Hourly Sales Report

Hourly Sales Report

Hourly Sales Report Overview

This report type will display the sum total of sales data for each working hour. The system will calculate the sales data for each working hour of all the days that fall within a specifically selected date range. It actually helps in identifying the specific working hours of a particular store when the sales are the highest or the lowest. 

An Example: Let’s assume that you entered a date range of 10 days and that the working hours of the store are from 8 AM to 7 PM. So, the system will calculate the total sales of “10 days at 8 AM, 10 days at 9 AM, 10 days at 11 AM, and so on until 7 PM." 

Reaching the Hourly Sales Report Module 

To reach the Hourly Sales Report module:     
  1. Log into Control Center
  2. Choose Point of Sale
  3. Choose Reports
  4. Choose Sales Reports
  5. Choose  Hourly Sales

Understanding the Hourly Sales Report Layout 

Please see the image below labeled Figure A for a description of the buttons and fields that appear on the screen. 

                                                                                 Figure A

1. Report Type:

This field offers you two options that will display the hourly report in two ways, i.e., hourly report and summary report.

               Figure B      

This report type will generate a detailed report of the sales data for each working hour.
  1. Click on "Generate Report" to get the desired resultant report as highlighted in Figure B.

                                                                                          Figure B

1.2: Summary Report: This report type will generate a summarized version of the sales data report for each working hour.

                                                                          Figure C 

Report Description (Figure B Hourly Sales):
  1. Hour of Day: This shows the time stamp of the day when the item/product was sold.
  2. Net Sales: This gives the details of the net sales that were procured up until that time stamp.
  3. Sales: This provides details about the number of sale transactions until that time of the day.
  4. Total Qty: This shows the number of items that are sold till that time of the day.
  5. Discounts: This displays the details of the discount if any applied.
  6. Total Cost: It displays the total cost of the items as they originally cost, without the discount deduction.
  7. Buydowns: This is the reduction of an item’s retail price derived from a reduction of the item’s cost from the supplier.
  8. Adj Cost: This represents the adjusted cost against the "Total Cost" of the sold item. i.e., Adj Cost= Total Cost - (deducted) Buydown (if any applied).
  9. $ Margin: This dollar margin is derived by Net Sales- Adj Cost- Discount.
  10. % Margin: Margin % is calculated as- $Margin x100/Net Sales- Discount. For example, See Figure B>> first entry-According to the formula- $1.07x100/$38.50-$1.18 =2.87.
  11. % of Total: This "% of Total" is calculated by-- Net Sale/Total Net Sales x100See Figure B$38.50/$749.76 x100=5.13%.

2. Filter Items: 

This filter offers you the liberty to choose the department or category to get reports displayed separately.

Show All: This option will show the hourly report generated to give the sales statistics for all departments. See (Figure B).
Custom: This button will give a customized sales report for a selected category, department, manufacturer, or tag.         

                                                                              Figure D

1. Tabs: Department/Category/Manufacturer/Tag: You can filter items by selecting any one option from the tabs.
2. Move Ahead with Selection: Click on this button to proceed with the selection.
3. Include/Exclude Toggle: If toggled ON, it will exclude the selected list of items on the right side, and if toggled OFF it will include the selected items list.
4. Clear Selection: When clicked, this button will clear all the selections that you just made.
5. Single Deletion: This button will delete the selected items.
6. Different Options: You get three options: close, save, or apply the changes made in the dialog box.
6.1: Save Filter: When clicked, this will save all your changes under a name (as highlighted in Figure C) made in the dialog box.

                                         Figure E
6.2: Apply: This button will apply the changes to the Hourly Sales form.
6.3: Close: This button will close the form and cancel all the changes. 

With Custom Filter, you can get a bifurcated hourly report according to the selected tab, i.e., category, department, manufacturer, or tag. For example: see Figure D above. If you select certain departments and toggle on the Include option, then it displays the report as highlighted in Figure B above. 

3. Selecting the Time Period for the Sales Report         

                                                                                        Figure F

3.1: Start Date: This field requires the selection of the start date of the time period from the drop-down calendar for which you wish to see the Hourly Sales report.
3.2: End Date: This field requires the end date of the time period from the drop-down calendar for the Hourly Sales Report.

4: Group By Location: 

This option will group the sales report in three different ways, as explained below:

                Figure G

None: This option will fetch the total sales data for all the locations. Click on "Generate Report" to get the desired resultant report. The result will be displayed as highlighted in Figure G below.

                                                                                 Figure G

Location: This option will fetch and combine the sales data in a report on an hourly basis as per the selected store location. See Figure H.

                                                                           Figure I

Location Group: This option will group the sales data in a report on an hourly basis according to the predefined location groups. 

                                                                                 Figure H

5. Checkbox Filters

  1. Only Add-to-Sales Department: This option filters all departments and displays those that have been added to sales in the report.
                                                                     Figure I

  1. Group by Register: This option filter will display the sales of the transaction of the specific register at a particular point in time.
                                                                            Figure J
  1. Group by Day: The option filters all the report as per selected hour of the day and displays results  

                                                                        Figure K

7. Store Selection: This option lets you pick the store location from the list of locations.

                                                                                     Figure L

1. Tabs: Store/Location Group: You can filter location either by selecting a single location or a group of locations from the tabs of option 1 of Figure L.
2. Move Ahead with Selection: Click this button to proceed with the selection. 
3. Clear Selection: When clicked, this button will clear all the selections that you just made.
4. Single Deletion: This button will delete the selected location or group.
5. Different Options: You get three options to close, save, or apply the changes made in the dialog box.
5.1: Save Filter: When clicked, this will save all your changes under a name (as highlighted in Figure M) made in the dialog box.

                                   Figure M
5.2: Apply: This button will apply the changes to the Hourly Sales form.
5.3: Close: This button will close the form and cancel all the changes. 
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