Sales / Inventory / Non-Sellers Report Overview
The Sales / Inventory / Non-Sellers Report will display the sales data and inventory data of non-selling products. All the hybrid data (sales, inventory, and non-selling) will be displayed together in this single report for a specifically entered date range. Different types of filters can also be configured, depending on your requirements. The system will display the UPC and product name, cost and price of each product, QOH of each product, QOH of linked products, sale quantity, last sold timestamp of the product, last invoiced timestamp of the products, date when the product was added to the inventory, and the number of days since a particular product exists in inventory.
1. Reaching the Sales / Inventory / Non-Sellers Report
To reach the Sales / Inventory / Non-Sellers Report, follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Log into Control Center
- Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
- Step 3: Choose Reports
- Step 4: Choose Sales Reports
- Step 5: Choose Sales / Inventory / Non-Sellers
See Figure A. You will see many types of sales reports that will be useful to your retail business. By clicking the drop-down selection, you will see the different types of sales reports.
Figure A
You will see the "Report Data is Empty" message initially. You need to select the date range to check the sales data in the report.
Figure B
2. Generating the Sales / Inventory / Non-Sellers Report
When you navigate to the page, you will see the options pre-selected by default. You can generate the item returns report for the selected date range. See Figure C.
Figure C
- UPC: The name of the product is mentioned here in this column.
- Name: The name of the product is mentioned here in this column.
- Cost Each: This column displays the cost (the price at which the item is bought) of each non-selling product at the store.
- Retail Each: The retail price (the price at which the item is sold) for the product is mentioned in the "Retail Each" column.
- QOH: Here, the quantity on hand of the product that is present at the store is displayed in this column.
- Link QOH: This column will link parent-child items and display the quantity value.
- Sold: This column displays the number of items/units sold in the selected date range at the location store.
- Last Sold: This column displays the last sold date of the item in this column.
- Last Invoice: This column displays the invoice date when the item was purchased from the vendor.
- Date Added: The date added is the first time the inventory record existed for that product in the product inventory table.
- Days in Inventory: This column displays the calculation of the days in inventory since the "date added."
3. Filter Items
- Show All: This option displays the slow-selling items for all the store locations.
- Custom Filter (Manage): This button lets you apply some filters and generate filter-specific reports.
Figure D
By clicking the "Manage" button, a "Manage Filters" window will pop up. You will see the following details highlighted in Figure E.
Figure E
- Department: If you select "Department," you will see a report of items that are displayed department-wise.
- Category: If you select "Category," you will see the product's category-wise sales data in the report. You can check the data in the report at the category level. You need to select the level from the "Category" drop-down selection.
- Manufacturer: If you select "Manufacturer," you will see the manufacturer-specific sales/inventory/non-sellers data in the report.
- Tag: If you select "Tag," you will get the tags-wise sales data for the group that is entered in the product details. When you select the "Tag," the specific tag group will be enabled.
- Department Tag: If you select "Department Tag," you will get the department tag sales data for the group that is entered in the product details.
After selecting and moving the records under the "Selected List." See Figure E.
You can decide whether you want to "include" or "exclude" when the Sales / Inventory / Non-Sellers Report is generated.
See Figure E.
- Include: If the flag is selected to "Include," it means the sales report will be generated by applying the selected records.
- Exclude: If the "Exclude" flag is selected, the sales report will be generated, but the selected records will be ignored. It will consider the selected records that need to be excluded and the left-side records for reports.
4. Store:
This field lets you choose the store name for which you wish to generate the Sales / Inventory / Non-Sellers Report.
See Figure F.
Figure F
5. Date Range & Presets
You can filter your sales data in the report by selecting the date range as well as specific times.
By clicking the edit box, you will be taken to a tiny calendar where you can select a specific date range. You can also manually enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
See Figure G and Figure H.
5.1 Start Date: This field lets you choose the start date of the date range.
Figure G
5.2 End Date: This field lets you choose the end date of the date range.
Figure H
5.3 Presets: The Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the report with that.
Figure I
6. Add to Sales
See Figure H below. There are three categorical filters that would display the Sales/Inventory/Non-Sellers Report differently. 
Figure J
6.1: All Departments:
The department is to classify the products into specific tax groups, age restrictions, and other such options.
If the "All Departments" option is chosen from the drop-down option, the report will display the product from all the departments, irrespective of the "Add to Sales" flag in the Department of Products module.
Figure K
For all departments, the report will be shown in Figure L.
Figure L
6.2 Only Add to Sales:
As highlighted in Figure, if the "Add to Sales" flag is turned ON while assigning a department to a product, the report will display only those items for which the "added to the sales" flag is on.
Figure M
6.3 Not Added to Sales
As highlighted in Figure I, if the "Add to Sales" flag is turned OFF while assigning a department to a product, the report will display only those items for which the "added to the sales" flag is off.
Figure N
7. Checkbox Filter:
- Only Items Qty-on-Hand <> 0
This checkbox filter, when applied, will display the records that have quantity-on-hand not equal to zero.
Figure O