Figure 2.1
1.1: Manage Settings: This button navigates you to the Inventory Settings screen of Control Center.1.2: Run Batch EDI Job: This button helps import all invoices for multiple locations and vendors for a single account. When you click this button, the system initiates the batch EDI job and shows a success message, as Figure 2.2 shows. The email address(es) you mentioned in the Add custom emails to receive inventory notifications field (Control Center >> Point of Sale >> Maintenance >> Settings & Panels >> Settings >> POS >> Inventory >> Advanced Receiving Configuration >> Add custom emails to receive inventory notifications) will receive the emailed results.
Figure 2.21.3: Add New: This button lets you add a new invoice.3.1: Edit Invoice: This button lets you edit the invoice.3.2: Delete Invoice: This button lets you delete the invoice.3.3: Print Invoice: This button lets you print the invoice.3.4: Copy Invoice: This button lets you copy the invoice.3.5: View Notes: This button lets you view any notes added to the invoice. The Notes History screen will appear when you click this button, as Figure 2.3 shows. It will show all notes added to the invoice, information about the user who added them, and timestamps.Figure 2.3
Follow the steps mentioned
below to add a new invoice:
Figure 3.1
- Location: Select the location of the store from the drop-down list.
- Vendor: Select the vendor for whom the invoice is generated.
- Invoice No: Enter the invoice number. Each invoice should have a unique number. You can keep the same invoice number for another vendor, but not for the same vendor. Generally speaking, the vendor will provide you with an invoice number, which is what you should use.
- Notes: Enter the notes if required.
- Invoice Date: Select the invoice date. The system shows the current date by default, but you can change it if necessary.
- When you click on this field, a calendar drop-down will appear. You can select the required date from it.
- From PO: Enable this button if creating the invoice from a purchase order. If you enable this button, the Purchase Order drop-down will appear, showing the list of purchase orders for the selected vendor, as Figure 3.2 shows. Select the appropriate vendor from the drop-down.
Figure 3.2In this case, the system will fetch all items and their respective details from the purchase order and show them in the invoice. The invoice will list all previous costs and quantities. Therefore, if there is a discrepancy between the invoice and order quantities or the invoice and order costs, the system will detect and highlight it, allowing you to address the error.
- Surcharge: Enter the surcharge amount, if any.
- Type: Select the invoice type from Standard Invoice and Negative Invoice.
1) Standard Invoice: This type of invoice adds up products for the store.2) Negative Invoice: Select this option if the products are removed from the inventory or if it’s a vendor return for expired products.Buttons:
- Cancel: This button lets you cancel any changes made to the invoice.
- Save & Close: If you click the "Save & Close" button, the system will save the invoice and navigate you to the Invoices screen.
- Save & New: If you click the "Save & New" button, the system will save the invoice and open the new Create Invoice screen, where you can add another invoice.
- Save: This button lets you save the changes you have made at any point. You will remain on the same invoice.
Figure 3.3
- Please read the descriptions below Figure 3.1.4. to learn about the buttons and fields.
Figure 3.4
Figure 3.1.1Fields:Select Product: Use this field to search for a product.Vendor Part: To search for a product by its vendor part, input the vendor part number and press the Enter key on your keyboard.Product UPC: To search for a product using its UPC, input the UPC and press the Enter key on your keyboard. NOTE: If you use the UPC rather than the vendor part, it will be a single item, while the vendor part might contain more than one. Take this into consideration when setting up the invoice.The fields or buttons described below are utilized after selecting a product using any of the fields above.Part Qty: Enter the part quantity you need to add to the invoice.UPC Qty: The system will calculate the UPC quantity based on the part quantity entered and display the result.Expected Qty: The system shows the expected quantity of the selected product, if any.UPC QOH: The system shows the product's current UPC quantity on hand.Part Cost: Enter the part cost.Total Cost: The system will automatically calculate the total cost based on the part quantity, part cost, and excise tax, but you can modify it if necessary.Excise Tax: If applicable, please enter the excise tax for the part in this field.Invoice Item Total: This field shows the total cost.Margin: The system computes the product's margin percentage and displays it in this field.Close: This button lets you close the screen without saving the changes.Save & Close: If you click the "Save & Close" button, the system will add the product to the invoice and close the Add/Update Product screen.Save & Add: If you click the "Save & Add" button, the system will add the product to the invoice and keep the Add/Update Product screen open so you can add another product.
Figure 3.1.21: Search for the product using the Search Product Name, UPC, Vendor Part field, the Select Category Name, and the Select Manufacturer Name drop-downs.
- Enter the product name, select the category or manufacturer from the respective drop-down menu, and click the "Search" button.
2: Use the Delete icon to remove the selections made for the Search Product Name, UPC, Vendor Part field, the Select Category Name, and the Select Manufacturer Name drop-downs, if any. This allows you to start a new search without any pre-selected criteria.3: The system displays the list of all available products. Click on the desired product name to select it.
- If you have used the Search Product Name, UPC, Vendor Part field, Select Category Name, and the Select Manufacturer drop-downs to search for the product, the system will display the products accordingly.
4: Click "Apply."
Figure 3.1.3
Figure 3.1.4Column Titles in the Products On Invoice Section: Each column title indicates the type of information in the column. The following two column fields are editable:Excise Tax: Enter the excise tax amount, if applicable.Update Cost Checkbox: Mark this checkbox to update the product's cost.
