Department Sales Comparison Report

Department Sales Comparison Report

Department Sales Comparison Overview

Reports -> Sales Reports -> "Department Sales Comparison"

A sales data comparison report will help the retail business owner or sales manager check when the sales were at their peak or lowest between the specific date range and the time duration.

FTx Cloud POS provides the department's specific comparison sales report with custom filter options that will help the retail business to check the department's specific sales. As sales manager/super-admin users, you can compare the department sales data by selecting the specific date range or the time interval (Presets - This Week, Last Week, etc.).

In this technical document, you will see:
- How to check the department sales comparison by setting up the date range
- How to apply the customer filter options to filter the department sales report data
- Sorting and grouping options to get the sales comparison data in a specific manner

1. Reaching Department Sales Comparison

To reach the "Dept Sales Comparison" report, follow the below steps:
  1. Step-1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step-2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step-3: Choose Reports
  4. Step-4: Choose Sales Reports
  5. Step-5: Choose Choose "Department Sales Comparison"
                                                                                                                              Figure 1.1

By clicking the "Department Sales Comparison," you will be redirected to the "Department Sales Comparison" page with relevant filter and bifurcation options.

                                                                                                                              Figure 1.2
You will see the "Report Data is empty..." message initially. You need to set up the date ranges 1 and 2 and then click the "Generate Report" button to generate the sales comparison report.

2. Generate Department Sales Comparison Report

When you navigate to the Department Sales Report page, you will get the options pre-selected by default. You can compare the specific department sales between the specific dates. You can see the Range 1 Start and End and Range 2 Start and End fields to select the specific dates. 

                                                                                                             Figure 2.1

You need to select the dates for "Range 1" and "Range 2" to compare the department-wise sales. By clicking the edit box, you will get the tiny calendar to select the specific date range. You can also enter the date manually in mm/dd/yyyy format.

                                                                                                                  Figure 2.2
If you want the sales data in the report for a specific time duration (till morning/evening), you can select the particular time (hour and minutes) from the date selection.

Similarly, you can select the start date and end date for "Range 2." By clicking the edit box, you will get the tiny calendar to select the specific date range. You can also enter the date manually in mm/dd/yyyy format. If the time is also required for the sales comparison, select the particular time (hour and minutes) from the date selection.

                                                                                                    Figure 2.3

Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval than selecting the individual dates. You can select the "Presets" for Range 1 and Range 2.
i.e., To get the department sales comparison, you can select "This Week" for Range 1 Start and End and "Last Week" for Range 2 Start and End.

                                                                                                            Figure 2.4

After selecting Start and End dates for Range 1 and Range 2, generate the report to check and compare the sales data between the dates.

1. Start and End Dates for Range 1 and Range 2 are selected, respectively.
2. Based on the Date Range 1 and Date Range 2 selections, you can see the sales data for the specific date range in the different rows.

                                                                                                            Figure 2.5
Sales Comparison Data & Difference:
1. You will see the sales comparison data for the departments in tabular format based on the date range and default filter options:
Date Range: This column represents the selected "Date Range 1" and "Date Range 2" in two different rows, respectively, to compare the sales data for the departments.
Qty Sold: This column represents the quantity that is sold from the department within the specified date range.
Total Retail: This column represents the total retail amount for the sold quantity from the department.
Discounts: This column represents the discounts that are applied to items belonging to the department during the transaction.
Adj Retail: This column represents the adjusted retail value after deducting the discount value from the total retail. [Adj Retail= Total Retail - Discount]
Total Cost: This column represents the total applicable cost for the sold quantity for the department.
Buy-downs: This column represents the buydown amount applied to the items in the department.
Adj Cost: This column represents the adjusted cost after deducting the buy-down value from the total cost. [Adj Cost= Total Cost - Buydown]
$ Margin: This column represents the total margin of the sold qty after calculating the Buydowns and Discounts. [$ Margin= Adj Retail- Adj Cost]
% Margin: This represents the margin that gains or loses in percentage. % Margin will calculate the margin against the Total Retail in percentage. [% Mgn= ($ Margin*100) / Adj Retail]

2. Difference: This row will calculate the difference between Date Range 1 and Date Range 2 for the specific department to optimize the sales data between the selected date range.

