Figure 4.2.3
You can check the item sales data in the report at the category level. You need to select the level from the "Category Depth" drop-down selection.
4.2.4 Group By Manufacturer
If you select "Group By Manufacturer," you will see the manufacturer-specific item sales data in the report.
Figure 4.2.4
Note: If the manufacturer is not assigned to the products, the sales data of those products will be displayed under the "Not Available" group.
4.2.5 Group By Details
If you select "Group By Details," you will get the additional two columns in the reports that show the sales transaction details of items. The "Location" column shows the store location name, and the "Timestamp" column shows the date & time when the sales transaction occurred.
Figure 4.2.5
4.3 Date Range
You can filter your sales data in the report between the dates and select a specific time.
By clicking the edit box, you will get a tiny calendar to select the specific date range. You can also manually enter the date as per mm/dd/yyyy format.
Figure 4.3.1
If you want to generate a report with a specific time duration (till morning/evening), you can select the particular time (hour and minutes) from the date selection.
Figure 4.3.2
Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the item sales data with that.
Figure 4.3.3
4.4 Group By Location
Let's see how to check the item sales data by grouping it into location or location groups.
You will see a "Group By Location" drop-down from where you can select either "Location" or "Location Group" to group the sales report. By default, None will be pre-selected, which means the sales data will be displayed as it as shown in Figure 3.4.1.
Figure 4.4.1
Location: If you select "Location," the item sales data will be displayed in the grouping of the locations (stores) individually.
Once the "Location" specific report is generated, you can check the total sales transactions for the items separated as per the locations.
Location Group: You can also check the sales data in the report as per the location groups that are created in "Manage Location Groups" at Locations.
If you select "Location Group," the item sales data will be displayed in the location group. When you select "Location Group," one more filter option will be enabled to select the specific location group(s) to check the sales data in the report.
Figure 4.4.2
After selecting the Location Group(s) and generating the report, you can see the department sales data grouping into Location Groups individually as well as combined with the selected groups.
4.5 Filter Locations & L. Groups
To check the item sales data for a specific location and/or location group only, you can set up the location filter option by clicking the button (No filter selected) on the top-right side.
Figure 4.5.1
By clicking that button (of filter location), a "Manage Filters" window will pop up. You will see the following details (See Figure 4.5.2 below):
- You will see the two tabs: "Store" and "Location Group"
- You can select the saved custom filter from the drop-down selection. The "Manage Filters" button will open the list of the saved custom filters.
- You can see the list of stores (locations) along with the checkbox.
Figure 4.5.2
If there is a long list of stores, you can easily search by entering the name in the "Search" text box.
You need to select the specific stores by ticking the checkbox. Once you select the stores from the list, click on the green right-sided arrow ("Move" button) to move the store records to the "Selected List" area.
See Figure 4.5.3.
Figure 4.5.3
By clicking the "Move" button, the selected stores will be moved to the "Selected List," which means the Item Sales Report will consider the item sales data of the selected stores.
You can remove any store from the list by clicking the "Remove" (x) icon. If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button. See Figure 4.5.4 below.
Figure 4.5.4
Once the specific records are selected from the filter options (tabs), you can generate the Item Sales Report by clicking the "Apply" button and then the "Generate Report" button from the main page.
Similarly, you can select the required location group(s) by navigating to the "Location Group" tab.
Figure 4.5.5
You need to select the location group(s) from the list (left side) and move to the Selected List (right side). You can directly generate the report by clicking the "Apply" button, or you can save it as a filter record for future use by clicking the "Save Filters" button.
When you click the "Save Filters" button, a pop-up will appear asking you to enter the name of the location filter. (See Figure 4.5.6 below.)
Figure 4.5.6
Enter the name of the custom filter for location and click the "OK" button to save it.
Saved Filter:
The saved custom filters will appear in the drop-down selection. You can select the required custom filter from the list to generate the sales report.
