Commission Sales Report

Commission Sales Report

Commission Sales Report Overview

A sales commission/spiff is one of the compensations the employee receives along with their salary when they sell such products as per the criteria. As store owners/retailers, you can apply different types and levels of commissions to individual staff (employees/cashiers) in FTx Cloud POS. If the employees get commissions (incentives) for selling such products, they will put in more effort to sell them to customers.

FTx Cloud POS provides a detailed report on the commission amount configured in the system. The sales manager or store owner can track how much commission is disbursed to individual employees and at the store (location) level by generating the "Commission Sales Report."

In this technical document, you will see:
- How to check the commission sales report
- How to check the employee and/or location-specific commission

1. Reaching the "Commission Sales Report"

  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Reports
  4. Step 4: Choose Sales Reports
  5. Step 5: Choose Commission Sales
Figure 1.1 below will help you understand the navigation better.

Figure 1.1

When you click "Commission Sales," the "Commission Sales Report" screen will open with relevant filtering and sorting options, as Figure 1.2 shows.

Figure 1.2

The report data will be empty initially. You must choose a date range, select the appropriate filters, and click "Generate Report" to generate a report. 

2. Generating the "Commission Sales Report"

Please follow the steps below to generate the "Commission Sales Report" to meet your requirements:  
  1. Navigate to the Commission Sales Report screen.
  2. Select the commission(s) using the Filter By drop-down. Point 2.1 Filter By Commissions explains further details.
  3. Select the date range and click "Generate Report" to view the Commission Sales Report for the selected commission and date range.
    1. You can use the Report Type and Store and Location Groups filters to meet your requirements. You can use the multiple filters to be more specific about the report. Please refer to point 3. Report Filter Options to learn more about these filters.
    2. Click "Generate Report" whenever you change your selection in any field to view the updated report. 
  4. When you click the "Generate Report" button after selecting the commission and date range, the system will show the commission sales records, as Figure 2.1 shows. 

Figure 2.1
1: The system shows the report organized by location by default.
2: Report Fields:
  1. Commission Name: This column shows the commissions (campaigns) configured in the system. (POS >> Pricebook >> Commissions)
  2. Amount: This column shows the applicable commission amount when the employee sells the item at POS based on the commission rules.
  3. Start Date & End Date: Both columns show the commission campaign's starting and ending dates, respectively.
  4. Quantity Sold: This column shows the total quantity sold under the commissions.
  5. Commission: This column shows the total commission amount that is earned by the employees.

2.1. Filter By Commission 

Please follow the steps below to select the commission(s) to view the Commission Sales Report.
  1. Click the "Manage" button highlighted in Figure 2.1.1.

Figure 2.1.1
  1. The Manage Filters screen will appear, as Figure 2.1.2 shows. 

Figure 2.1.2
1: Search: Use this search box for a specific result.
2: Use this drop-down to view the commission based on three parameters: Active Only, Inactive Only, and All Records. 
3: Results: Here, you see the relevant list of data on the Manage Filter screen based on your selection for 1 and 2
4: Select the required departments by checking the appropriate checkboxes.
5: Click the green Arrow button to move the selected records to "Selected List."  
  1. The Manage Filters screen will look like the one in Figure 2.1.3.

Figure 2.1.3
1: Click the "Clear Selection" button to remove the whole selection. To remove any record from the list, click the Remove (x) icon. 
2: Click the "Apply" button to apply the selected commissions. The system will navigate you to the Commission Sales Report home screen. Click "Generate Report." The system will generate reports based on your selection. 
  1. The system will show the selected commissions, as highlighted in Figure 2.1.4.

Figure 2.1.4

3. Report Filter Options

FTx Cloud POS lets you view the Commission Sales Report records to your preferences using various filter options. You can configure the report with any single filter or combination of multiple filters. The filters are highlighted in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 
1: Report Type: This filter lets you view the report based on four parameters: Group By Location, Group By Location Group, Group By Employee, and Group By Location and Employee. Point 3.1 Report Type explains the further details. 
2: Date Range and Presets: This filter lets you select the time interval for the report. Point 3.2 Date Range Presets explains further details.  
3: Store and Location FilterThis filter lets you view the report for the selected stores (locations) or location groups.
 Point 3.3 Store and Location explains further details. 

3.1 Report Type

Use the Report Type filter to view the report based on four parameters: Group By Location, Group By Location Group, Group By Employee, and Group By Location and Employee. Click the Report Type drop-down, select the required parameter, and click "Generate Report." F

Figure 3.1.1

3.1.1. Group By Location

The Group By Location filter lets you view the report organized based on location. The system selects it by default.
  1. When you select the Group By Location filter and click "Generate Report," the system will show the report segregated by location, as shown in Figure 2.1. 

3.1.2. Group By Location Group 

The Group By Location filter lets you view the report organized based on location groups. Please follow the steps below to apply this filter:
  1. Select the Group By Location option in the Report Type drop-down. As Figure shows, the Include Location Group(s) drop-down menu will appear. Select the required location groups and click "Generate Report."

  1. The system will show the report segregated by location groups, as shown in Figure The Include Location Group(s) drop-down will show the selected location groups. 


