Manufacturer Sales Report

Manufacturer Sales Report

Manufacturer Sales Details Report Overview

The Manufacturer Sales Details Report will display manufacturer-wise sales data for a specifically entered date range. In order to see the sales data for a specific manufacturer, you need to configure the filters accordingly. 

Multiple different types of filters can also be configured, depending on your requirements. The system will display the records of manufacturer-wise sales data, only according to the selected filter options. The system will display several fields with detailed and automatically calculated information for each selected manufacturer. 

Reaching the Manufacturer Sales Details Report 

To reach the Manufacturer Sales Details Report, follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Reports
  4. Step 4: Choose Sales Reports
  5. Step 5: Choose Manufacturer Sales 
See Figure A. You will see many types of sales reports that will be useful to your retail business. By clicking the "Choose Report" drop-down selection, you will see the different types of sales reports.

                                                                                           Figure A
You will see the "Report Data is Empty" message initially. You need to select the date range to check the summarized sales data in the report.

                                                                                        Figure B

1. Generating the Manufacturer Sales Details Report

When you navigate to the page, you will see the options pre-selected by default. You can generate the item returns report for the selected date range. See Figure C.

                                                                                                  Figure C
  1. Receipt #: This column displays the receipt number, which is the verification code generated by the EDI system to acknowledge the received communication of return information or extension request.
  2. Store #: This column displays the store number of the physical store location.
  3. Register#: This column displays the register number that was involved in the manufacturer sales.
  4. Date/Time: This column gives the time of manufacturing sales.
  5. Item Name: This column name describes the item name that is sold in the manufacturer's sale.
  6. UPC: It displays the UPC of the item mentioned in the adjacent field.
  7. Price Each: This column displays the price of each item sold in the manufacturer's sale.
  8. Qty Sold: It displays the quantity sold of the mentioned items.

2. Date Range & Presets

You can filter your Manufacturer Sales Details Report by selecting a date in the Date field.

2.1 Start Date: This field lets you choose the start date of the date range.

                                                                                            Figure D 

2.2. End Date: This field lets you choose the end date of the date range.

                                                                                    Figure E

2.3. Presets: The Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the report with that.
                                                                                               Figure F

See Figure G below. There are three categorical filters that would display the manufacturer's sale report differently.  

                                                                                        Figure G
  1. All Departments:
The department is to classify the products into specific tax groups, age restrictions, and other such options.
If the "All Departments" option is chosen from the drop-down option, the report will display the product from all the departments, irrespective of the "Add to Sales" flag in the "Departments" of the "Products" module.

                                                                                            Figure H

                                                                                     Figure I
  1. Only Add To Sales: 
As highlighted in Figure I, if the "Add to Sales" flag is turned ON while assigning a department to a product, the report will display only those items for which the "added to the sales" flag is on.

                                                                                       Figure J
  1. Not Added to Sales: 
As highlighted in Figure K, if the "Add to Sales" flag is turned OFF while assigning a department to a product, the report will display only those items for which the "added to the sales" flag is off.

                                                                                          Figure K

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