

Worksheets Overview

"Worksheets" shows you the list of all worksheets created in the POS system and Control Center.

If the customer returns the products, the store may keep them in inventory and sell them again for the same or discounted price. In this case, the system doesn't create any worksheets. However, when a product must be returned to the warehouse or vendor for any reason, the system creates a worksheet to handle the return process. 

"Worksheets" enables you to:
  1. Create three types of worksheets: Warehouse ReturnVendor Return, and Vendor Return Damaged.
  2. Convert the created worksheet to an order, invoice, or adjustment.
This article aims to offer useful information on managing worksheet-related operations in FTx Cloud POS. Nonetheless, your access to view and manage these operations will be limited to the permissions granted by your company. 
  1. Please note that creating, viewing, or converting a worksheet necessitates the appropriate user permissions. For instance, a store employee may have the authority to create a worksheet, but it is not guaranteed that they will have the permission to convert it into an adjustment, invoice, or order. Similarly, their ability to view worksheets created by other users may vary. 

1. Reaching "Worksheets"

  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Inventory
  4. Step 4: Choose Adjustments
  5. Step 5: Choose Worksheets

2. Understanding "Worksheets" Layout

  1. Please refer to Figure A and the descriptions of the buttons and fields below to understand the layout of "Worksheets":  

Figure A
Column Titles: Each column title indicates the type of information in the column. You can filter the list using any title if you want to search for a specific worksheet.
1: Add New: This button lets you add a new worksheet.
2: Filter Range: This button lets you see the worksheet records for the selected date range. Select the required dates in the Start and End fields, and click the "Filter Range" button to see the worksheet records for the selected date range. 
3.1: View Worksheet: This button lets you view the processed worksheet. "4.1 How Does the Overall Process Work?" explains more about processing a worksheet.
3.2: Print Worksheet: This button lets you print the worksheet. 
3.3: View Notes: This button lets you view the notes added to the worksheet, if any. The Notes History screen will appear when you click this button, as Figure B shows. It will show all notes added to the worksheet, as well as information about the user who added them and timestamps. 

Figure B
4.1: Edit Worksheet: This button lets you edit the worksheet record. 
4.2: Print Worksheet: This button lets you print the worksheet. 
4.3: View Notes: This button lets you view the notes added to the worksheet, if any. The Notes History screen will appear when you click this button, as Figure B shows. It will show all notes added to the worksheet, as well as information about the user who added them and timestamps. 
4.4: Delete Worksheet: This button lets you delete the worksheet record. 

3. Adding a Worksheet

Please follow the steps mentioned below to create a new worksheet: 
  1. Click "+ Add New," shown in the top right corner.
  2. The Create Worksheet screen will appear, as shown in Figure C below. Select the appropriate details.

Figure C
  1. Worksheet Type: Select the worksheet type from this drop-down from three options: Vendor Return, Vendor Return Damaged, and Warehouse Return.
  2. Location: Select the location of the vendor from the drop-down menu.
  3. Vendor: The list of vendors is listed in the drop-down menu. Choose the vendor name for whom you wish to create the worksheet.
  1. Make the required selections and click "Create Worksheet." The system will create a worksheet, as shown in Figure D. 
  2. Once a worksheet is created, you need to add products to it. "3.1 Adding Products to a Worksheet" explains more about it.

Figure D
Fields and Buttons: 

1.1: Cancel: This button lets you discard the changes made, if any. 
1.2: Add Notes: This button lets you add notes to the worksheet. 
1.3: View Notes: This button lets you view the notes added to the worksheet, if any. The Notes History screen will appear when you click this button, as Figure B shows. It will show all notes added to the worksheet, as well as information about the user who added them and timestamps. 
1.4: Print Items: This button helps you to print the worksheet. 
1.5: Convert To Adjustment: This button lets you convert the worksheet to an adjustment. 
1.6: Delete: This button lets you delete the worksheet. 
2: Add: This button lets you add products to the worksheet. 