3.1.3 Group By Employee

The Group By Employees filter lets you view reports organized based on employees. Please follow the steps below to apply this filter: 
  1. Select the Group By Employee option in the Report Type drop-down and click "Generate Report."
  2. The system will show the report segregated by employee names, as shown in Figure 


3.1.4 Group By Location and Employee

The Group By Location and Employees filter lets you view reports organized based on location-wise employees. Please follow the steps below to apply this filter:
  1. Select the Group By Location and Employee option in the Report Type drop-down and click "Generate Report." 
  2. The system will show the report segregated by location-wise employee names, as shown in Figure 


After generating the report, you can see how much commission the employees at the locations earned. You can also see the totals for the location sold quantity and commission amount.

3.2 Date Range & Presets

Date Range

Please follow the steps below to select the report's required date range and time interval:
  1. Click inside the Start Date field. The drop-down calendar will appear, as shown in Figure 3.2.1.
  2. Select the specific date and time. You can also manually enter the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  3. Click inside the End Date field and follow the same process. 
  4. After making the appropriate selections for other filters, click on "Generate Report."

Figure 3.2.1


Use the Presets drop-down to select the specific duration/interval, i.e., Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, etc., to generate the report as shown in Figure 3.2.2.
  1. Please click on the required time frame and then click "Generate Report.The system will generate and show the report based on your selection. 

Figure 3.2.2

3.3 Filter Stores & Location Groups

The Store and Location Group filter lets you view the report for selected stores (locations) and location groups.

Please follow the steps below to apply the Store & Location Group filter.
  1. Click the "No Filter Selected" button in the top right, highlighted in Figure 3.3.1.

Figure 3.3.1
  1. The Manage Filters screen will appear, as Figure 3.3.2 shows.

Figure 3.3.2
  1. 1: Manage Filters Drop-Down: The drop-down shows the list of saved custom filters if there are any. Select the required filter from the drop-down and click the "Apply" button to apply the filter. The Manage Filters button next to this drop-down helps you open the Manage Saved Filters screen. Point 3.3.1 Save and Manage Location Filters explains more details.
  2. 2: Parameter Tabs: You will see two tabs: Store and Location Group. Select the required tab, e.g., "Store," to create or apply a custom filter specific to the selected stores. 
  3. 3: Search: Use this Search box to search for a specific store. 
  4. 4: Pricebook Zone drop-down: Use this drop-down to view the results (stores or location groups) based on Pricebook Zone. 
  5. 5: Use this drop-down to view the locations based on four: Active Only, Active and Current Only, Inactive Only, and All Locations

  1. 6: Results: This section shows the list of selected parameters. For example, if you have selected the "Store" tab, it will show a list of stores.  
  2. 7: Selection Checkboxes: Select the required stores by ticking the checkbox. 
  3. 8: Arrow: Click the green Arrow button to move the selected stores to "Selected List."
  1. The Manage Filters screen will look like the one in Figure 3.3.3.

Figure 3.3.3
  1. 1: Click the "Clear Selection" button to remove the whole selection. To remove any record from the list, click the Remove (x) icon.
  2. 2: Click "Apply" to apply the selection. You can click the "Save Filters" button to save the custom filter for future use. Point 3.3.1 Save and Manage Location Filters explains the details.

3.3.1 Save and Manage Location Filters

You can also save the configured custom filters for future use.
  1. Click the "Save Filters" button shown in Figure 3.3.3.
  2. The Name screen will appear as shown in Figure Enter the name of the custom filter and click "OK.A success message will appear, and the custom filter will be saved. You can see this custom filter listed in the Manage Filters drop-down.


You can use the saved custom filter from the Manage Filters drop-down whenever needed and delete it when you no longer need it. Open the Manage Filters screen again and follow the steps shown in Figure according to your requirements.   

  1. 1: Saved Filter drop-down: All saved custom filters will appear in the Saved Filter drop-down. You can select the required custom filter and click "Apply" to apply the filter.
  2. 2: Manage Filters: Use the "Manage Filters" button to view and manage the saved filters. The "Manage Saved Filters" pop-up screen will appear when you click the "Manage Filters" button. 
  3. 3: Filter Name: The Filter Name list shows all saved custom filters. Click on a filter's name to select it.     
  4. 4: You can click "Select Filter" or "Delete."
  1. "Select Filter": Click on the filter's name, then click the "Select Filter" button to select any filter from the list.
  2. "Delete": Use the "Delete" button to remove the filter no longer required from the list. Click on the filter's name and then the "Delete" button. A warning message will appear. Click "OK."
  1. Similarly, you can filter the records by selecting the location group(s). When you set up the filters for locations (stores) and location groups, you can see the selected details by hovering the mouse cursor over the Filter button, as shown in Figure

5. Scheduling a Report

FTx Cloud POS supports report automation. You can configure a report and schedule it. The system will send the scheduled report to the indicated email IDs as per defined frequencies (Daily, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, etc.) 

Please refer to Scheduling a Report to learn how to schedule a report.

6. Printing/Exporting a Report 

You can print or export any report according to your requirements. When you use the Print function, the system creates and opens the report's PDF file in a new tab. You can download the soft copy or print the paper copy according to your requirements. 

Please refer to Printing a Report to learn how to print or export a report. 

7. Manage Favorite Reports 

FTx Cloud POS allows quick access to the reports you need to view frequently through "Favorite Reports." You can save a report as a favorite and manage all your favorite reports from any of the report screens using the "Manage Favorites" button. 

Please refer to Managing the Favorite Reports to learn how to manage or export a report. 

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