Out Of Stock Report

Out Of Stock Report

Out Of Stock Report Overview

The Out Of Stock Report report type will display the list of those products, which are currently not in stock, as per the database records of the inventory management system. The system will display the records of out of stock products only for the specifically selected date range. The system will also display the PLU (Price Look-Up Unit), the product name, the store name, the total quantity sold to date, and the last date of sale. This article focuses on how to generate a report of items that are out of stock as per various filters.

Reaching the Out Of Stock Report

To reach the Out Of Stock Report, follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Reports
  4. Step 4: Choose Inventory Reports
  5. Step 5: Choose Out Of Stock Reports
See (Figure A). You will see many types of inventory reports that will be useful to any retail business. By clicking the "Choose Report" drop-down selection, you will see the different types of inventory reports.

                                                                             Figure A

By clicking "Out Of Stock Report," you will be redirected to the "Out Of Stock Report" page, where you can see relevant filtering and sorting options.

                                                                              Figure B

1. Generating an Out Of Stock Report                               

To generate the "Out Of Stock Report," follow the steps below. (See Figure B above)
  1. From the "Inventory Report" page, you will see the "Choose Report" drop-down selection.
  2. By clicking the drop-down selection, you will see different types of inventory reports in alphabetical order.
  3. Search for "Out Of Stock Report" from the list and click on it.
The following data gets fetched in tabular format when you click on the "Generate Report" button in the top right corner; the "Out Of Stock" report will be displayed as highlighted in Figure C.

                                                                                       Figure C

The following data is in tabular format and is used to generate the report for items that are "out of stock": 

1. Store: This column displays the location of the store.

2. PLU: PLU is the Price Look-Up Unit and is most commonly used on fresh produce items as opposed to UPC which is usually reserved for packaged products.

3. Item Name: This column displays the list of items that are "Out of stock" and whose "Quantity on Hand (QOH)" is zero.

4. Quantity Sold: This column displays the number of quantities sold of the item (whose name and UPC are mentioned above).

5. Last Sale Date: The column displays the last date of the selling of the item.

2. "Out of Stock" Report Filter options

Now, let's understand the custom filter options to generate the "Out Of Stock" report by setting up specific criteria.

2.1 Save Filter and Custom Filters for "Out of Stock" Items

You can generate the Out Of Stock Report for all store locations with the "Show All" option or a customized report with "Custom Filter." 

Figure D

You will find the two options from the "Filter Items" drop-down selection:
  1. Show All: It considers all the data (criteria) to generate the report. The "Manage" button will be disabled for this option. By default, this option will be pre-selected.
  2. Custom Filter: To customize the items for the report, you need to select the "Custom Filter" option. Once you select it, the "Manage" button will be enabled to set up the filters.

                                                                                 Figure E

2.2 Manage Filter

By clicking the "Manage" button, a "Manage Filters" window will pop up. You will see the following details: (See Figure F)

                                                                                Figure F
  1. You will see the different tabs to filter the items for the item "Out Of Stock" report. You can choose the required filter category.
  2. You can select the saved custom filter from the drop-down selection.
  3. The "Manage Filters" button will open the list of the saved custom filters, as you can see in "DEMO1" adjacent to the "Manage Filter" button.

                                                                  Figure G
  1. Select Filter: You can select any filter from the list to generate the desired Out Of Stock report. Select the filter from the list, and then click on the "Select Filter" button.
  1. Select the "Manage Filter Category," say "Manufacturer," and you will see many options listed below. See (Figure F) above.

