E-Journal Report

E-Journal Report

E-Journal Overview

E-journal/electronic journals are electronically-captured record of all transactions. E-journal reports allow you to quickly locate any transaction so that you can view the detailed information associated with a specific transaction.

The E-Journal report type will display the specific transactions depending in the selected date range and location. Different types of filters can be configured, and the system will display specific transaction records only according to the selected filter options. The E-Journal reports will be displayed and distributed in several fields with automatically calculated information.

Reaching the E-Journal Report

To reach the E-Journal report, follow the below steps:
  1. Step-1: Log in to Control Center
  2. Step-2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step-3: Choose Reports
  4. Step-4: Choose Sales Reports
  5. Step-5: Choose E-Journal

                                                                                            Figure A

You will see the "Report Data is Empty" message initially. You need to select the date range to check the summarized E-Journal data in the report. See Figure B.

                                                                                Figure B

1. Generating E-Journal Report

When you navigate to the E-Journal Report page, you will get the options pre-selected by default. You can generate the report in the select date range.

                                                                          Figure C
1. Report Labels:
1.1. Cashier Name: This implies the cashier who was present at the time of the transaction.
1.2. Register Number: It displays the register number that was involved in the transaction.
1.3. Receipt #: It displays the receipt number for the transaction.
1.4. Date/Time: The date and time of the transaction are displayed here. 
1.5. Store: This mentions the location where the store is located.
1.6. Type: It explains the type of sale, whether clear, suspended/cancel.
1.7. Customer: This mentions the name of the customer for whom the transaction was carried out.
1.8. DOB: This field gives the date of birth of the customer that is entered at the POS to validate the age if needed.
1.9. Age: This field comes in use in case the customer is buying age restricted products like alcohol or cigarettes that requires age validation.
2. Further Details
2.1. UPC: This displays the unique product code for the code.
2.2. Name of the Product: This displays the product name.
2.3. Qty: This field represents the purchased product quantities.
2.4. Price: This field gives the total price of the number of products bought.
2.5. Buydown: This field gives the buydown details, if applicable. 
2.6. Discount: If any discount is applied during the transaction, this field displays the details about it.
2.7. Other Taxes: If any taxes are applied, this column will give the details about them.
2.8. Total: The total price of the items bought will be displayed here.
2.8.1. Sub Total: This is the sub total for all the items bought in that transaction.
2.8.2. After Discounts: This is the total amount for the transaction after applying the discount (if applicable).
2.8.3. Delivery Charge: This is the charge/fee charged in case physical delivery is attempted to the customer for his buy. It generally happens for online delivery.
2.8.4. Credit Card Fee: If the payment or a part of the payment is done via credit card, it will be displayed here.
2.8.5. Tax: This label displays the tax amount (if tax is applied on any of the items). In case the items in the transaction are non-taxable, the report will display the tax label as "Exempted."

Figure C1
2.8.6. Total: This is the total amount that customer paid in the end.
2.8.7. Change: This is the amount returned back to the customer where he paid more for the items bought than it costed.
3. Option Buttons:
3.1 Print as Receipt: This option button will print the receipt for that transaction. See Figure C1.

                                  Figure C2

3.2. Print as PDF: This option displays the associated transaction as a PDF.

                                             Figure C3                        
3.3. Print as Customer Receipt: This option will download and display the customer's side receipt for that transaction,

                           Figure C4

3.4. Show Variance: This feature is used to display the variance in transaction if occurred during the selected time period and location.

                                                         Figure C5

3.5. Preview Scan Data: Three type of scan data report is available, as per your account configuration, select the scan data report type, and the system will display the preview for that.

                                 Figure C6
For RJ Reynolds Retail Scan Data, the resultant report will be displayed as highlighted in Figure C6.1.
                                                                         Figure C6.1
Scroll the bar as highlighted in Figure C6.1 to view more details.
1. Filter By Cashier
  1. Show All: This option displays the different transactions for all the store locations.
  2. Filter by Cashier: This button lets you apply some filters and generate filter-specific reports by cashier.
By clicking the "Manage" button, a "Manage Filters" window will pop up. You will see the following details as highlighted in Figure D.

1.1 Manage Filter:

                                                                       Figure D
  1. Select the list of cashiers from the list and move ahead with the selection.

