Media Detail Sales Report

Media Detail Sales Report

Media Detail Sales Report Overview

The "Media Detail Sales Report" will display tender-based sales data for a specifically entered date range and for each store location. This feature helps identify which tender was used most or least at each store location.

Different types of filters can also be configured, depending on your requirements. The system will display the records of tender-based sales data only according to the selected filter options. The system will display several fields with detailed information separately for each tender type.

The "Media Detail Sales Report" presents tender-specific sales data for a designated date range and individual store locations. This tool assists in determining the most or least utilized tender at each location. Additionally, various filters can be set up to cater to specific needs. The system will then show records of tender-specific sales data based on the chosen filters, providing several fields of detailed and auto-calculated information for each type of tender.

1. Reaching the "Media Detail Sales Report"

To reach the "Media Detail Sales Report," follow the below steps:
Step 1: Log into Control Center 
Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
Step 3: Choose Reports
Step 4: Choose Sales Reports
Step 5: Choose Media Detail Sales

See Figure 1.1. You will see many types of sales reports that are useful to your retail business. You will see the different types of sales reports by clicking on the Choose Report drop-down selection. You will select "Media Detail Sales."

Figure 1.1

You will initially see the "Report Data is Empty" message. You need to select a date range to check the summarized sales data in the report.

2. Generating the "Media Detail Sales Report"

When you navigate the page, the options are pre-selected by default. You can generate the item returns report for the selected date range.
Figure 2.1


Tender Type: This label shows the type of tender, i.e., cash, debit card or credit card, coupon, etc.  
  1. Date/Time: This column describes the date/time when the transaction with that particular tender happened in the system. 
  2. Location: The name of the store's physical location.
  3. Receipt Number: This column displays the receipt number.
  4. Cashier: This column displays the cashier's employee number.
  5. Cashier Name: This column displays the cashier's name working the shift.
  6. Reg #: This column displays the register number used in the transaction with the selected tender.
  7. Account #: This column displays the customer's account number with any tender type except cash. 
  8. Amount Taken: This column defines the amount accepted for the tender type. Here, as highlighted in Figure 2.1, the tender type is cash.
  9. Change Given: This column displays the change given back to the customer, and this is usually relevant when the tender type is cash.
  10. Net Amount: This column displays the total amount paid in the transaction. 

2.1 Filter By

Figure 2.1.1
  1. Show All: This option will display all the Media Detail Sales Reports generated in the selected date range.
  2. Filter By Tender: This option will display the Media Detail Sales Report per the selected tender generated in the selected date range.
  1. Click on "Manage,and a list of different tenders will be displayed.

Figure 2.1.2

1. You can select more than one tender by ticking the checkbox for the tender type or searching for the tender name.
2. Click the Green Arrow icon to move the selected tenders under the "Selected List."
3. You can remove any selected tender name by clicking the Remove icon or remove all the selected tenders from the list by clicking the "Clear Selection" button.
4. Once the tender(s) selection is done, click the "Apply" button to get the report to display.
After selecting the tender(s) from the filter list, click "Generate Report" to get the tender details in the Media Detail Sales Report, as Figure 2.1 highlights.

2.2 Report Type

Figure 2.2.1
  1. Details for All: This report type is, by default, selected for Media Detail Sales Reports. See Figure 2.2.1 or Figure 2.1 for reference.
  2. Summary for All: This option will display the entire Media Detail Sales Report summary. 

Figure 2.2.2
  1. Summary By Store: Choosing this report type will display the Media Detail Sales Report for the selected store; if the stores are not selected, the report will be displayed for all stores. 

Figure 2.2.3
  1. Group By Register: Choosing this report type will display the Media Detail Sales Report register number (reg #).

Figure 2.2.4
  1. Group By Register and Store: This report type will display the Media Detail Sales Report for the selected store, along with the register numbers and different tender types used. 

Figure 2.2.5

3. Date Range & Preset

You can filter your sales data in the report by selecting the date range and specific times.
By clicking the edit box, you will be taken to a tiny calendar where you can select a specific date range. You can manually enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
See Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2.

Start Date:

Figure 3.1

End Date:

Figure 3.2


The Presets label allows you to select the specific duration/interval for which you want to apply to the report.

Figure 3.3

4. Checkbox Filter

  1. Group By Day: This filter will group the data in the report by day.

Figure 4.1

5. Scheduling a Report

FTx Cloud POS supports report automation. You can configure a report and schedule it. The system will send the scheduled report to the indicated email IDs at the defined frequencies (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.). 

Please refer to Scheduling a Report to learn how to schedule a report.

6. Printing/Exporting a Report 

You can print or export any report according to your requirements. When you use the Print function, the system creates and opens the report's PDF file in a new tab. You can download the soft copy or print the paper copy according to your requirements. 

Please refer to Printing a Report to learn how to print or export a report. 

7. Manage Favorites 

FTx Cloud POS allows quick access to the reports you need to view frequently through Favorite Reports. You can save a report as a favorite and manage all your favorite reports from any of the report screens using the "Manage Favorites" button. 

Please refer to Managing the Favorite Reports to learn how to manage or export a report. 

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