2.2.1: Filter Items by Different Categories

Now, let's see how to check the "Out Of Stock" report using different filters.
  1. Manufacturer: If you select "Manufacturer," you will see the manufacturer-specific inventory data in the report of the items that are out of stock.
  1. Department: If you select "Department," you will see a report of items that are out of stock department-wise. The items with the same department will be displayed under the specific department when you generate the "Out Of Stock" items report.
  1. Category: If you select "Category,you will see the product's category-wise inventory data in the report. You can check the inventory data in the report at the category level. You need to select the level from the "Category" drop-down selection. 
  1. Tag: If you select "Tag," you will get the tags-wise inventory data for the group that is entered in the product details. When you select the "Tag,the specific tag group will be enabled. 
  1. Vendor: If you select "Vendor,you will get the vendor-wise inventory data in the group that is entered in the product details. 
  1. The options will find the checkbox along with all the records. You need to select the items from the list and "MOVE" them to the "Selected List" area on the right side. See (Figure H) 
                                                                                    Figure H

1. Selected List: You will have one flag to decide whether you want to "Include" or "Exclude" the selected records when the "Out Of Stock" report is generated.
  1. Include: If the flag is selected as "Include,it means the "Out Of Stock" Report will be generated by applying the selected records. See Figure I above.
  2. Exclude: If the flag is selected to "Exclude,it means the "Out Of Stock" Report will be generated without including the selected records. See Figure I above.
2. Clear Selection: You can remove any record from the list by clicking the "Remove" (x) icon. If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button.

2.2.2 Save Custom Filter

You can also save the configured custom filters for future use. By clicking the "Save Filters" button, a pop-up will appear to allow you to enter the name of the custom filter.

                                                                          Figure I
  1. Click on ON, and then click on "Apply" to apply the filters on the report.

2.3 Date Range

  1. You can filter your sales data in the report between the dates and select a specific time from the Start Date and End Date drop-down calendars.
  1. By clicking the edit box, you will get the tiny calendar to select the specific date range. You can also enter the date manually in mm/dd/yyyy format.
  1. You can also generate a report with a specific time duration (till morning/evening), you can select the particular time (hour and minutes) from the date selection. See Figure J1, Figure J2, and Figure J3.
                                                                    Figure J1

                                                                         Figure J2

2.4 Presets

Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the Out Of Stock Item Report according to the selected time period.

                                                                     Figure J3

2.5 Group By Location

To check the out-of-stock items for a specific location, you can select the location by clicking the "No Filter Selected" button on the top-right side and applying which store locations you want, and then choose "Location" in the "Group by Location" field. See (Figure K)

                                                                      Figure K
  1. None: If any location is not selected, it will display the report for out-of-stock items for every location by default.
  1. Location: If you select "Location," the data in the Out Of Stock report will be displayed location wise (stores) for each store. Once the "Location" specific report is generated, you can check the list of the items that are out of stock. 
  1. Location Group: You can also check the data in the report as per the location groups that are created in "Manage Location Groups" at Locations. If you select the "Location Group," the out-of-stock item data will be displayed in the location group.  
Filter Locations & Location Groups
To check the out-of-stock items for a specific location and/or location group only, you can set up the location filter option by clicking the button (No filter selected) on the top-right side

                                                                      Figure L
  1. Click on No Filter Selected, and you will see options highlighted in Figure M.

                                                                                Figure M
  1. You will see two tabs: "Store" and "Location Group."
  1. You can select the saved custom filter from the drop-down selection. The "Manage Filters" button will open the list of the saved custom filters.
  1. You can see the list of stores (locations) along with the checkbox.
  1. To avoid traversing the long list of stores, you can search by store name by entering the name in the "Search" text box.
  1. You need to select the specific stores by ticking the checkbox. Once you select the stores from the list, click on the green right-sided arrow ("Move" button) to move the store records to the "Selected List" area.

                                                                               Figure N
By clicking the "Move" button, the selected stores will be moved to the "Selected List," which means the report will consider the data of the selected stores.

You can remove any store from the list by clicking the "Remove" (x) icon. If you want to remove the whole selection, click the "Clear Selection" button.

Generating the "Out Of Stock" Report After Applying Filters
  1. Once you apply "Location Filter," it will take you back to the "Out Of Stock" main page.
  2. Then click on "Generate Report" to generate the filtered report.  

                                                                              Figure O
The report highlights the list of items that are out of stock according to the various filters applied.

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