Product/General Settings

Product/General Settings

Product/General Settings Overview

"Product/General Settings" lets you configure all the product-level interaction, price changes, and tender information. This article focuses on explaining what individual settings in the module are configured for.

1. Reaching Product/General Settings

To reach "Product/General Settings," follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Maintenance
  4. Step 4: Choose Settings & Panels
  5. Step 5: Choose POS (Point of Sale Settings)
  6. Step 6: Choose Product/General Settings         
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 1.0

2. Understanding "Product/General Settings" Layout

Please see the image below labeled Figure 2.0 for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen.
                                                           Figure 2.0

2.1. Pricebook Notifications:

  1. Choose specific users to receive email notifications: Choose specific users to receive email notifications for the admin group. You can choose the email of the admins/admin group from the drop-down list of whom you wish to be notified for employee schedules, other general issues, etc.
  1. Add custom emails to receive pricebook notifications (1 per line): If the emails are not there in the drop-down list, then you can add the custom email address of the recipient to receive the notifications. Only one email is added to a line. 
  1. Sending Buydown Expiring Notifications: If this toggle is set to Yes, it will send the notifications to the assigned users before the input number of days (Send Buydown Notifications X days Before) field on the expiring buydown.

                                                                  Figure 2.1.0
  1. Sending Discount Expiring Notifications: If this toggle is set to Yes, it will send the notifications to the assigned users before the input number of days (Send Discount Notifications X days Before) field on the expiring discount.
  1. Sending Uplift Expiring Notifications: If this toggle is set to Yes, it will send the notifications to the assigned users before the input number of days (Send Uplift Notifications X days Before) field on expiring uplift.
  1. Sending Failed UPC Notifications: If this toggle is set to Yes, it will send the notifications to the assigned users before the input number of days (Send Uplift Notifications X days Before) field on the details of UPCs that could not be scanned by the POS devices at your store.

2.2 General Settings:

  1. Enforce Min Category Level: This setting is associated with a textbox field that allows you to enforce the number of categories to be added while creating an item.
  1. Default Discounts to Inherit Settings from Group: If this toggle is set to Yes, then the new discount will inherit the characteristics and settings from the group unless defined otherwise.
  1. Select tender for scanned store coupons: This setting allows you to set the tender ID for Scanned Store Coupons that have a barcode on them and are scanned. 

                             Figure 2.2.0
  1. UPC Creating Prefix: This field is for setting a prefix constant — the beginning number for Universal Product Code — while creating new UPCs.
  1. Disable Order Comment Requirement: If this is set to Yes, then it will disable the Order Comments field that describes the order in the "Purchase Orders" module.
  1. Select tender for scanned manufacturer coupons: This setting allows you to set the tender ID for the Scanned Manufacturer Coupons that have a barcode on them and are scanned via handheld at the POS during the transaction. See Figure 2.2.1.

                          Figure 2.2.1                        
  1. Automatically Send Message to Store On Price Changes: If this toggle is set to Yes, it will automatically send a message to the store in case any product goes through a price change. 
  1. Enable Average Cost: If this is set to Yes, then it will enable the Average Cost Field (based on Location) in the "Products" module. If this is set to No, then every item is going to be as per Last Cost (the last time an item was received from a vendor on an invoice, which is based on pricebook zone) per zone.  
Average cost is calculated as - Older Cost of the Item + New Cost of the item/2. 
  1. Average Cost is based on Location and Last Cost is based on pricebook zone. Since multiple stores can share a similar pricebook zone and have different average cost, the average cost is going to be unique for each location.

                                                                     Figure 2.2.2
  1. Select tender for open redeems (loyalty)This setting allows you to set the tender ID for Loyal-n-Save for those that have a barcode on them and are scanned via handheld at the POS during the transaction.

                             Figure 2.2.3
  1.  Enable Message Acknowledgement: If this toggle is enabled, it acts like a read receipt of the dashboard message. The assigned users will be notified whether the message has been acknowledged or not.
  1. Average Cost Duration: This field lets you choose the duration for the average cost, i.e., how far back you want to calculate the average cost of the items. Go to Beginning, 1 Month, 2 Months, or 3 Months. 

                                                        Figure 2.2.4
  1. Price Update Based on: This field lets you choose the price update criteria, e.g., based on Margin, Markup, or Both Margin & Markup.

