Current Drawer Levels Report

Current Drawer Levels Report

Current Drawer Levels Report Overview

The Current Drawer Levels Report data works in sync with the Smart Till feature, which helps in cash management by reducing cash losses and the cost of cash handling to improve in-store productivity. It tracks all cash movements without service interruptions and identifies and flags errors by shift, time, cashier, and transaction, reducing the time spent on managing cash and cash loss investigations.
The Current Drawer Levels Report displays every register set up with Smart Till and the current drawer levels, with the ability to filter by variances or location.

1. Reaching the Current Drawer Levels Report

To reach the "Current Drawer Levels Report," follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Reports
  4. Step 4: Choose Smart Till Reports
  5. Step 5: Choose Current Drawer Levels 
See Figure A. You will see many types of sales reports that will be useful to your retail business. By clicking the "Choose Report" drop-down selection, you will see the different types of Smart Till reports.

                                                                                Figure A

By clicking "Current Drawer Levels Report," you will be redirected to the "Current Drawer Levels Report" page with relevant filtering and sorting options.
                                                                              Figure B
You will see the "Report Data is Empty" message initially. You need to select the options from the filter items, variance filter, and group by location field data in the report.

2. Generating the Current Drawer Levels Report

When you navigate to the "Current Drawer Levels" page, you will see the options pre-selected by default. You can generate the Current Drawer Levels Report by clicking the "Generate Report" button.

                                                                           Figure C 
  1. Device Name: This column will display the name of the POS device on which the particular cashier is working for that location.
  2. Location: This column displays the name of the store location.
  3. Last Variance: The Last Variance is the difference between what was sold at the POS and what is actually there in the cash drawer. The variance is important to identify the losses at the store while reconciling.
  4. Register #: This column displays the register number that is used in the transaction by the cashier.
  5. Receipt #: The receipt numbers are generated for various transactions in the store, e.g., cash and carry transactions, return transactions, customer orders, quotations, and payments. 
  6. Cashier Name: The name of the cashier present at that register number during a particular shift on a particular date.
  7. Last Sale/RegZ Date: This column displays the last sale and the date when the cashier carried out his last transaction.
  8. Action: This field has a View Details button that will be redirected to the Figure D highlighted below.

                                           Figure D
Figure D displays the variance value and total sales value with currency denominations, e.g., dimes, pennies, nickels, fifties, and twenties, to track the exact discrepancy with the money.

3. Manage Filter

With this, the report will be displayed as per the filtered POS device name. 

                                                                                          Figure E

Choose the POS device name to display the filter-specific report.

                                                                                          Figure F

Here's the resultant report:

                                                                                        Figure G

4. Variance Filter:

This filter allows you to display the Current Drawer Levels Report in filter-specific form. There are four options highlighted in Figure H in which reports can be displayed.

                                                                                               Figure H
3.1. Variance Greater Than: If this option is selected, it will take a numerical value as input to display the filter-specific report, i.e., the resultant report will display the result with a variance value greater than the entered value. See Figure I for reference. Here, the entered value for variance is $5, thus the report will display the result for variance greater than $5.

                                                                                          Figure I

3.2. Variance Less Than: If this option is selected, it will take a numerical value as input to display the filter-specific report, i.e., the resultant report will display the result with a variance value lesser than the entered value. See Figure J for reference. Here, the entered value for variance is $5, thus the report will display the result for variance lesser than $5.

                                                                                     Figure J

3.3. Variance Equal To: If this option is selected, it will take a numerical value as input to display the filter-specific report, i.e., the resultant report will display the result with a variance value equal to the entered value. See Figure K for reference. Here, the entered value for variance is $5, thus the report will display the result for variance equal to $5.

                                                                                           Figure K

5. Group By:

This filter displays the report by grouping it by location or location groups.
                                                                                          Figure L

4.1. None: This option is selected by default and doesn't affect the general details of the report.
4.2. Location: If this option is selected, the report will be displayed grouped by selected location.
                                                                                         Figure M

4.3. Location Group: If this option is selected, the report will be displayed grouped by the selected location group.
                                                                                        Figure N

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