Gift Card Sales Report
The "Gift Card Sales Report" will show every sale of gift cards that has taken place. Different filters can be applied to display filter-specific reports, such as Balance Filters, Filter by Customer, etc.
This gift card can later be used by the recipient as a form of payment to make purchases at the accepted store locations.
In this article, you will learn all about managing gift card sales from Control Center.
1. Reaching the "Gift Card Sales Report"
To reach the "Gift Card Sales Report," follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Log into Control Center
- Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
- Step 3: Choose Reports
- Step 4: Choose Sales Reports
- Step 5: Choose Gift Card Sales Report
2. Understanding the "Gift Card Sales Report"
See Figure 2.1. You will see many types of sales reports that will be useful to your retail business.
Figure 1.1
By clicking the Choose Report drop-down selection, you will see the different types of sales reports.
You will see the "Report Data is Empty" message initially. You need to select the date range to check the summarized sales history data in the report.
Figure 1.2
3. Generating the "Gift Card Sales Report"
When you navigate to the page, you will see the options pre-selected by default. You can generate the "Gift Card Sales Report" for the selected date range.

For this, you do not need to enter a gift card number.
3.1. Report Types:
Summary Report:
Choosing this option will display the report in summary form, i.e., with fewer details. See Figure 3.1.0. The fields that are displayed in the summary report are: store name and store number; the number of units sold; the total sale amount; and the top-selling employees.

Figure 3.1.0
- Store Number: This column displays the store number that is assigned to its store location.
- Store Name: This column displays the location name of the physical store.
- # of Sales: This column showcases the number of sales for the gift card number with the associated gift card.
- Total Sales Amount: This column displays the total number of sales in which the selected gift card has been involved.
- Top Selling Employee: This column displays the name of the employee who sold the highest number of gift cards at a particular store location.
Details Report:
Choosing this option will display the report in a detailed form. It shows all the gift card sales in detail that happened in the selected date range.
Figure 3.1.1
- Store Number: This column displays the store number.
- Store Name: This column displays the store name of the physical store.
- Register #: This column displays the register number that is used for gift card sales.
- Receipt Number: This column displays the receipt number that is associated with this gift card transaction.
- Gift Card #: The column describes the unique gift card number that identifies the issued gift card.
- Amount: This column displays the amount with which the gift card is loaded.
- Customer: This column displays the name of the customer who was sold the associated loaded gift card.
3.2. Gift Card #:
The gift card number is a unique number that identifies the gift card that was issued.
Figure 3.2.0
3.3. Balance Filters:
The Balance Filter type works in sync with Filter By Customer and will display the gift card report with respect to the selected customer.
Figure 3.3.0
- All Gift Cards: Choosing this option will display the report for all the gift cards for the selected customer(s) in the Filter By Customers field.
- Gift Card with 0 Balance: Choosing this option will display the report for the gift cards with 0 balance issued for the selected customer(s) in the Filter By Customers field.
- Gift Card with Any Balance: Choosing this option will display the report for the gift cards with any balance amount issued for the selected customer(s) in the Filter By Customers field.
- Gift Card with Greater than X (Entered Amount): Choosing this option will display the report for the gift cards with an amount value greater than the entered amount. See Figure 3.3.1.
3.4. Filter By Customers:
This filter option will filter the report by customer. Select the customer's name from the list, and the report will be displayed only with the customer's name. The filter-specific result is displayed in Figure 3.4.0 below.
Figure 3.4.0
- Show All: This is the default setting. It will report on all gift cards.
- Filter by Customer Filter (Manage): If you would like to look at a specific customer or group of customers, select the "Customer Filter" option. Once you select it, the "Manage" button will be enabled to set up the filters.
Figure 3.4.1
You will be able to select a gift card or multiple gift cards from here to be brought up in the report.
Figure 3.4.2
By clicking the "Manage" button, a Manage Filters window will pop up. You will see the following details: (See Figure 3.4.2.)
- You will see different customer names to select the items for the Gift Card Sales Report.
- Click the checkbox next to whichever customer(s) you wish to see on the report to move them to the Selected List area on the right side.
- Once you select the records from the list, click on the green right-sided arrow (Move/Next button) to move the records to the Selected List area.
- By clicking the Move button, the selected records will be moved to the Selected List. So, the Gift Card Sales Report will be generated with the selected records only.
- Selected List: You will have one flag to decide whether you want to "include" or "exclude" the selected records when Figure 3.4.2 is generated.
- Include: If the flag is selected as "Include," it means the "Gift Card Sales Report" will be generated by applying the selected records. See Figure 3.4.2 above.
- Exclude: If the flag is selected to "Exclude," it means the "Gift Card Sales Report" will be generated without including the selected records. See Figure 3.4.2 above.
3.5. Date Range & Presets
- Date Range: To select the date range, input the Start Date and End Date with the associated drop-down calendars.
- Presets: The Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the report with that.
- This filter is used to fetch the report for the selected date range or time period. See Figure 3.5.0.

Figure 3.5.0
3.6 Checkbox Filter
- Group By Location: This filter groups the report location-wise.
Figure 3.6.0
4. Scheduling a Report
FTx Cloud POS supports report automation. You can configure a report and schedule it. The system will send the scheduled report to the indicated email IDs at the defined frequencies (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.).
5. Printing/Exporting a Report
You can print or export any report according to your requirements. When you use the Print function, the system creates and opens the report's PDF file in a new tab. You can download the soft copy or print the paper copy according to your requirements.
6. Manage Favorites
FTx Cloud POS allows quick access to the reports you need to view frequently through Favorite Reports. You can save a report as a favorite and manage all your favorite reports from any of the report screens using the "Manage Favorites" button.