Register Z Report
Reports -> Sales Reports -> Register Z Report
When the cashiers/employees complete their shifts, they must generate and submit the sales details report from POS itself, which is known as "Register Z." They need to generate Register Z before leaving POS to close their shifts. So, every sales transaction during the shift will be reported in Register Z.
About "Register Z Report":
The Register Z Report from the Control Center will show the sales transaction, tenders, cash drawer, adjustments, and department-wise sold items exactly as shown after performing Register Z from the POS. The admin users/managers from the Control Center can check the sales details and transactions by generating the Register Z Report from the Sales Reports.
Generally, many retail businesses follow the structure where one cashier has one shift, and before closing the shift, the cashier needs to perform Register Z from the POS. But in some retail businesses, this scenario could be different. They might have multiple shifts, but Register Z would be performed at the end of the day only. Later on, the cashiers or managers need to perform the Shift/Daily Reconciliation, which depends on the business structure and hierarchy.
In this technical document, you will see:
- How to check/generate the Register Z Report
- How to check the specific Register Z for the specific store and the Register Z number
- How to check the Register Z Report between the date range
- Different statics (Checkboxes) options to check in the report
1. Reaching the Register Z Report
To reach the Register Z Report, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Log into Control Center
Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
Step 3: Choose Reports
Step 4: Choose Sales Reports
Step 5: Choose Report (Type)
Figure 1.1
You will see the list of the different sales report types in alphabetical order. Search for "Register Z Report" and click on it.
By selecting Register Z Report, you will be redirected to the "Register Z Report" page with relevant filter and bifurcation options.
Figure 1.3
2. Generating the Register Z Report
When the cashier is about to close the shifts, he/she needs to generate "Register Z" from the POS for reconciliations. "Register Z" records the sales transactions, tender details, and cash drawer withdrawals/deposits that are performed from the POS during the shift.
Figure 2.1
When you navigate to the "Register Z Report" page, some of the options will be pre-selected by default. You can check shift-wise transactions and payment details by generating the Register Z Report from the Control Center, which is similarly displayed after performing Register Z from the POS.
Figure 2.2
Now, by clicking the "Generate Report" button, Register Z report details will be displayed in different sections. You can check the summarized details of Register Z, such as sales values, tax values, applied coupons, discounts, and adjusted total under the "General" section.
1. Register Number, Reg Z Number, and the selected Store will be displayed as the "Title" of the specific Register Z.
Figure 2.3
2. Different section-wise details will be displayed. By enabling the checkbox, the details will be displayed under the section separately.