Now, by scrolling down, you can see the "Report Grand Totals" to check the total sales data and the difference total of all the departments between the specific date range.

                                                                                                            Figure 2.6

3. Report Filter Options

Now, let's see how to set up the report filter options to generate and compare the department sales data with specific criteria.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.1

3.1 Custom Filters for Items

Let's see how to filter the sales data for the department to compare it in the report. You will see the "Filter Items" drop-down option, from which you can select the specific data to compare the department sales data.

You will find the two options from the "Filter Items" drop-down selection:
- Show All: It considers all the items to generate the report. The "Manage" button will be disabled for this option. By default, this option will be pre-selected.
- Custom Filter: To customize the data for the report, you need to select the "Custom Filter" option. Once you select it, the "Manage" button will be enabled to set up the filters.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.1.1
By clicking the "Manage" button, a "Manage Filters" window will pop up. You will see the following details:
1. You will see the different tabs to filter the data (items) for the dept sales report. You can choose the required data by navigating the tabs individually.
2. You can select the saved custom filter from the drop-down selection. The "Manage Filters" button will open the list of the saved custom filters.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.1.2
3. You can see the list of departments. You will find the checkbox along with all the department names. If there are plenty of records in the list, search the record by entering the text in the "Search" text box.
4. By ticking the checkbox and clicking "Move" (right side arrow) button, the selected department records will be moved under the "Selected List" section.

After selecting the records, you can manage the following options:

1. You will have one flag to decide whether you want to "Include" or "Exclude" the selected records when the report is generated.
- Include: If the flag is selected to "Include," the department sales report will be generated by applying the selected records.
- Exclude: If the flag is selected to "Exclude," the sales report will be generated but ignore the selected records. It will consider the selected records that need to be excluded, and the left-side records for reports will be considered.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.1.3
If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. You can remove any record from the list by clicking the "Remove" (x) icon.

Similarly, you can filter and set up the records for other tabs (parameters).

                                                                                                            Figure 3.1.4

You can generate the comparison report of the department sales by clicking the "Apply" button, or you can click the "Save Filters" button to save the custom filter for future use.

3.1.1 Save & Manage Custom Filter

You can also save the configured custom filters for future use. By clicking the "Save Filters" button, a pop-up will appear to allow you to enter the name of the custom filter.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.1.1-1

Enter the name of the custom filter and click the OK button to save it.

1. Saved FilterThe saved custom filters will appear in the drop-down selection. You can select the required custom filter from the list for the report.
2. Manage FiltersYou can check and manage the filters by clicking the "Manage Filters" button. By clicking on it, you will see the listing of the saved custom filters in a pop-up.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.1.1-2
- Select FIlter: Select any filter from the list to generate the desired report. Select the filter from the list, and then click on the "Select Filter" button.
- Delete: Delete any filter from the list that is no longer required. Select the filter and then click on the "Delete" button.

In this way, the "Custom Filter" options (tabs) help customize the records to get only the required data for the report.

By selecting/applying the custom filter, you can generate the department sales report with that filtered data.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.1.5
You can see the selected filtered data details under the "Selected Filters (All)" label.

3.2 Filter Locations & L. Groups

To check the dept sales comparison data for a specific location and/or location group only, you can set up the location filter option by clicking the button (No filter selected) on the top-right side.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.2.1
By clicking that button, a "Manage Filters" window will pop up from where you will see the following details:
1. You will see the two tabs: "Store" & "Location Group."
2. You can select the saved custom filter from the drop-down selection. The "Manage Filters" button will open the list of the saved custom filters.
3. You can see the list of stores (locations) along with the checkbox. If there are plenty of records in the list, search the record by entering the text in the "Search" text box.
4. By ticking the checkbox and clicking the "Move" (right side arrow) button, the selected store records will be moved under the "Selected List" section.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.2.2

You can see the selected store record in the "Selected List" section. It means that when you generate the report, you will get only the sales comparison data for the department that is in the "Selected List" section.
You can remove the selected record by clicking the "Remove" button (red-crossed icon). You can also remove all the selections from the list by clicking the "Clear Selection" button.