Fields and Buttons:1.1: Edit Product: Click this button to modify the product or its details on the invoice.1.2: Delete Product: Click this button to delete the product from the invoice.2: Add: Click this button to add more products to the invoice.3.1: Columns: Use this drop-down menu to select the columns you need to view on the invoice. The column options list will appear when you click this drop-down menu, as Figure 3.1.5 shows. Select the columns you wish to view in the invoice.Figure Refresh: Use this button to refresh the information on the invoice if required.4: This section lets you update the product's cost in the system if required.4.1: Check All: Click this link to select all products to update the cost. (You can choose a single product by clicking the "Update Cost" checkbox in the Products On Invoice section.Figure Uncheck All: Click this link to deselect all products to update the cost.4.3: Apply Cost To All Zones: Tick this checkbox to apply the cost changes to all pricebook zones.4.4: Apply Cost Changes: Click this button to apply the cost changes.5.1: Add Notes: This button lets you add notes to the invoice record for your internal reference. These notes are not for inclusion on the invoice.5.2: View Notes: This button lets you view any notes added to the invoice. When you click this button, the Notes History screen will appear, as Figure 2.3 shows. It will show all notes added to the invoice, information about the user who added them, and timestamps.6.1: Print Invoice: Use this button to print the invoice.6.2: Copy Invoice: Use this button to copy the invoice.6.3: Delete: Use this button to delete the invoice.6.4: Apply Invoice: Use this button to apply the invoice.6.5: Attachment: Use this button to view or add an attachment to the invoice. The Invoice Attachments screen will appear when you click this button, as Figure 3.1.7 shows. If there is one, it will show the attached document. This is useful if you would like to attach the original invoice provided by the vendor, for example.Figure 3.1.7Click the "Upload" button to upload the document. The Upload Invoice Attachments screen will appear, as Figure 3.1.8 shows.Figure 3.1.8
7. Basic Details:7.1: Store: Here, the store's name is mentioned, and the ordered items are supplied.7.2: Vendor: The name of the vendor who sent the order is mentioned here.7.3: Purchase Order: If you have converted any purchase order to an invoice, that purchase order number is mentioned here.7.4: Invoice Date: The date the invoice was created is mentioned here.7.5: Invoice Type: The type of invoice, i.e., Standard Invoice or Negative Invoice, is mentioned here.7.6: Created By: The name of the person who created this invoice is mentioned here.8. Invoice Information8.1: Total Cost: The total cost of the items on the invoice is mentioned here.8.2: Part Qty: The part quantity is the default value set in the Part Num Units field associated with that vendor part.8.3: Expected Part Qty: The Expected Quantity is the value expected to be received at the selected store.8.4: Expected Cost: The Expected Cost is the value that comes after multiplying the Cost per Unit and the Expected Quantity. This estimates the total cost we expect to incur for the items on the invoice.8.5: Item Qty: The Item Quantity is the quantity value of the Product Quantity Received.8.6: Expected Item Qty: This is the Item Quantity that the store expects8.7: Status: This displays the invoice status: Applied/Not Applied.8.8: Applied Date: The invoice is applied to the inventory.The Invoice Information section has an Edit icon next to the editable fields. If necessary, use it to edit the information.Figure 3.1.99. Other Information9.1: Invoice Surcharge: Here, you see the invoice surcharge, if any.9.2: Prepaid Sales Tax: Here you see the prepaid sales tax, if any.9.3: Notes: Here you see the notes added to the Notes field shown in Figure Misc Fees: Here you see the applicable miscellaneous fees.9.5: Excise Tax Totals: Here you see the excise tax total, if any.The Invoice Information section has an Edit icon next to the editable fields. If necessary, use it to edit the information.Figure 3.1.10
Figure 4.1
- Click “Yes, Delete” to delete the invoice record.
- Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.
- Click the Edit icon highlighted in Figure 2.1.
- The Edit Invoice screen will appear, as Figure 3.1.4 shows.
- Click the Delete button. The warning dialog will appear, as Figure 4.1 shows.
- Click “Yes, Delete" to delete the invoice record.
- Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up and skip the deletion process.
Figure 5.1Fields:
- Report Type: Select the report type: Print Invoice or Print Cost Changes.
- Sort Type: Select the sorting type from Category, Description, Department UPC, and Vendor Part.
- Include Department Total: Enable this button to include the department total.
- Export Type: Select the export type: PDF, CSV, or Excel.
- Include Header: Enable this button to include a header on every page of the invoice report.
- Repeat Header on Every Page: Enable this button to repeat the header on every page.
- Print Title on Every Page: Enable this button to print the title on every page.
- Group by Department: Enable this button to group the records by department in the printout.
- Send As Email: Enable this toggle button to send the report's PDF file to the email ID. The Email Address field will appear. Enter the email addresses, one per line, and click "Send Email."
Figure 5.2
- Below is a sample PDF of the "Invoice Details Report."
Figure 5.3
Figure 6.1Fields:
- Invoice Number: Enter the new invoice number in this field.
- Location: Select the location from the drop-down list for which the invoice will be copied.
- Keep Cost Changes: The cost on the invoice can also be manually edited. Toggle this option to YES if you want to keep track of cost changes on the invoice.
- Reverse Quantity Signs: If this is toggled to YES, it copies the invoice using the exact opposite values of the items applied to the original invoice. If -5 is on the original invoice, then +5 would be on the newly copied invoice.
Figure 6.2
- Click “Go to the New Invoice” to view and edit the newly created invoice.
- Click “Close” to close the pop-up and skip the process.