- Start Date/Time & End Date/Time
- Start Date: The system records the Register Z starting time when the first item sales transaction occurred after the previously closed Register Z.
- End Date: The system records the Register Z ending time when the cashier/employee performs Register Z from the POS before closing the shift.
- Tax:
- Tax value calculates the total of the tax on sold items and applies excise tax to the items. (Tax= Tax Rate value + Excise Tax value)
3. Custom Filter Options (Report Type)
You can filter the Register Z Report based on these three filter options:
Report Type | Run By Date Range | All Z's in Date Range
3.1 Run By Register Z
When you navigate to the Register Z Report, "Run By Register Z" will be pre-selected by default. You can see the Reg. Z records from the "Z #" drop-down list as per the selection of the "Store" and the "Register #" (Register Number).
Figure 3.1.1
1. Store
You will see the stores (locations) in the "Store" drop-down list that is associated with your account.
Figure 3.1.2
2. Register # (Register Number):
Register numbers are the POS systems at the specific stores. Based on the store selection, the register number record(s) will be populated in the Register # list.
Figure 3.1.3
If you change the store (location), the Register # records will appear accordingly. In the same way, the Register Z records will appear in the Z # drop-down list as per the selection of the Register #.
Figure 3.1.4
So, as per the selection of the store and register number, the Reg. Z records will appear in the Z # drop-down list that was performed at POS by the cashier before closing the shift.
3.2 Run By Date Range
If you want to check the Register Z report between a specific date and time, you need to select the "Run By Date Range" option from the "Report Type" drop-down list.
Figure 3.2.1
By selecting "Run By Date Range," the date selection will be displayed to get the Register Z details between the dates in the report.
By clicking the edit box of the date, you will get a tiny calendar to select the specific date range. You can also manually enter the date as per mm/dd/yyyy format.
Figure 3.2.2
If you want to get Register Z details for the specific time duration (till morning/evening), you can also select the particular time (hour & minutes) from the date selection. After selecting the date and time, click the "Done" button.
After selecting the Start and End Dates, click the "Generate Report" button. You can see the total count of the Register Zs between the dates that are performed by the cashier at POS.
Figure 3.2.3
The header "Total Count" displays the number of Register Zs within the selected date range, and the overall statics of the Register Z will be displayed. You will get the details in the report for all the stores and register numbers that are associated with the account.
By scrolling down, you can check other statics for Register Z in the report.
3.3. Group By:
Figure 3.3.1
- None: This option is selected by default and doesn't affect the report format.
- By Location: If this option is selected, it will group the Register Z report by the selected location(s).
Figure 3.3.2
3.3 All Z's in Date Range
"Run By Date Range" displays overall transaction details for all the Register Zs between the selected dates. If you want to check individual Reg. Z details within a specific date range, select "All Z's in Date Range" from the "Report Type" drop-down list.
Figure 3.3.1
By selecting the "All Z's in Date Range" option and the specific date range, you will get all the Register Z details individually after generating the report. You will get all the Register Z details for all the stores and register numbers within the selected date range.
Figure 3.3.2
1. Total Register Z count between the selected date range.
2. Register Z's details with Reg. Num, Reg. Z, and the Store individually.
3. By scrolling down, another Register Z's details can be seen.
You can also bifurcate and check the specific statics/details of Register Z accordingly by enabling/disabling the "Bifurcation" options provided with checkboxes.
4. Bifurcation (Checkbox) Options
Bifurcation options will display the different statics and transaction details in the report for Register Zs. The details of the selected checkboxes will be displayed separately in the section.
4.1 Register Z Sections
All the checkboxes will be pre-selected by default, but if you disable (remove) all the checkboxes, you will see the following three sections for Register Z in the report:
Register & Store Details | Taxes Details | Z's Included In This Report
1. Register & Store Details
This section will show the general details regarding the shift details and transactions that are performed during that shift.
Figure 4.1.1
2. Taxes
This section will show the applied tax rates on the sales, the tax refund, and the net collected values.
Note: If the "Excise Tax "is applied to the sold items, you can see it in a separate row.3. Z's Included In This Report
This section will show Register Z details when and where they were generated, including employee name and timestamp.
4.2 Show Dept Detail
By enabling the "Show Dept Detail" checkbox and generating the report, you will see the sold items for the specific departments during the shift.
Figure 4.2.1
You will see the "Departments" section individually. Under that, you will see the Dept. Name with Total Retail, Adj Retail, Discounts, Quantity, and Cost in the grid view. In the end, you will get the "Grand Totals" of all the departments.
4.3 Show Cashier Detail
By enabling the "Show Cashier Detail" checkbox and clicking the "Generate Report" button, you will see the physical cash in and out of the cash drawer by the cashiers.
Figure 4.3.1
By generating the report, you will see the "Cashier Info" section individually in the grid view. You need to scroll down to check the "Cashier Info" (Cash Drawer).
Figure 4.3.2
Under the "Cashier Info" section, you will see the details of when the physical cash is moved and/or added and for what purpose.
4.4 Show Tender Detail
By enabling the "Show Tender Detail" checkbox and generating the report, you will see the different modes (forms) of transaction details that are performed during the shift.
You will see the "Tenders" section. Under that, you will see all the different payment modes that occurred to complete the sale.
You will see the "Tender Name" that represents the mode of the transactions, including the applied coupons and the amount details individually. This will help to check which payment medium (tender) is most commonly used by the customers for the sales transaction.
4.5 Show Dept Group
By enabling the "Show Dept Group" checkbox and clicking the "Generate Report" button, you will see the sales details under the "Departments" section separately.
Note: You must have selected the "Show Dept Detail" checkbox to get the Dept. Group-wise sales data in the report.
Figure 4.5.1
By generating the report, you will see the department-wise sales details under the specific department groups.
Figure 4.5.2
So, you can check the sales details with totals for department groups individually.
4.6 Show Pay In/Out Accounts
By enabling the "Show Pay In/Out Accounts" checkbox and generating the report, you can check how much is added or deducted from the cash drawer for some transactions (except item sales).
Figure 4.6.1
You can the account details for Pay In/Out transactions that are performed as Pay In/ Pay Out from the POS. (Other transactions/activities than item sales)
Figure 4.6.2
You can see the Account Number with Name and Pay In/Out amount values in the grid view. So, you can check what amount is added or taken out with the account details.

Accounts for the Pay In/Out are managed from "Maintainance -> Tenders -> Pay In/Out Accounts. You need to select the specific account from the POS Panels in Button Settings for Pay In and Pay Out, respectively.
4.7 Show Account Totals
By enabling the "Show Account Totals" checkbox and generating the report, you will see the cash drawer summary for cash ins/outs that were performed by the cashier.
Figure 4.7.1
Under the "Account Totals (Drawer Summary For Cash)" section, you can see the account-wise breakdowns and their values individually that occurred during the shift.
4.8. Show Tax Exempt Detail
With this filter, if selected, the system will display the general Register Z report as per the report type selected, along with the "tax-exempt" details as highlighted in Figure 4.8.1 below.
Figure 4.8.1

- Auto Z Register Window:
The cashiers need to generate Register Z manually before closing the shift and leave the place when their work time is about to complete. But, from the control center, you can enable the option for auto-generating Register Z even if the cashier forgot from the POS.
For that, you need to navigate to Settings & Panels -> POS -> POS Device Global Settings -> Register Settings. Under "Register Settings," you can enable the "Auto Z Register Window" option by selecting a specific time.