2. Filter by Customer

  1. Show All: This option displays the different transactions for all the store locations.
  2. Filter by Customer: This button lets you apply some filters and generate filter-specific reports by customers.

                                                                             Figure E

3. Filter the Reports By:

This options let you filter the report as per the sorting options as highlighted in the Figure F.

                                                                                             Figure F

3.1. Filter By Date Range: 

This option filters all the E-Journals based on the selected Date Range. See Figure G.

                                                                                      Figure G

3.2. Filter By Register Z: 

This option filters all the E-Journals based on the Register number and Register Z number. See Figure H.

                                                                                          Figure H

3.3. Filter By Receipt Range:

This filter option filter the report with different labels e.g., receipt rangestarting receipt numberending receipt number, and register number.  
See Figure I.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Figure I

3.4 Filter by Sale Amount

This filter displays the E-Journal as per the sales amount that is entered in the related amount field.
See Figure J.                                                                                                         Figure J                                                                

3.5  Filter by Check Number

This filter will display the report by check number coming from the customer's side at the POS. See Figure K

                                                                                     Figure K                                                            

3.6 Filter by Last Four Numbers of CC:

This filter will display the data in the report as per the last four digits of the entered credit card. See Figure L.        

  Figure L

4. Filter by Sales Transaction

This filter will display the data in the report as per the sales/non-sales transaction i.e., sales transactions (cash, cancelled, suspended, coupon, credit card, etc.) that contributed to sales and non-sales transactions that didn't contribute to sales (pay-in, pay-out, safe drop, start till. etc.) in the selected date range and for selected store(s).


                                                                         Figure M

4.1. Filter by Transactions

This filter type lets you filter the transactions that have converted to the sales.

                                                                                         Figure N

4.2 Filter By Non-Transaction

This part displays the non-sales transaction that didn't generated sales.

                                                                             Figure M

5. Filter the Sales By:

This filter will display the sales records as per the selected sales type as highlighted in Figure O.
                                                                            Figure N

5.1. All Sales

This filter will display both the sales types transaction, non-transaction in the report for the selected date range and in the selected store location(s).

                                                                        Figure O

6. Filter the Sales By:

This filter type is segregates the sales report to display in-store sales, ecommerce sales, and the combination of both in-store and ecommerce in the selected date range and for selected store(s).

                                                                             Figure P

6.1. E-commerce Sales

 This filter type displays online sales details generated by the e-commerce platform in the E-Journal report.

                                                                         Figure Q

6.2. In-Store Sales: 

This filter type displays offline sales details generated at the selected store location in the selected date range.

                                                                          Figure R

6.3. All Sales: 

This filter will display both the e-commerce, in-store in one E-journal report. 

7. Store

This part is for selecting the store location from the associated drop-down list to display the store-specific sales data in the report.

                                                          Figure S

8. Register #                             

This option lets you choose the register number from the associated drop-down list in order to generate the register-specific sales report in the selected date range and at the selected store.
                                                                     Figure T

7. Date Range:

You can filter your sales data in the report by selecting the date range as well as specific times.
By clicking the edit box, you will be taken to a tiny calendar where you can select a specific date range. You can also enter the date manually in mm/dd/yyyy format.
See Figure U1, Figure U2. and Figure U3.

3.1 Start Date: Select the starting date of the date range from the Start Date drop-down calender as highlighted in the image below.                                                                                           Figure U1

3.2 End Date: Select the ending date of the date range from the Start Date drop-down calender as highlighted in Figure U2.  
                                                                                        Figure U2

3.3 Presets: The Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the report with that.
                                                                                   Figure U3

4. Checkbox Filters

This feature lets you filter the report as per below-mentioned filters, highlighted in the Figure V below

                                                                       Figure V1
  1. Sort by Register: With this filter, the report will be displayed in terms of ascending register#.

                                                                  Figure V2
  1. Show Signatures: If checked, this filter will display the records of the sale transactions that used credit cards and captured the signature digitally during the transaction.

                                                                             Figure V3
  1. Only Suspended Sales: This checkbox, if checked, will display the suspended sales that were either cleared or cancelled later.

                                                                        Figure V3
  1. Only Cancelled Sales: This checkbox if checked will display all the canceled sales at the POS.                
                                                                             Figure V4
  1. Order by Most Recent: This filter will display the sale transactions that happened very recently.

                                                                         Figure V5

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