Historical Tax Rates Report

Historical Tax Rates Report

Historical Tax Rate Report Overview

The Historical Tax Rate Report will display the records of changes made to various tax rates in the past history in the selected date range.
Different types of filters can also be configured, depending on your requirements. The system will display the tax rate change records along with the name of the tax rate, changes in the percentage of a particular tax rate, and the date and time of the change to a particular tax rate.

1. Reaching the Historical Tax Rate Report

To reach the Historical Tax Rate Report, follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Reports
  4. Step 4: Choose Sales Reports
  5. Step 5: Choose Historical Tax Rates
See Figure A. You will see many types of sales reports that will be useful to your retail business. By clicking the "Choose Report" drop-down selection, you will see the different types of sales reports.

                                                                                       Figure A

By clicking "Historical Tax Rates," you will be redirected to the "Historical Tax Rate Report" page with relevant filtering and sorting options. 

                                                                                          Figure B

You will see the "Report Data is Empty" message initially. You need to select the date range to check the summarized data in the report.

2. Generating a Historical Tax Rate Report

When you navigate to the page, you will see the options pre-selected by default. You can generate the historical tax rate report for the selected date range and for the selected store.

                                                                                                   Figure C
  1. Tax Rate: This column describes the tax rate that is predefined in the system and can be chosen from the drop-down list of tax rates.
  2. Percentage Change: This column displays the percentage value of the tax rate change.
  3. Change Rate: This column displays the list of the tax rates that have been defined in the Tax Rate module>> Tax module.

2.1 Date Range:

You can filter your sales data in the report by selecting the date range as well as specific times.
By clicking the edit box, you will be taken to a tiny calendar where you can select a specific date range. You can also enter manually the date in mm/dd/yyyy format.

See Figure D, Figure E, and Figure F.

Start Date: This field lets you choose the start date of the date range.

                                                                                    Figure D

End Date: This field lets you choose the end date of the date range.

                                                                                               Figure E
The Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the historical tax rate data with that.

                                                                                             Figure F

2.2 Store:

This field lets you choose the store name from the drop-down list of stores.

                                                                                    Figure G

2.3 Select Tax Rate:

This field lets you choose the predefined tax rates from the associated drop-down list.

                                                                                        Figure H

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