Time Clock

Time Clock

1. Time Clock Overview

The Time Clock is used to log the working hours of the store employees. It can be seen on the home screen just below the cashier’s name in the upper left. See Figure 1.0.

                                                                                    Figure 1.0

Employees can click on the "Clock In" button to log in for the beginning of their shift. See Figure 1.0 above.

There are two ways to clock in:
  1. The employee can manually enter their employee ID and password on the time clock.
  2. If configured for use, the employee can press the fingerprint button situated just below the employee ID and password sections to clock in via fingerprint.
See Figure 1.1 below.

                                                                                   Figure 1.1
  1. Once the employee is clocked in, they are now ready to start their shift.                                                        
  2. The Time Clock will now show what time they clocked in, and it will now display the "Clock Out" button. See Figure 1.2 below.
  3. To use the POS, the employee has to tap on the "Open POS" button, as shown in Figure 1.2 below.

                                                                                              Figure 1.2                                                                      

2. Reaching "Time Clock" in Control Center

To reach the "Time Clock" module, follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Maintenance
  4. Step 4: Choose Time Clock 

                                                                                        Figure 2.1

By clicking "Time Clock," you can see the existing time clock entries for the employee.

3. Understanding the "Time Clock" Module Layout in Control Center

Please see the image below labeled Figure 3.0 for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen.

                                                                                    Figure 3.0

4. Adding a New Time Clock Entry in Control Center

If an employee forgot to clock in or will be using paid time off, it can be added manually from the control center.

Follow the steps mentioned below to add a new time clock entry: 

  1.  Click the Add New button highlighted in Figure 3.0 above to add a new time entry. 
  2. The form highlighted in Figure 4.0 will appear on your screen.

                                                                                          Figure 4.0

4.1 Selecting an Employee

Follow the steps mentioned below to select the time entry:
  1. Click the Select Employee button highlighted in Figure 4.0 above to search and select an employee for a time entry.
  2. The form highlighted in Figure 4.1.0 will appear on your screen.

                                                                                    Figure 4.1.0
  1. Employee: This field displays the employee ID and employee name.
  2. Location: This field displays the location of the store where the employee works.
  3. Type: This field lets you choose the time entry as highlighted in Figure 4.1.1.

                                                                             Figure 4.1.1
  1. Standard: This option is by default set by the system and is often chosen for a general shift.
  2. Sick/Vacation/Holiday: These are different options that can be selected in case employees are to be paid for time off. 
  3. Other: Choose this option if the time entry doesn’t fall into the above-mentioned categories.
  1. In Time: This would be the start of the employee's shift.
  2. Out Time: This is the end of the employee's shift.
  3. Calculated: This field automatically calculates and displays the total working hours between the In Time and Out Time. 
  4. NOTE: You CANNOT simply select a number of hours to apply; you must select an in and an out time.
  1. Once entered, click on "Save," "Save & Close," and "Save & New" to save the data entered.
  2. Click on "Cancel" to discard the data entered in the form.

5. Editing Time Clock Entry

The Edit option is used to edit the employee clock-in and clock-out times in case of any discrepancies.

Follow the steps mentioned below to edit a time clock entry:

  1. Click the Edit button highlighted in Figure 3.0 above to add a new time log.
  2.  The form highlighted in Figure 5.0 will appear on your screen.

                                                                                                            Figure 5.0

In Figure 5.0, the fields that are under  Location Label are the same as Add New Time Clock Entry.

1Enter Change Notes: This text field mandates that you enter the notes that support the reason for the changes you made.
2. Entry Details: These fields show the general properties of the time entry, and these properties are non-editable.
2.1.  Timeclock Breaks
  1. Add Manual Break: These breaks can only be added by the corporate side, and a maximum of 7 breaks can be added.

                                                   Figure 5.1.0
  1. Break Type: This field offers two options to choose from in order to add a manual break: lunch or break.
  2. In Time: This field allows you to set the start time of the break.
  3. Out Time: This field allows you to set the time when the break ended.
  4. Action: This is used for the removal of the break added for the employee.
3. Timeclock History:
This part of the form is non-editable, and it is the employee's time entry history.

6. Deleting the Time Entry in Control Center

You can delete the time entry from the Time Clock module home screen and from Edit Time Clock Entry page as well.
  1. Click the Delete button as indicated in Figure 3.0 to delete a time entry record.
  2. The dialog box as shown in Figure 6.0 will appear on your screen.                                             

                                           Figure 6.0
  1. Click “Yes, Delete” to continue the process of deleting the time entry record.
  2. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.

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