Theme Settings

Theme Settings

Theme Settings

Store Appearance -> 'Theme, PWA, and Identity (Sign in & Sign up page)'

Theme settings lay the foundation for your online store's design. Customize your online store as per the store’s primary and secondary color patterns and set the store logo/icon. These settings include color palettes, header logos, and backgrounds.

1. Reaching Theme Settings

To reach "Theme Settings," follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Store Admin
  2. Step 2: Click Store Appearance

Figure 1.1
  1. Step 3: Click Theme. PWA, and Identity

                                                                  Figure 1.2
By clicking "Theme," you will be redirected to "Theme Options" by default. You can set up the following three options:
Theme Options | PWA Images | Identity (FTx Core) Options

1.1 Theme Options

You can customize your online store's appearance by configuring the following configurations:
Business Logo: Upload your official store/business logo that is publicly familiar.
Logo/Image size: 300 by 600 pixels | Image type: PNG
Favicon: Upload an icon that will be displayed at the website icon.
Icon size: 32 by 32 pixels | Image type: Transparent

Figure 1.1.1
Color Options: Choose the color for your online store as per the store's theme color so that it can be easily identified by customers. For the color options, you can pick the color using HEX or RGB.
Different color options are provided to pick the exact color of your store's design.
Placeholder Images: Choose the image that you want to display when the product image is not available.
- Reset: Click the "RESET" button if you want to undo it or set it to default.

After setting up the logo, favicon, primary and secondary color combinations, and placeholder image, click the 'save' button to apply the theme settings to your online store.

1.2 PWA Images

If you want customers to install your E-commerce site (online store) on mobile or tablet devices, you can set up the app name and upload images of different sizes.
PWA App Name: Enter the name of your Progressive Web App (PWA) that will be displayed when customers install the app from a web browser onto their mobile devices.
Upload an Image: You can upload a specific image for your PWA, with a size of 1024 by 1024 pixels. Upon upload, the system will automatically generate the different sizes required for PWA images. You can also manually change the PWA images if needed.

Figure 1.2.1
To remove a PWA image, click the 'cross' icon. To manually change a PWA image, click the 'edit' icon. Ensure that the size of the replacement image matches the specified PWA image size.
Note: Uploading an image for PWA images is optional. If you haven't uploaded one, the PWA images will be sourced from the Business Logo set in 'Theme Options'.

1.3 FTx Core (Identity) Options

You can configure the background for the Sign-In and Sign-Up pages that are powered by FTx Core (Identity).
Background Color: Pick the color from the color picker tool to set up the background color for FTx Core-powered pages, sign-in, and sign-up.
Background Image: Upload the PNG format image, which should have a size of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Figure 1.3.1

Hence, you can customize the theme options according to your business logo's color combination, uploading background, and PWA images.

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