Tax Groups

Tax Groups

Tax Groups Overview

A tax group holds the specific tax rates that are applied to the products. An admin user of Control Center can create multiple groups as per tax options for products. When the product is sold, it is possible that multiple tax rates apply to the products. Being an admin user, you can easily select multiple tax rates by creating a tax group.

Ex. A "food products" product might have sales tax only, while tobacco products might have state and city tax rates. We can add the sales tax to the specific tax group (whether creating a new group or to an existing one as per taxation requirements). In the same way, the state and city tax rates will be added in a group, and this group will be assigned to the POS flag.

How Tax Groups will be configured under FTx Cloud POSTax Rates > Tax Groups > POS Flags > Departments > Products fall into the specific departments

  1. Tax Rates: Configure the rates of the tax, and these rates will be location-specific.
  2. Tax Groups: Tax rates will be added to the tax group. Whatever tax rates (single or multiple) are applied to the product must be in the tax group.
  3. POS Flags: The tax group, age restriction, and excise tax, if applicable, will be assigned to the particular POS flag. It is possible that one tax group can be assigned to multiple POS flags.
  4. Department: The POS flag will be assigned to a particular department so that the products in that department are classified into a specific tax group, age restriction, and excise tax, if applicable. It is possible that one POS flag can be assigned to multiple departments.
  5. Products/Items: Only one department will be assigned. The department is to classify the products into specific tax groups, age restrictions, and other options.

1. Reaching the "Tax Groups" Module

To reach the "Tax Groups" module:  
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center 
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Maintenance 
  4. Step 4: Choose Taxes
  5. Step 5: Choose Tax Groups

Figure 1.1 below will help you understand the navigation better.

Figure 1.1

2. Understanding "Tax Groups" Main Page

Clicking "Tax Groups" from the drop-down selection will redirect you to the "Tax Groups" page. See Figure 2.1 below.

Figure 2.1

1. You will see the list of the existing tax groups in the grid view.
2. From the grid view, the Tax Rates column represents the tax rates that are assigned to the specific tax group. You can see more than one tax rate name in a single group as per taxation on products. The tax rate that is not assigned to the tax group yet will be indicated as N/A.
3. Edit Tax Group: This button helps the user modify the details of the tax group.
4. Delete Tax Group: This button helps the user remove the tax group.
5. Add New: This button helps the user add a new tax group.

3. Adding a New Tax Group

Follow the steps below to add a new tax group:
  1. Click the "Add New" button highlighted in Figure 2.1 to add a new tax group.
  2. After clicking the "Add New" button, the form highlighted in Figure 3.2 will appear on the screen.

Figure 3.1

You will see the fields of the tax rates as shown in Figure 3.1 above. 
1. Name: Enter the name of the tax group. (The tax group name would be similar to taxes that are applied on selling the products so it will be easy to identify the tax, i.e., sales tax, tobacco tax, etc.)
2. Description: Enter the description for the tax group, i.e., an explanation of the tax group.
3. Tax Rates: You will see the drop-down selection and "Add Rate" button. (1) You will get the list of tax rates that are created in Tax Rates from the drop-down selection. (2) Select the tax rate from the list and then click on the "Add Rate" button to include it in this tax group. See Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2

Click the "Add Rate" button to list the tax rate below. See Figure 3.3. Similarly, you can add another tax rate to the group as required.

Figure 3.3

Manage Tax Rates

Figure 3.4

            1. Enable/Disable: There is an option for the selected tax rate that you can enable/disable as per requirements. When you select the tax rate from the drop-down selection, by default
             it will be enabled. See Figure 3.4.

                      - Enable Tax Rate: If the tax rate is enabled in a tax group, the system will automatically pull the tax rate value and apply it to product selling.
                      - Disable Tax Rate: If you have disabled any tax rate from the list, the system will not pull the tax rate value and ignore it while applying the tax on the product. In this way, you can enable/disable the tax                          rate without completely removing the tax rate from the tax group.

                      Note: Sometimes, it requires that you stop charging the tax rate on the product sold for a temporary period or for any other reason.
                      You can easily enable/disable the tax rate from the tax group but keep the tax rate assigned to the tax group without any changes.
2. Remove: Remove the listed tax rate from the tax group if the tax rate is no longer required in this tax group. See Figure 3.4.
Note: By removing the tax rate, it will be removed from the tax group only, but it will not be removed (deleted) from the system. You can reassign that tax rate in the tax group whenever required.
3. Buttons: Once the tax group is configured, save the tax group. 
  1. Save & Close: Click on this button if you want to save the tax group details and close it.
  2. Save & New: Click on this button if you want to save the tax group details but also want to add a new tax group.
  3. Save: Click on this button if you want to stay on the tax group details page after saving it.
  4. Cancel: The tax group will not be added (saved), and you will be redirected to the list of the tax groups page.
Once the tax group details are saved, the new tax group record will be listed on the tax group page. See Figure 3.5 below.
  1. In the Tax Rates column, you can see the assigned tax rate(s). Here, the transportation and corporation taxes are assigned to the newly added tax group.

Figure 3.5

3.1. Assigning a Tax Group to a POS Flag

You need to assign the tax group to the POS flag to set up with age restriction and excise tax details. See Figure 3.6.

The individual KB article on POS flags provides information on how to assign a tax group under the specific POS flag.

Figure 3.6

4. Editing Tax Group Details

Follow the steps below to edit/update the tax group details:
  1. To edit and modify the tax group, click the Modify button that is highlighted in Figure 2.1 or click on the tax group name from the list.
  2. In both cases, you will be redirected to the tax group details page. See Figure 4.1 below.

Figure 4.1
1. You can see the existing tax group details with assigned tax rates. You can enable/disable the tax rates from the list at any time and remove the selected tax rate from the list as per need.
2. You will have an additional "Delete" button from the editing page of the tax group.
  1. Delete: By clicking on the "Delete" button, you can delete the tax group record and remove it from the system. If you click, a warning message will pop up on the screen to confirm the deletion.
Other Buttons: The explanations for other buttons will be similar to Adding a New Tax Group.

5. Deleting a Tax Group

Follow the steps mentioned below to delete the tax group: 
  1. Click on the "Remove" button highlighted in Figure 2.1 to delete the tax group. You can delete the Tax Rate record from its editing page as well. See Figure 4.1.
  2. In both cases, a warning pop-up will be asked to confirm the deletion. See Figure 5.1 below.

Figure 5.1

5.1 Deleting a Linked Tax Group

You cannot delete the tax group if the group has tax rates within it. If you try to delete it, you will see the notification message as shown in Figure 5.1.1.

To delete, remove all tax rates from the group and try again.

Figure 5.1.1

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