user IDs quarterly.
Figure 3.3
- The Run On field specifies the day for the report to run. The system defaults to Run On on First Day. You can change it to Last Day if necessary.
- The Run Time field specifies the time for the report to run. The system defaults to 11:59 PM. You can modify this setting if necessary.
- Yearly: Choose the Yearly option to schedule the report to run once a year. The system will send the configured report to specified email addresses and/or user IDs yearly.
Figure 3.4
- The Run On field specifies the day for the report to run. The system defaults to Run On on First Day. You can change it to Last Day if necessary.
- The Run Time field specifies the time for the report to run. The system defaults to 11:59 PM. You can modify this setting if necessary.
Replacing an Existing Scheduled Report
To replace a scheduled report, perform the steps below:
- On the Swag Shop Items window, click on "Schedule Report."
Figure 3.5
- Click on "Replace Existing Report." The Select Scheduled Report screen will open, as shown below:
Figure 3.6
- Enter the report name or its part in this Search bar and click the "Search" button.
- The system will display the existing reports relevant to your search. Click on the report you need to replace.
- Click on "Apply."
- The selected report will open in the Edit mode. Make the required changes and click on "Replace."
- A success message will appear, and the system will send the replaced report to the indicated email IDs.
Printing/Exporting a Report
The "Print/Export Report" function in "Reports" enables you to:
- Print a report. (When you use the Print function, the system will create the report's PDF file based on the selections and open it in a new tab. You can download the soft copy or print the paper copy as per your requirements.)
- Export the report as PDF, CSV, or Excel.
- Open the PDF on a new tab with a single click.
To print a "Swag Shop Items" report, perform the following:
- On the Swag Shop Items window, click on "Print/Export Report" as shown below:
Figure 3.7
- The Print Options pop-up screen will open, as shown below.
Figure 3.8
Make appropriate selections:
- Select Print Option: Select any option: Print Current Page Only or Print All Pages.
- White Background: Enable this button if you want the report to have a white background.
- Show Filters: Enable this button to view filters in the reports.
- Include Header: The system enables this button by default. Please turn it off to exclude the report's header from the report.
- Print Title on Every Page: This button is enabled by default. Turn it off if you want to remove the report's title from showing on each page.
- Font Size: Select the font size you want to display on the report.
Figure 3.9
- Send As Email: Enable this button to send the report's PDF file via email. The Email Address field will appear.
- Enter the email address and click on "Send Email." If sending to multiple recipients, ensure to add each email address to its own line.
- Click on "Start Print."
The report's PDF will open in a new tab. Download it using the Download icon and print it using the Print icon.
Exporting the Report as PDF
To export the report as PDF, perform the following:
- Click on the "Print/Export Report" drop-down and click on "Export as PDF."
Figure 4.1
Exporting the Report as CSV
To export the report as CSV, perform the following:
- Click on the "Print/Export Report" drop-down and click on "Export as CSV."
Figure 4.2
- The Export Options screen will appear, as shown below.
Figure 4.3
- Make appropriate selections:
- Select Export Option: Select any option: "Export Current Page Only" or "Export All Pages."
- White Background: Enable this button if you want the report to have a white background.
Figure 4.4
- Send As Email: Enable this button to send the report's CSV file via email. The Email Address field will appear.
- Enter the email address and click on "Send Email." If sending to multiple recipients, ensure to add each email address to its own line.
- Click on "Start Export." The report's CSV file will be downloaded.
Exporting the Report as Excel
To export the report as Excel, perform the following:
- Click on the "Print/Export Report" drop-down and click on "Export as Excel (xlsx)."
Figure 4.5
- The Export Options screen will appear, as shown below.
Figure 4.6
- Make appropriate selections:
- Select Export Option: Select any option: "Export Current Page Only" or "Export All Pages."
- White Background: Enable this button if you want the report to have a white background.
- Show Filters: Enable this button to view filters in the reports.
- Include Header: The system enables this button by default. Please turn it off to exclude the report's header from the report.
- Export Without Formatting: Enable this button to export the report without any formatting.
Figure 4.7
- Send As Email: Enable this button to send the report's Excel file via email. The Email Address field will appear.
- Enter the email address and click on "Send Email." If sending to multiple recipients, ensure to add each email address to its own line.
- Click on Start Print. The report's Excel file will be downloaded.
Manage Favorites
To quickly access frequently viewed reports, you can save a report as a favorite viewed from Favorite Reports and manage all your favorite reports from any of the report screens using the "Manage Favorites" button.
Saving a Report as a Favorite
- Click on the "Manage Favorites" button.
Figure 4.8
- You can search for an existing report by entering the report name and clicking on the "Search" button to add it as a favorite.
Figure 4.9
- If you wish to save any generated report as a new favorite, click on "Save as New Favorite."
Figure 5.1
- Enter the name by which you want to save the report, then click on "OK" to save and continue. The report filter will be saved as a favorite successfully.
Figure 5.2
Generating a Report
Figure 5.3
When you navigate to the Swag Shop Items page, you need to select the filters and click on the "Generate Report" button to generate the report. Once the report is generated, the following fields will contain the requested information:
- Item Name: This column describes the name of the item.
- Item Type: This column describes whether the item is a coupon or merchandise.
- UPC: This column describes the product UPC, which is generally N/A for the coupon.
- Barcode: This column describes the barcode number of the item.
- Customer Name: This column describes the customer's name.
- Customer Email: This column describes the customer's email address.
- Total Tokens: This column describes the total number of tokens redeemed by the customer.
- Token Redemption Date: This column describes the date on which the token was redeemed.
- Value Delivered Date: This column describes the date on which the coupon is redeemed from POS, also the date on which merchandise (physical products) are delivered.
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