Sales Trend/Comparison Report

Sales Trend/Comparison Report

Sales Trend/Comparison Report 

The "Sales Trend/Comparison Report" is a compilation of multiple reports in one, showing different trends and plots based on quantity sold, dollar value sold, and profit made on items in a specific date range. It uses customer data to create predictions about customers' future buying habits and preferences. 

1. Reaching the "Sales Trend/Comparison Report"

To reach the "Sales Trend/Comparison Report," follow the below steps:
  1. Step 1: Log into Control Center
  2. Step 2: Choose Point of Sale
  3. Step 3: Choose Reports
  4. Step 4: Choose Sales Reports
  5. Step 5: Choose Sales Trend/Comparison    
See Figure 1.1. You will see many types of sales reports that will be useful to your retail business. By clicking the "Choose Report" drop-down selection, you will see the different types of sales reports. Next, click on "Sales Trend/Comparison.

Figure 1.1

By clicking "Sales Trend/Comparison," you will be redirected to the Sales Trend/Comparison page with relevant filtering and sorting options.

Figure 1.2

You will see the "Report Data is Empty" message initially. You need to select the date range to check the summarized sales data in the report.

2. Generating the "Sales Trend/Comparison Report"

When you navigate to the page, you will see the options pre-selected by default. You can generate the "Sales Trend/Comparison Report" for the selected date range.

Report Type:
  1. Sales Trends: If you select this option, the sales trend that happened in the date range is displayed in the report.

Figure 2.1
  1. UPC: This is the Universal Product Code for the item.
  2. Description: This column describes the item.
  3. QTY Sold: The quantity of the items that were sold in the selected date range is mentioned in this column.
  4. Total Cost: This column displays the total cost, i.e., the price at which they were bought.
  5. Total Retail: Here, the total retail, i.e., the total price of the items at which they are sold at the store.
  6. Total Profit: The profit value is calculated as Total Profit = Total Retail – Cost of Items Sold.
Report Type:
  1. Sales Comparison: If you select the sales comparison option, it will display the sales comparison daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, depending on the value of "Select Period to Capture."

Figure 2.2

Since the option selected in "Select Period to Capture" is "Days," Figure 2.2 displays the report in the Days format.

  1. Name: With this filter in use, it will show "All Items," which are items sold on that day, so that the total sales value can be calculated properly.
  2. Week Day 1-Week Day 2: This whole row will display the sales number date-wise or per day.
  3. Total: This column will display the Total Sales Value of the selected date range, which in this case is 1 month.

3. Filter By

This filter determines the Y-axis of the sales trends.
  1. Manufacturer Trends by Qty Sold: This option will compile the manufacturer trends by item Quantity Sold in the report.

Figure 3.1
  1. Manufacturer Trends by Amount Sold: This option will compile the manufacturer trends by the amount sold.

Figure 3.2
  1. Department Trends by Profit: This option will include the trends in the report based on the profits earned. 

Figure 3.3

4. Select Trend Axis

The trend axis sets the Y-axis of the sales trends. It will display the day/week/month only if sales have been made on that particular day/week/month.
  1. Plot by Day: Selecting this option will lay out the sale trend's X-axis day-wise.

Figure 4.1
  1. Plot by Week: Selecting this option will lay out the sale trend's X-axis week-wise.

Figure 4.2
  1. Plot by Month: Choosing this option will lay out the sale trend's X-axis month-wise.

Figure 4.3

5. Date Range and Presets

For reports to be displayed for a definite period, you have to select the date range from the Start Date and End Date.
The Presets label is provided to select the specific duration/interval to generate the report with that.

This filter is used to fetch the report for the selected date range or time period.

Figure 5.1

6. Include In Sales Reporting

See Figure 6.1 below. There are three categorical filters that would display the report differently.  

 Figure 6.1                                                                  
  1. All Departments: When selected, this will include all departments in the system, whether or not they are flagged to be included in the sales reporting or not.

Figure 6.2
For all Departments, the report will be shown as highlighted in Figure 1.2 above.
  1. Include In Sales Reporting

Figure 6.3
As highlighted in Figure 6.2, if the "Include In Sales Reporting" flag is turned ON while assigning a department to a product, the report will display only those items for which the "Include In Sales Reporting" flag is on.
  1. Not Include In Sales Reporting

Figure 6.4
As highlighted in Figure 6.2, if the "Include In Sales Reporting" flag is turned OFF while assigning a department to a product, the report will display only those items for which the "Include In Sales Reporting" flag is off.

7. Vendor Name:

This field has a drop-down menu with the vendor's name attached. Select the vendor's name for the Sales Trends/Comparison Report to display. See Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1

If you have selected a particular vendor, the report will be displayed for that particular vendor. See Figure 7.2.

Figure 7.2                            
For "All Vendor," it will display the report for all the vendors. See Figure 2.1 above. 

8. Scheduling a Report

FTx Cloud POS supports report automation. You can configure a report and schedule it. The system will send the scheduled report to the indicated email IDs at the defined frequencies (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.). 

Please refer to Scheduling a Report to learn how to schedule a report.

9. Printing/Exporting a Report 

You can print or export any report according to your requirements. When you use the Print function, the system creates and opens the report's PDF file in a new tab. You can download the soft copy or print the paper copy according to your requirements. 

Please refer to Printing a Report to learn how to print or export a report. 

10. Manage Favorites 

FTx Cloud POS allows quick access to the reports you need to view frequently through Favorite Reports. You can save a report as a favorite and manage all your favorite reports from any of the report screens using the "Manage Favorites" button. 

Please refer to Managing the Favorite Reports to learn how to manage or export a report. 

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