To-Do List

To-Do List

To-Do List Overview

A To-Do List can be described as a task list sent by the company that looks like a message but it contains instructions to do a task instead of general communication.

Navigating to the To-Do List Module

 To reach the To-Do List module:
  1. Log into Control Center
  2. Choose Point of Sale
  3. Choose Others
  4. Choose To-Do Lists 

Understanding the To-Do List Module Layout

Please see the image below labeled Figure A for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen.

                                                                                           Figure A

Creating a New To-Do List:

Follow the steps mentioned below to add a new To-Do List:

  1. Click the “Add New” button as presented in Figure A above to add a new To-Do List.
  2. The form will appear on your screen as shown in Figure B below.

                                                                    Figure B

  1. Subject: Mention an appropriate subject that pertains to what your list is about. 
  2. Note: In this field, define the To-Do List according to your understanding. It could be defined with any extra details that can come in handy later.
  3. Run Frequency: From this drop-down list of frequencies, choose the option that supports your To-Do List purpose, i.e., daily, or one-time.
  4. Type: This field lets you choose the type of To-Do list whether you want to do it yourself (Manual) or let the POS device do it for you (Print Labels).

Editing To-Do Lists:

Follow the steps mentioned below to edit a To-Do List:
  1. Click the Edit button highlighted in Figure A above to edit a To-Do List.
  2. The form as shown in Figure C will appear on your screen.

                                                                     Figure C
  1. You are allowed to modify the existing To-Do list, depending upon the requirements.
  2. Finally, you may save, close, or add a To-Do list using the buttons highlighted in Figure C above.

Deleting To-Do Lists:

Follow the steps mentioned below to delete a To-Do List:       

  1. Click the “Delete” button as indicated in Figure A to delete a To-Do list.
  2. The dialog box as shown in Figure D will appear on your screen.

                                                  Figure D
  1. Click “Yes, Delete” to continue the process of deleting the To-Do List.
  2. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.

Assignment Tab

                                                                                      Figure E
Send To: In this field (See Figure F), from the drop-down list, you can assign this To-Do List to one or many locations,
to one or many employees, or to any of the company users.

                                                                               Figure F

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