3.1 Adding a Product to a Worksheet

Please follow the steps mentioned below to add a new worksheet:  
  1. Click "+ Add," highlighted in Figure D.
  2. The Add/Update Item screen will open, as shown in Figure E.

Figure E
  1. Please select the product by following the steps below: 
  1. Select Product: Click the "Select" button shown in Figure E to select the product.
    1. The Select One Product screen will appear, as shown in Figure F.

Figure F
    1. You can search for the product using the Search bar, the Select Category Name drop-down, or the Select Manufacturer Name drop-down. 
    2. When the screen displays the product list, click on the product name to select it and click "Apply." The Add/Update Item screen will look like the one shown in the image below:  

Figure G
  1. Vendor Part: The system will fetch the selected product's vendor part.
  2. Product UPC: The system will bring the selected product's UPC.
  3. Return Qty: Fill in the quantity for the return request.
  4. Return Type: Specify the return type, i.e., full stock or piece(s).
  5. Return Reason: Mention the reason why you wish to return the product.
  6. Return Reason Details: Mention the details about the return reason. 
  1. Once the product is selected, click "Save & Close" to add the product to the worksheet.
    1. You can also click "Save & Add" to add more products to the worksheet. 
  2. The product will be added to the worksheet, as shown in Figure H. Use the Edit and Delete icon buttons to edit the product detail or delete the product from the worksheet.

Figure H

4. Converting to an Adjustment, Invoice, or Order

Depending on the worksheet type, you can convert it to an adjustment, invoice, or order. Please refer to "4.1 How Does the Overall Process Work?" to learn about the worksheet workflows. 

4.1 How Does the Overall Process Work?

Depending on the worksheet type, FTx Cloud POS enables you to convert it to an adjustment, invoice, or order. 
  1. You can convert a Warehouse Return Worksheet to an order or invoice.
  2. You can convert a Vendor Return Worksheet and Vendor Return Damaged Worksheet to an adjustment and invoice. 
As mentioned, the system creates worksheets to handle returns. Please read the information below to learn how the system handles returns: 
  1. If the customer returns the products, the store may keep them back in inventory and sell them again for the same or discounted price. In this case, the cashier scans the product as "Inventory Return," and the system doesn't create any worksheets.  
  2. Warehouse Return: Suppose the customer returns the products, and the store decides to return them to the warehouse. In that case, the cashier scans the product as Warehouse Return, and the system creates the Warehouse Return Worksheet. The store or corporate employee can also create the Warehouse Return Worksheet from Control Center.    
    1. If the Enable Worksheet Approval Workflow feature is enabled in the Worksheet Settings section of POS Settings (Point of Sale >> Maintenance >> Settings & Panels >> POS >> Worksheet Settings), the warehouse employee must approve it. After approval, the store employee can only convert it to an order or invoice. In this case, the following will be the workflow:  
      1. The store employee creates the Warehouse Return Worksheet and clicks the "Submit" button.
      2. The warehouse employee clicks the "Approve" button to approve the Warehouse Return Worksheet. The store employee verifies the quantity using the "Verify" button from the POS.
      3. Both the store and warehouse employee can convert a Warehouse Return Worksheet to an order or invoice using the "Convert to Order" button or "Convert to Invoice" button. The system converts the Warehouse Return Worksheet as per the selection. 
    2. If the Enable Worksheet Approval Workflow feature is disabled in the Worksheet Settings section of POS Settings, the store employee can convert the worksheet to an order or invoice. In this case, the following will be the workflow: 
      1. The store employee creates the Warehouse Return Worksheet
      2. The store or corporate employee can convert a Warehouse Return Worksheet to an order or invoice using the "Convert to Order" button or "Convert to Invoice" button. The system converts the Warehouse Return Worksheet as per the selection. 
  3. Vendor Return: If the customer returns the products and the store decides to return them to the vendor for any reason, the cashier scans the product as "Vendor Return." In this case, the following will be the workflow:   
    1. The store or corporate employee creates the Vendor Return Worksheet.
    2. The store or corporate employee can convert a Vendor Return Worksheet to an adjustment using the "Convert To Adjustment" button. However, if the store employee submits the worksheet to the corporate employee using the "Submit" button and the corporate employee completes it using the "Complete" button, both the store and corporate employee can convert a Vendor Return Worksheet to an order or invoice using the "Convert to Order" button or "Convert to Invoice" button. 
  4. Vendor Return Damaged: When the retailers receive the damaged product, they create a Vendor Return Damaged Worksheet so that there can be a separate worksheet for the products that are received damaged, and the supplier can also be informed. These worksheets can be converted to orders or invoices as required.
    1. You can create the Vendor Return Damaged Worksheet only from Control Center.   
    2. The Vendor Return Damaged Worksheet workflow is the same as the Vendor Return Worksheet.
Worksheet Status Information:
In Progress: When a worksheet is created, it shows the In Progress status.  
Submitted: When the store employee submits the worksheet to the warehouse or corporate employee, it shows the Submitted status.  
Approved: When the warehouse or corporate employee approves the worksheet, it shows the Approved status.   
  1. When a worksheet is converted to an adjustment, it shows the Completed status. 
  2. When a corporate employee completes the worksheet using the "Complete" button, it shows the Completed status. 

