- Sales Day: This column shows the sales date.
- Gross Sales: This column shows the total sales for the day.
- Net Sales: This column shows the total sales value without tax amount calculation. [Net Sales = Gross Sales - Taxes]
- Manual Discount: This column shows the amount of the manual discount that the cashier entered manually during checkout.
- System Discount: This column shows the system discounts applied during the checkout.
- Adj Net Sales: This column shows the total of adjusted sales without the discounts and tax values. [Adj Net Sales = Gross Sales - Discount - Taxes]
- Taxes: This column shows the applicable tax amount on the items.
- Cash: This column shows the value paid in cash.
- Credit/Debit: This column shows the value paid through the credit/debit cards.
- Gift Cards: This column shows the gift card amount utilized during the payment.
- Store Coupons: This column shows the store coupon amount utilized during the payment.
- Manuf Coupons: This column shows how many manufacturer coupons were used during the payment.
- Payins: This column shows any payment made in the Payin mode.
- Expected Cash: This column shows the expected cash based on the selected Reconciliation Type.
- Actual Cash: This column shows the actual cash the system receives.
- Difference: This column shows the difference between expected cash and actual cash, if any.
- Is Audited: This column shows whether the transaction record is audited.
- Payouts: This column represents the amounts paid from the cash drawer for in-house activities, such as paying cleaners.
- Tender Amount: This column represents the payment modes utilized to complete the sales.
- Cost of Goods Sold: This column represents the cost of sold goods.
- Buydown: This column represents the total buydown amount that is applied to the items during sales.
- Gross Profit: This column represents the total margin of the sold quantity after calculating the Buydowns and Discounts. [$ Margin= Adj Net Sales - Cost of Goods Sold]
- Profit Margin: This represents the margin that gains or losses in percentage. % Margin will calculate the margin against the total retail in percentage. [% Mgn= ($ Margin*100) / Adj Retail]
1: Report Filters:
- Date Range and Presets: This filter lets you select the report's time interval. Point 3.1 Date Range Presets explains further details.
- Group By Location: This filter lets you view the records organized by Locations or Location Groups. Point 3.2 Group By Location explains the further details.
- Include in Sales Reporting: This filter lets you filter the report records based on three parameters: All departments are only included in sales reporting and not included in sales reporting. Point 3.3 Include In Sales Reporting explains the further details.
- Filter the Sales By: This filter lets you filter the report records based on three parameters: All Sales, E-Commerce Sales, and In Store Sales. Point 3.4 Filter the Sales By explains the further details.
- Reconciliation Type: This filter lets you filter the report records based on two parameters: Daily Reconciliation and Shift Reconciliation. Point 3.5 Reconciliation Type explains further details.
2: Store and Locations: This filter lets you view the report for the selected stores (locations) or location groups. Point 3.6 Filter Store and Location Groups explains further details.3: After Midnight Checkbox: Point 3.7 After Midnight explains the further details.
Figure 3.1.1
Figure 3.1.2
Figure 3.2.2
Figure 3.2.3
Figure 3.2.4
What is "Include In Sales Reporting?""Include in Sales Reporting" is a preference available at the department level and is managed by the Include In Sales Reporting drop-down.
- If you activate it, the system will include the department in sales reporting.
- If you deactivate it, the system will not include the department in sales reporting.
You can activate or deactivate this preference from the respective "Options" tab in "Departments." ("Departments" >> Add/edit a department>> the "Options" tab >> the Include In Sales Reporting drop-down). Please refer to "Departments" to learn more about this preference.
Figure 3.3.1
- Choose "Only Include in Sales Reporting" to display the daily sales records with the activated "Include in Sales Reporting" option at the department level.
- Choose "Not Include in Sales Reporting" to see the daily sales records where the "Include in Sales Reporting" option is deactivated at the department level.
Figure 3.4.1
- Select "E-Commerce Sales" to include only e-commerce sales data in the report.
- Select "In Store Sales" to include only in-store sales data in the report.
Figure 3.5.1
Figure 3.6.1
Figure 3.6.21: Manage Filters Drop-Down: The drop-down shows the list of saved custom filters, if there are any. Select the required filter from the drop-down and click the "Apply" button to apply it. The "Manage Filters" button next to this drop-down helps you open the Manage Saved Filters screen. Point 3.6.1 Save and Manage Location Filters explains more details.2: Parameter Tabs: You will see two tabs: Store and Location Group. Select the required tab, e.g., Store, to create or apply a custom filter specific to the selected stores.3: Use this Search box to search for a specific location.4: Use this drop-down to view the results (stores or location groups) based on Pricebook Zone.5: Use this drop-down to view the products based on four parameters: All Locations, Only Active, and Only Deleted.6: Results: This section shows the list of selected parameters. For example, if you have selected the Store tab, it will show a list of stores.7: Selection Checkboxes: You need to select the required stores by ticking the checkbox.8: Arrow: Click the green Arrow button to move the selected stores to the Selected List.
Figure 3.6.31: Click the "Clear Selection" button to remove the whole selection. To remove any record from the list, click the Remove (x) icon.2: Click "Apply" to apply the selection. You can click the "Save Filters" button to save the custom filter for future use. Point 3.6.1 Save and Manage Location Filters explains the details.
Figure Saved Filter Drop-Down: All saved custom filters will appear in the Saved Filter drop-down. You can select the required custom filter and click "Apply."2: Manage Filters: Use the "Manage Filters" button to view and manage the saved filters. The "Manage Saved Filters" pop-up screen will appear when you click the "Manage Filters" button.3: Filter Name: The Filter Name list shows all saved custom filters. Click on a filter's name to select it.4: You can click "Select Filter" or "Delete."
- "Select Filter": Click on the filter's name, then click the "Select Filter" button to select any filter from the list.
- "Delete": Use the "Delete" button to remove the filter no longer required from the list. Click on the filter's name and then the "Delete" button. A warning message will appear. Click "OK."
What is the "After Midnight" feature, and how is it useful?The "After Midnight" feature depends on the time chosen. Typically, a day runs from 00:00 to 23:59. However, you can select a different end time if you wish to analyze sales data over a different time frame. This selection will redefine the 24-hour period according to your chosen time, allowing you to view the daily sales data for that specific interval.
- The "After Midnight" feature, which allows for selecting a specific time, is useful for reviewing sales statistics to assess store performance at midnight. This enables the sales management team to devise strategies for midnight sales and evaluate their effectiveness using daily sales reports. As the long holidays draw near, the sales team often works at midnight to maximize sales, ensuring customers have what they need before the holiday period.
- The "After Midnight" feature, which allows for selecting a specific time, is useful for analyzing sales statistics to determine if the store was operational at midnight. This enables the sales management team to devise strategies for midnight sales and assess their viability based on daily sales reports. As the long holidays draw near, the team often keeps the store open past midnight to boost sales, ensuring that customers have access to necessary items during the festive season.
Figure 3.7.1