Figure 4.5.7
Manage Filters:
You can check and manage the filters by clicking the "Manage Filters" button. By clicking on it, you will see a listing of the saved custom filters in a pop-up.

Figure 4.5.8
Select Filter: Select any filter from the list to generate the desired Item Sales Report. You must select the filter from the list and click on the "Select Filter" button.
Delete: You can delete any filter from the list that is no longer required. Select the filter and then click on the "Delete" button.
When you set up the filters for locations (stores) and location groups, you can see the information about selected details by hovering the mouse cursor over the "Filter" button.
Figure 4.5.9
In this way, you can check the items' sales data in the report by selecting a specific location (store)/location group.
Note: "4.4 Group By Location" will group the sales data based on Locations or Location Groups, whatever you have selected. While the "4.5 Locations & Location Groups" custom filter option sets up a specific item records selection. The sales data will be generated in the report as per the selected locations (stores) or location groups only.
4.6 Discounted Filter
Now, let's filter the applied discount to the items in the sales report.
You can check the Item Sales Report by filtering the applied discount percentage on the sold items. By clicking the "Discounted Filter" drop-down selection, you will see the "None" and "Percentage" options.
Figure 4.6.1
By default, the "None" option will be pre-selected. To filter the records as per the applied discount percentage, select the "Percentage" option. When you select the Percentage option, you will see the Condition and Percentage value options to filter the sales reports.
Figure 4.6.2
You will see three different conditions to filter the discounted data in the sales report and need to insert the specific percentage value.
> "percentage value": You will see the discounted data in the sales report that is greater than the inserted percentage value.
= "percentage value": You will see the discounted data in the sales report that equals the inserted percentage value.
< "percentage value": You will see the discounted data in the sales report that is less than the inserted percentage value.
As per Figure 4.6.3, the condition is set up: > 10% (greater than 10%). So, the sales data will appear when the discount value is greater than 10% in the sales transaction.
Figure 4.6.3
4.7 Margin Type
When the items are sold with a low margin, it means a lower retail price than the cost, and the margin could be reflected as negative. You can check the positive or negative margin sales report using the Margin Type filter option.
Figure 4.7.1
Positive Margin
If you want to check the sold items only with the positive margin, select the "Positive Margin" option from the drop-down selection and then click the "Generate Report" button.
Figure 4.7.2
You will see the "$ Margin" and "% Mgn" with positive values only.
Negative Margin
If you want to check the sold items only with the negative margin, select the "Negative Margin" option and then click the "Generate Report" button.
Figure 4.7.3
You will see the "$ Margin" and "% Mgn" with negative values only.
4.8 Add to Sales
You can decide whether the items should be added to sales or not at the department level. You will find one flag (set up) named "Add To Sales" under the Options tab of any department details page.
So, the Add to Sales filter in the report will help you see the items whether "Added to Sales" or "Not Added" to sales records in Item Sales Reports.
Figure 4.8.1
By default, the "All Departments" filter will be pre-selected but you can change it as per need.
Only Add to Sales
If you want to check the items that departments are selected to "Add To Sales," you need to select the "Only Add to Sales" option from the drop-down selection. After selecting it, click the "Generate Report" button.
Figure 4.8.2
You will see only those items from the departments in the report whose "Add To Sales" flag is enabled at the department level.
Not Added to Sales
If you want to check the items that departments are disabled in the "Add To Sales," you need to select "Not Added to Sales" from the drop-down selection. After selecting it, click the "Generate Report" button.
Figure 4.8.3
You will see only those items from the departments in the report whose "Add To Sales" flag is disabled at the department level.
5. Bifurcate Options for Report (Enabling Checkboxes)
You can check other different statics for the Item Sales Report by enabling the bifurcate options that are provided with the checkbox.
Figure 5
By enabling the checkboxes, you can bifurcate the report data accordingly. You can tick multiple checkboxes to check the Item Sales Report with multiple parameters (bifurcations).
5.1 Show Vendor Part #