4.2 Converting a Worksheet to an Adjustment

As mentioned, depending on the worksheet type, you can convert it to an adjustment, invoice, or order. Please follow the steps below to convert a worksheet to an adjustment: 
  1. Click the "Convert To Adjustment" button to convert the worksheet into an adjustment.

Figure I
  1. The worksheet will be converted to the adjustment, and its respective Edit Adjustment screen will open in the new tab. You can continue with the adjustment process.  

Figure J
  1. Once a worksheet is converted to the adjustment, its status will change to Completed. You cannot edit or delete this record anymore. 

Figure K

Note: The process of converting a worksheet to an adjustment, order, or invoice is the same. Please read "4.1 How Does the Overall Process Work?" carefully to understand all workflows better.

4.3 Editing a Worksheet

When a worksheet is not converted to an adjustment, invoice, or order, you can make the following changes to it:
  1. Add products to the worksheet.
  2. Delete products from the worksheet.
  3. Add notes to the worksheet.
Please follow the steps below to edit a worksheet. 
  1. Click the respective Edit icon highlighted in Figure A.
  2. The Edit Worksheet screen will appear, as Figure G shows. Make the changes as per the requirements. The system will save the respective changes automatically. 

5. Printing a Worksheet

Please follow the steps mentioned below to print a worksheet: 
  1.  Click the "Print Worksheet" button highlighted in Figure A or the "Print Items" button highlighted in Figure C.
  2. The Print Report screen will appear, as shown in Figure L. Make the appropriate selections per your requirement and click the "Start Print" button.

Figure L
  1. Export Type: Select the export type: PDF, CSV, or Excel. 
  2. Include Header: This toggle button will be enabled by default. Please turn it off to exclude the report's header from the report. 
  3. Repeat Headers On Every Page: Enable this button to print the title on every printout page.    
  4. Print Title on Every Page: This toggle button will be enabled by default. Turn it off if you want to leave the report's header off some pages. 
  1. The report's PDF, CSV, or Excel will open in a new tab. Download it using the Download icon, and print it using the Print icon. Below is a sample worksheet report.

Figure M

6. Deleting a Worksheet 

You can delete the transfer from the Worksheets home screen and the Edit Worksheet screen. 
Follow the steps below to delete a worksheet from the Worksheets home screen:   
  1. Click the “Delete” button highlighted in Figure A.
  1. A warning dialog will appear with two related options, as shown in Figure N.

Figure N
  1. Click "Yes, Delete" to continue deleting the worksheet. 
  2. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.
  1. To delete the transfer record from the Edit Worksheet screen:
  1. Click the Edit icon highlighted in Figure A.
  2. The Edit Worksheet screen will appear as shown in Figure G.
  3. Click the "Delete" button. The warning dialog will appear, as shown in Figure N.  
  4. Click "Yes, Delete" to continue the process of deleting the worksheet. 
  5. Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.

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