In a similar way, you can select the record(s) for another tab, "Location Group," to generate sales data by selecting the specific records.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.2.3
When the filter record is selected for the Store and/or Location Group, you can apply the report directly by clicking the "Apply" button, or you can save it for future use.

Save and Manage Location Filters:
By clicking the "Save Filters" button, a pop-up will appear to allow you to enter the name of the location filter.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.2.4

Enter the name of the custom filter and click the OK button to save it.

1. Saved FilterThe saved custom filters will appear in the drop-down selection. You can select the required custom filter from the drop-down list for the report.
2. Manage FiltersYou can check and manage the filters by clicking the "Manage Filters" button. By clicking on it, you will see the listing of the saved custom filters in a pop-up.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.2.5
- Select FIlter: Select any filter from the list to generate the desired report. Select the filter from the list, and then click on the "Select Filter" button.
- Delete: Delete any filter from the list that is no longer required. Select the filter and then click on the "Delete" button.

In this way, the "Location Filter" options (tabs) help customize the records to get only the location (store) specific data for the sales comparison report.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.2.6

3.3 Sort By

You can sort the sales comparison report for the dept as per department number (Dept #) or department name (Dept Name). The "Department #" (dept no.) will be pre-selected by default.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.3.1

If the "Department Name" is selected, the dept sales comparison data will be arranged in alphabetical order by the department's name.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.3.2

3.4 Group By Location

Let's see how to check the department sales comparison data by grouping it into locations or location groups.

You will see a "Group By Location" drop-down from which you can select either "Location" or "Location Group" for grouping the sales comparison report. By default, the None option will be pre-selected, which means the sales data will be displayed as shown in Figure 3.4.1.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.4.1

Location: If you select "Location," the dept sales comparison data will be displayed in the grouping of the locations (stores) individually.
Once the "Location" specific report is generated, you can check the total sales transactions for the departments separated as per the locations.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.4.2
By scrolling down to the end, you can see the "Report Grand Totals" of all the departments' comparison sales data.

Location Group: You can also check the sales comparison data in the report as per the location groups that are created in "Manage Location Groups" from POS -> Maintenance -> Locations. If you select the "Location Group," the sales comparison data will be grouped into the location group.
When you select the "Location Group," one more filter option will be enabled to select the specific location group(s). You can see the "Include Location Group(s)" drop-down option to check the sales data for the specific location group with grand totals.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.4.3

By clicking the drop-down, you can see all the locations groups will be pre-selected by default. You need to select/deselect the location group accordingly. After selecting the Location Group(s) and generating the report, you can see the department sales data grouped into each Location Group individually.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.4.4
You can see the "Report Grand Totals" for the sales comparison data at the end of the report.

Note"3.2 Locations & Location Groups" custom filter option sets up a specific record selection. The dept sales comparison data will be generated in the report as per the selected locations (stores) or location groups only. While the "3.4 Group By Location" will group the sales data based on Locations or Location Groups whatever you have selected.

3.5 Add to Sales

Let's check the dept sales comparison data based on the item sold from the department that is enabled with the "Add to Sales" option set to either "All Departments," "Added to Sales," or "Not Added to Sales." 
There's one setup (Add To Sales) at the department level. You can disable that setup if you don't want to include the items from that department in the sales reports.
You will see the three options from the "Add To Sales" drop-down: All Departments | Only Add to Sales | Not Added to Sales. You can see "All Departments" pre-selected by default.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.5.1
By clicking the "Only Add to Sales" option, you can see only the sales comparison data for the department in which the "Add To Sales" option is enabled.

By clicking the "Not Added to Sales" option, you can see only the sales comparison data for the department in which the "Add To Sales" option is disabled.

                                                                                                            Figure 3.5.2
You will see only the department(s) in the report whose "Add To Sales" flag is disabled at the department level. You can see the "Report Grand Totals" of the departments at the end of the report.

In this way, you can set up multiple custom filters and enable the bifurcation options [checkboxes] at the same time to compare the department sales in the report.
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