                       Figure 2.2.5
  1. Auto Archive Expired Buydowns: Enable this setting when you want the system to auto-archive the inactive buydowns. It is done to keep the list of buydowns clean in situations wherein a store have hundreds of active buydowns running currently. 
  1. Adjustment No Average Cost: If this toggle is set to Yes, then whenever you apply the adjustment, it is going to use the Last Cost. If this option is set to No and Enable Average Cost is set to Yes, when an adjustment is applied, it will use that location's average cost.
  1. Auto Restart POS At: This field lets you choose the time from the drop down list at which you auto-restart the POS.

                          Figure 2.2.6
  1. Auto Archive Expired Discounts: Enable this setting when you want the system to auto-archive the inactive discounts. Doing so helps in keeping the list of discounts clean in situations wherein a store have hundreds of active discounts running currently. 
  1. Show Cycle Count Variance Daily Recon: This setting, when enabled, shows the variance of the cycle count (if any) during daily reconciliation.
  1. Modules Required to Have Notes on Changes: If this toggle is set to Yes, then the selected modules will have the Notes feature turned on, which will keep track of the changes made in any module with a description and timestamp and who added the change.
  1. Manufacturer Required: If this toggle is set to Yes, it is mandatory to enter the manufacturer while creating/adding a new product. If it is set to No, then it is not required.
  1. Notification on # Vendor Parts >1 on Parent Items: If this toggle is set to Yes, then it will notify the user that this parent item has more than 1 vendor parts (more than one vendor). It is useful while creating purchase orders to check for alternate vendors.
  1. Hide Signage Prices: If this flag is set to Yes, this will hide the Signage Prices feature from the "Products" Module. The feature highlighted in Figure 2.2.7 will not be displayed on the individual product. 

                                                             Figure 2.2.7
  1. Live Inventory - POS and ECommerce: If this toggle is set to Yes, the system will sync the inventory changes from Control Center to POS and E-commerce. If set to No, the changes in the control center will not sync with POS and E-Commerce.
  1. House Accounts - Enable Loyalty: Set this setting to Yes to sync the Loyalty settings for house accounts.
  1. Enable Warehouse Integration: If this toggle is set to Yes, it will allow the integration of the warehouse into the handheld system.
  1. Allow Tax Rate in 3 decimal: If this toggle is set to Yes, it will allow applying tax rate up to 3 decimal places.
  1. Hide Scan Data Options: If this flag is set to Yes, this will hide the Scan Data Options feature from Additional Product Information in the "Products" module. 

                                                                         Figure 2.2.8
  1. Hide Images & Description: If this flag is set to Yes, this will hide the Images & Description feature from the "Products" Module. The feature highlighted in Figure 2.2.9 will not be displayed on the individual product. 

                                                              Figure 2.2.9
  1. Enable Multi-Child Support: If this toggle is set to Yes, the system will allow you to create an item that has multiple child items. 
  1. Prompt for Notes on Item Changes: If this flag is set to Yes, then the system will prompt the user making any changes in the items/products to set a general description for the changes being made.
  1. Hide Expiration & Kitchen: If this flag is set to Yes, this will hide the Expiration & Kitchen feature from Additional Settings in the "Products" module. The feature highlighted in Figure 2.2.10 will not be displayed on Additional Information page on the individual product. 

                                                                     Figure 2.2.10
  1. Warehouse New Item Department: This setting lets you choose the department for new items that are added to the warehouse.
  1. Disable Pricebook Editing for Employee: Setting this toggle to Yes will not allow employees to edit/make any changes to the pricebook.
  1. Warehouse Vendor for New Items: This field lets you choose the vendor whenever a new item is added to the warehouse.
  1. Auto Expand UPC/Aliases: When this toggle is set to Yes, the system will expand the UPC/Aliases when its initials are entered.
  1. House Account Payment Department: This setting lets you add/choose a house account payment department from the drop-down list attached to the field.
  1. Enable E-commerce: Setting this toggle to Yes will enable the "E-Commerce" tab, which is provided in the product details page, making the product sellable online.
  1. Non Member Fee Department: This field lets you choose the department to handle fee for the customer who is not a member.
  1. Rollup Cost Changes: If this option is set to Yes, then it will automatically rollup the cost changes to the parent items, if the item has any parent.
  1. Rollup Price Changes: If this option is set to Yes, then it will automatically rollup the price changes to the parent items, if the item has any parent.

2.3. E-Commerce Settings:

  1. E-Commerce URL: The URL for the e-commerce website is inputted here.
  2. E-Commerce Client ID: This is an API credential used to fetch online orders on the POS.
  3. E-Commerce Client Secret: This is also an API credential to fetch online orders on the POS.

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